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Central Student Advisory Service

Please note the change of Open Office hours as follows:
- 27.06.2024 no Open Office Hours on this day
- 04.07., 11.07. and 18.07.2024 Open Office Hours in AM 109

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Do you have any questions about studying at the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)? Are you seeking support in your personal decision making? Do you need help in planning and designing your course or are you having difficulties with your studies?

The Central Student Advisory Service is here to help you with all your questions about your studies and more. Let us help you find your way through the university jungle! Whether you are planning to study, are at the beginning or in the middle of your studies, we will be pleased to inform and advise you about a wide array of topics such as choice of course, finances, changing course and much more. We help you to find personal solutions and give concrete advice.

The Central Student Advisory Service respects your confidentiality, is client focused, unprejudiced and free of charge to you. We are also happy to inform you about other counseling possibilities and contact persons.

During the winter semester we offer specific workshops with topics like "decision-making support" or even "diversity", held mostly in German. Find out more about our workshops.

Advisory and counselling appointments and office hours

If you have a question about these or other topics, you are welcome to contact us. Of course, it is also possible to make an appointment for personal counselling but only by telephone due to the pandemic:

+49 (0) 335 5534 4444


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