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Re-thinking the Efficacy of International Climate Agreements Post COP15

RECAP15 International Conference

 Globus ©CO2 Bilanz Vegetation

Recommendations for COP21 (Paris 2015)

Given the continuing failure of international climate negotiations, climate policy must break new ground. This requires a departure from over-ambitious climate protection goals and the ideal of a global agreement towards a bottom-up-based extension of global climate protection. A prerequisite for this is a confidence-building climate policy framework that secures the success of the unilateral efforts and at the same time convinces developing countries for climate protection.

  • From the „Copenhagen Syndrome“ to climate realpolitik
  • How to shield the EU’s first-mover position in climate policy?
  • Is climate adaptation counterproductive for climate protection?
  • Satellite-based monitoring for building trust


Conference Programme (Draft)


City Map


  1. Michael Finus - Climate Coalitions in a mitigation-adaptation game
  2. Wolfgang Buchholz, Wolfgang Peters - Challenges and risks of being the first mover
  3. Ulrike Will - Design of border adjustments for the EU ETS
  4. Roland Ismer - Inclusion of consumption in EU ETS
  5. Aneta Ufert - Reciprocity and cost-sharing as instruments to promote multilateral climate protection
  6. Patrick Vetter - Spatio-temporal statistical analysis of the global carbon cycle
  7. Joachim Schleich - Citizens’ perceptions of justice in international climate policy and voluntary contributions to climate-friendly activities
  8. Carsten Helm - Climate cooperation with technology investments and border carbon adjustments
  9. Heike Auerswald - Strategic climate policy and risk-taking
  10. Anna Topp - Adaptation and investments as commitment devices in climate politics
  11. Alexander Haupt - Adaptation versus Mitigation: Some Policy Implication