Viadrina Institute for European Studies (IFES)
Winter Term 2019/20
Europe and Critique - Polish Perspectives
Tuesday, biweekly, 4-6 pm (c.t.), LH 101/102
Start: 15 October 2019
The IFES Colloquium on Cultural Studies is primarily devoted to the topic of "Europe and Critique". In this semester, critical positions in European research will be questioned, in particular using Poland as an example. Which research approaches in and about the neighbouring country can be made fruitful and how do they contribute to critical European research? To what extent does Poland, as a cultural and social space, offer an opportunity to develop and update alternative epistemic approaches to Europe?
Wednesday, 16 October 2019, GD 102 (Attention! Diverging place and day of the week)
Semester opening: „The Borderline Project“
Polnische Grenzregionen und die "vergessenen Europas"
Vernissage with Karolina Golimowska (BORDERLINE-Team Szczecin) and Paweł Lewicki (EUV).
Followed by reception.
Joint event by IFES and the Viadrina Center B/Orders in Motion.
Click here to read the article of the Viadrina Logbuch about the opening event of the exhibition (in German).
Tuesday, 29 October 2019
The German Polish Interzone: Cultural Policy, Cultural Borders, Cultural Bridges
Randall Halle (University of Pittsburgh)
Tuesday, 12 November 2019
European Borderlands and Topographies of Transnational and Academic Feminism
Book presentation: Borderlands in European Gender Studies. Beyond the East–West Frontier
Teresa Kulawik (Södertörn University, Stockholm)
Tuesday, 26 November 2019
Der Hitler-Stalin-Pakt und seine Auswirkungen auf Polen
Book presentatio: Der Pakt - Stalin, Hitler und die Geschichte einer mörderischen Allianz
In conversation with Krzysztof Ruchniewicz (University of Wrocław).
Claudia Weber (EUV)
Joint event by IFES and the Viadrina Center B/Orders in Motion.
Tuesday, 3 December 2019 (Attention! Diverging weekly rotation)
Closing event: „The Borderline Project“
Polen heute: Grenzziehungen, Spannungen, Brüche
Film screening "Know Origins" by Antinea Radomska.
Followed by panel discussion with Dagmara Jajeśniak-Quask (ZIP/EUV) and Jarosław Jańczak (AMU/EUV).
Joint event by IFES and the Viadrina Center B/Orders in Motion.
Tuesday, 10 December 2019
Katholische Frauenbewegung in Polen? Zum Wandel der Geschlechterverhältnisse in der katholischen Kirche in Polen nach 1989
Book presentation with writer Joanna Staskiewicz in conversation with Bożena Chołuj (EUV) und Anja Hennig (Staatskanzlei Brandenburg).
Click here to read the article of the Viadrina Logbuch about the publication talk (in German).
Tuesday, 7 January 2020
Poland and the EU: Insights from the energy and climate policy
With Andrzej Ancygier (Climate Analytics/NYU Berlin)
Concept and organization: Claire Gauthier (EUV) and Paweł Lewicki (EUV).
In cooperation with the Kelso Professorship.
Tuesday, 28 January 2020
The 'spectral turn'. Jewish Ghosts in the Polish Post-Holocaust Imaginaire.
Book presentation with the author Zuzanna Dziuban (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna) in conversation with Aleida Assmann (University of Constance) and Annette Werberger (Chair of Eastern European Literature, EUV).
Facilitation: Estela Schindel (IFES)
6-8 pm, HG 109 (Senatssaal)
Die Wiedererfindung der Nation: Erinnerung, Identität, Emotionen.
Keynote Lecture by Prof. Dr. h.c. Aleida Assmann (University of Konstanz)
Greeting: Julia von Blumenthal, president of the Viadrina
Facilitation: Timm Beichelt, Chair of European Studies / IFES
The lecture was hold in German and can be seen in a video recording on the Viadrina media portal. A report about the event can be read on the "Viadrina Logbuch" (in German as well).
The lecture will be postponed to the summer term 2020.
Tuesday, 4 February 2020
Zeit-Schriften der Moderne. Zeitkonstruktion und temporale Selbstverortung in der polnischen Presse (1880–1914)
Book presentation
Clara Frystacka (EUV)
Monday, 27 January 2020
11.30am - 1pm, Senatssaal (HG 109)
Günter Verheugen:
Die Bedeutung des Brexit für die Politik in Europa
In Hinblick auf den bevorstehenden Brexit am 31. Januar 2020 hält Günter Verheugen (Viadrina-Honorarprofessor und ehemaliger Vizepräsident der Europäischen Kommission) im Rahmen der Europa-Vorlesung von Prof. Timm Beichelt einen Vortrag über die Bedeutung des Brexit für die Politik in Europa.
The lecture will be held in German language.