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Viadrina Compliance Center


Registration for this event is available here: registration form 

14th Global Governance & Compliance Forum 
9-SEP-2024 | Lisbon | Portugal


Grand Opening

Eng. Carlos Moedas
Mayor of Lisbon (TBC)

Prof. Dr. Pedro Trovão do Rosário
Director, Depertament of Law, Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, Portugal

Prof. Dr. Bartosz Makowicz
Viadrina Compliance Center, European-University Viadrina Frankfurt(Oder), Germany

Dr. Klaus Moosmayer
Member of the Executive Committee and Chief Ethics, Risk and Compliance Officer and Board Member at Novartis, Switzerland


Panel 1: Post-Pandemic, Wars and Conflicts > Why Compliance & Integrity Matters Now More Than Ever?

Prof. Dr. Peter Fissenewert
Legal Expert Risk Management and Compliance, Partner at BUSE, Germany

Dr. Klaus Moosmayer
Member of the Executive Committee and Chief Ethics, Risk and Compliance Officer and Board Member at Novartis, Switzerland

Dr. Kyrill Farbmann
Compliance Director, McDonalds, Belgium

Prof. Dra. Margarida Mano
President of TI Portuguese Chapter, Vice-Dean of Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Portugal

Panel ChairProf. Dr. Alexandre Miguel Mestre
Lawyer, Professor, Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, Portugal

11.00-11.30Coffee Break


Panel 2: AML and Other Challenging Compliance Risks

Dra. Isabel Nascimento
Prosecutor at DCIAP, AML Section, Portugal

Magdalena Sobon-Stasiak
Compliance Officer, ArcelorMittal, Poland

Pedro Costa
Partner, Risk Consulting, Forensic, KPMG Portugal

Dr. Uta Zentes
Head of Compliance, Federal Republic of Germany - Finance Agency, Germany

12.40-13.30Lunch Break
Pierre-Antoine Badoz
Chief Compliance Officer at Orange, France


Panel 3: Modern Concepts in Organizations > Compliance, Sustainability Reporting, ESG in One Integrated Approach

João Queirós Lino
Engineer, CEO of Oceantia, Portugal

João Madeira
Partner, Risk Consulting, Forensic, KPMG Portugal

Ulrich Hagel
Chief Compliance & Security Officer, Bombardier Transportation, Germany

Pierre-Antoine Badoz
Chief Compliance Officer at Orange, France

Panel Chair: Prof. Dr. Sonja Wüstemann
European-University Viadrina Frankfurt(Oder), Germany



Panel 4: Whistleblowing And Internal Investigations – Key Elements of Compliance Management Around The Globe

Anna Różalska
Head of Compliance Poland, Siemens Healthineers, Poland

Prof. Dr. Wim Vandekerckh
Professor of Business EthicsProfessor of Business Ethics EDHEC Business School, France

Carlos Lelo Filipe
Director Compliance & MLRO | Leonteq Securities (Europe) GmbH - Sucursal em Portugal

Panel Chair: Dr. Manuel Soares
Judge, former President of the Portuguese Judges Union, Portugal

17.00-17.15Closing Remarks
17.30-OPENFinger Food and Reception

Registration for this event is available here: registration form 

Many thanks to partners and supporters:

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