Viadrina Institute for European Studies (IFES)
Winter Term 2020/21
The IFES research seminar on next winter term will combine a series of lectures by guest scholars with the presentation of publications of our institute members appeared in 2020. We are glad to count on a disciplinary and empirical variety of approaches towards European Studies this semester and welcome interested participants to the meetings.
3 November 2020
(Update: The lecture will only take place online. Please register at, we will send out the link via email just before the event.)
Oksana Mikheieva
Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv/DAAD
Ordinary people under extreme conditions: War and displacement in contemporary Ukraine
17 November 2020
(Please note: This meeting takes place online at 6 p.m. The panel discussion will be held in German)
German-Polish project kick-off:
Public History and the Crisis of Liberal Democracy - Regional Perspectives #1: (NS) memorials as arenas of memorial-political interests
Panel discussion (in German) with
Krzysztof Ruchniewicz, Willy-Brandt Center Wroclaw
Jörg Hackmann, University of Szczecin
Andrea Genest, KZ-memorial Ravensbrück
Axel Drecoll, director of the foundation Brandenburg Memorials
Academic project management and moderation: Anja Hennig (EUV/IFES)
The event was recorded and is available for watching on the Viadrina Media Portal.
1 December 2020
Book presentation (in German)
The editors Timm Beichelt, Clara Frysztacka, Claudia Weber and Susann Worschech (EUV/IFES) are presenting their publication Ambivalenzen der Europäisierung (Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart, 2020). The book presentation will be held in German.
The event was recorded and is available for watching on the Viadrina Media Portal.
15 December 2020
(Please note: This meeting takes place at 6.15 pm.)
Book presentation
Together with Vivien Schmidt (Boston University) and Nicolas Hubé (University of Lorraine), Amelie Kutter (EUV/IFES) is presenting her publication A Legitimation in the European Union. A Discourse- and Field-Theoretical View (Palgrave 2020).
12 January 2021
Randall Halle
University of Pittsburgh/guest researcher IFES
Promoting Europe: From Films and Newsreels to Streaming Media 1945-2020
26 January 2021
Antonio Carbone
Deutsches Historisches Institut Rom/guest researcher IFES
Visionen vom europäischen Süden: die Selbstverortung Italiens in der Nachkriegszeit.
The lecture will be held in German.
The event was recorded and is available for watching on the Viadrina Media Portal.
9 February 2021
Book presentation
Co-editor Anja Hennig (EUV/IFES) will present the newly published collective volume "Religion and Illiberal Politics: Concepts, Actors, Identity Narratives" (campus Verlag). Michael Minkenberg (Professor for Comparative Politics, EUV) and Marian Burchardt (University of Leipzig) will discuss the volume and situate it within current resarch contexts in political science and sociology of religion.
The event was recorded and is available for watching on the Viadrina Media Portal.
10 February 2021
(Please note: this lecture takes place on a Wednesday, 4.15-5.45pm)
Bernd Kasparek
University of Göttingen/Netzwerk Kritische Migrations- und Grenzregimeforschung (KritNet)
Europäische Grenze oder Grenze der Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Union? Zur Europäisierung des Grenzschutzes durch die Agentur Frontex
The lecture will be held in German.
Please register via email to (Zoom is used for the event. The privacy policy of Zoom ( applies. By registering, you agree to the use of Zoom; please write your consent again explicitly when registering.)
In cooperation with the Research Factory of the Viadrina Center B/ORDERS IN MOTION.
The event was recorded and is available for watching on the Viadrina Media Portal.
Thursday, 18 February 2021
4.00-6.00 pm
Panel Discussion
Europe/s across Afro-Asian Contexts: Translocal Cosmopolitanism/s in the Cold-War
Panel Discussion with:
Joachim Küpper (FU Berlin)
Harry Liebersohn (University of Illinois, Urbana-Campaign)
Leona Toker (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Milinda Banerjee (University of St. Andrews)
The event will be facilitated by Gautam Chakrabarti (EUV), with words of welcome from Annette Werberger.
The event was recorded and is available for watching on the Viadrina Media Portal.
Tuesday, 23 March 2021
5.00 pm
Book presentation and discussion
Poland and Germany in the European Union. The Multi-dimensional Dynamics of Bilateral Relations
The editors Elżbieta Opiłowska (Guest lecturer IFES/EUV / University Wrocław) and Monika Sus (PAN Warsaw/Hertie School) will present the book "Poland and Germany in the European Union: The Multi-dimensional Dynamics of Bilateral Relations" (Routledge Advances in European Politics, 2021), together with the authors Andrzej Ceglarz (Technische Universität München) and Anna Steinkamp (ZIP/EUV).
The book is the result of the research project „Poland and Germany in the European Union - new forms and models of bilateral relations in foreign affairs and security politics and cross-border cooperations“. It was directed by Elżbieta Opiłowska and Monika Sus and funded by the German-Polish Science Foundation (Deutsch-Polnische Wissenschaftsstiftung).
Facilitation: Anja Hennig (IFES/EUV)
Comment: Sören Bollmann (Frankfurt-Słubice Kooperationszentrum)
The event was recorded and is available for watching on the Viadrina Media Portal.