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Viadrina Institute for European Studies (IFES)

Workshop Understanding EU legitimacy - Program

Understanding EU legitimacy: Cross-disciplinary approaches to the study of the European Union

Hybrid Workshop, September 8-9, 2021
Europa-Universität Frankfurt (Oder), LH 101/102

Organized by Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) and Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt.

Supported by the Fritz-Thyssen-Foundation.

PDF program

September 8, 2021

Welcome from the director of the Institute for European Studies of the Viadrina University, Timm Beichelt and Estela Schindel

Welcome from the Organizers and Introduction to the Workshop, Paweł Lewicki (Frankfurt (Oder)) and Alexandra Schwell (Klagenfurt)

Session 1: Legitimation, discourses and policy fields
Chair: Alexandra Schwell (Klagenfurt)

  • Christiane Barnickel (Berlin): Understandings of EU legitimacy: Bridging the normative vs empirical divide
  • Amelie Kutter (Frankfurt (Oder)): Legitimation in postnational settings: a discursive political sociology perspective
  • Andrea Zeller (Koblenz-Landau): Measuring democratic legitimacy in multilevel-governance

Lunch break

Session 2: Anthropology of EU policies
Chair: Estela Schindel (Frankfurt (Oder))

  • Bernd Kasparek (Göttingen): The legitimacy of European Agencies. The case of Frontex
  • Tom Widger (Durham): Pesticide regulation, consensus failures, and challenges to EU legitimacy: The glyphosate controversy

Session 3: Approaches to EU institutions
Chair: Jürgen Neyer (Frankfurt (Oder))

  • Mascha Gugganig (Ottawa): From organic farming, to agroecology, to digitization: uniting divergent approaches in EU policy imaginaries of sustainable agriculture
  • Didier Georgakakis (Paris): The ruse of charismatic authority and the paradox of the EU legitimation

Joint Dinner

September 9, 2021

Keynote + Discussion: Christopher James Lord (Oslo), From consent to obligation. Rethinking the indirect legitimation of the EU by member state democracies
Chair: Guido Tiemann (Klagenfurt)

Session 4: Encounters with Eurocrats
Chair: Paweł Lewicki (Frankfurt (Oder))

  • Tatiana Bajuk Senčar (Ljubljana): Locating processes of legitimation
  • Claske Vos/Jamal Shahin (Amsterdam): Building bridges to the Brussels Bubble: Student encounters with the complexities of the EU

Lunch break

Keynote + Discussion: Jan Kubik (New Brunswick/London), Remarks on the populist legitimation of power: mythologization run amok
Chair: Timm Beichelt (Frankfurt (Oder))

Final Session

Concluding remarks, Paweł Lewicki and Alexandra Schwell
Final discussion and further plans

To attend the workshop, please register via email to until Sunday, 5 September 2021. Please indicate whether you will join us in person or via Zoom.