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Current issues and events

Please note the change of Open Consultation hours on 
- 26.06.2024 10-11am (instead of 10am-12pm)
- 27.06.-18.07.2024 no Open Consultation and counselling appointments during this time (in case of urgent matters please kontact

If you have any questions regarding the application for disabiliy compensation or study adaptions due to health impairments, please contact the Counsellung Service in good time. 

Deadline for applying for examination adjustment arrangements due to health impairments at the Language Center :
If you would like to apply for examination adjustment arrangements (“Nachteilsausgleich”) due to disability or chronic illness, please contact the Counselling Service for Students with Health Impairments in good time for advice. The counselling service will inform you about the necessary requirements and steps for an official application with the examination board of the Language Center. In order to implement the requested adjustment arrangements, applications need to be complete, i.e. including the necessary certificate by a medical specialist. Complete applications for examination adjustments must be made two weeks before an examination at the latest. Applications after this deadline may not be processed in time. 

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Studying with Health Impairments?

The Counselling Service for Students with Health Impairments provides everyday support for potential students and existing students with chronic health issues or disabilities. The Counselling Service is committed to equality of opportunities and is here to answer all your questions regarding access at Viadrina, help to overcome disadvantages in your studies and many other topics.

Make use of the open hours or you can make a personal appointment.​​

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