zum Viadrina-Logbuch (2022-2024)

„Mein Besuch an der Europa-Universität Viadrina war aus wissenschaftlicher Sicht eine großartige Erfahrung.“

Dr. José U. Mora Mora, Wirtschaftswissenschaftler der Pontificia Universidad Javeriana im kolumbianischen Cali, unterrichtete im Sommersemester 2018 ein Blockseminar im Bachelor-Studiengang International Business Administration. Für das Viadrina-Logbuch blickt er auf seine Zeit an der Europa-Uni zurück.

„My visit to European University Viadrina was a great experience in academic terms. During my stay I taught the undergraduate course 'Doing Business in Latin America'. The subject of the course was on the Venezuelan crisis. Having the opportunity to share my experience, first as a researcher and second as a Venezuelan citizen, with young students from different countries allows you to think more broadly. So, I tried to connect with them explaining the political and economic history of Venezuela, presenting what I think have been the causes of this crisis, and discussing which might be the consequences not only for Venezuela but also for other countries. This was a real challenge. I tried to avoid being biased and tried to present the facts as they are, so students could learn by themselves and arrive at their own conclusions on this matter. However, it was not an easy task. I hope they understood what I really meant. The problems you study and teach are no longer your problems, but also theirs and this makes you search for ways to connect with them.

This exchange program is a great opportunity for scholars like me; however, I think that the students benefitted the most. They have to learn from different cultures, backgrounds, and experiences that not only their professors bring to class but also their classmates.

It is important to mention that people like Ingo Trenkmann from the IBA program, Alexander Grimm, from the Spanish Department, and Claudia Casiano-Perez, and the staff from the International Affairs Office, all of them, contributed so my stay at Viadrina was an excellent experience. I hope I have this great opportunity in the future at Viadrina again.”

Dr. José U. Mora Mora ist einer von durchschnittlich vier internationalen Gastdozierenden, die an der Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät im Jahr unterrichten. Neben der Universität in Cali entsendet auch die Nationale Universität Córdoba in Argentinien regelmäßig Lehrende an die Europa-Universität. Die Aufenthalte der Gastwissenschaftlerinnen und Gastwissenschaftler werden gefördert durch den Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienst (DAAD). (José U. Mora Mora / LW)


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