Viadrina Center of Polish and Ukrainian Studies



Founded in July 2023, the Viadrina Center of Polish and Ukrainian Studies (VCPU) merges the Center for Interdisciplinary Polish Studies and the Chair for Entangled History of Ukraine into a new research institution at the European University Viadrina. The VCPU focuses on interdisciplinary research on Polish and Ukrainian history and the present day, as well as on the transfer of science-based and up-to-date knowledge about Poland and Ukraine to the public.

Interdisciplinary conferences, workshops, open lectures, summer academies, research trips as well as university lectures and seminars by the VCPU’s academic staff and international guest researchers, several publication series, an academic blog and a YouTube channel stimulate research on Poland and Ukraine and underline the special role of the Viadrina as a place of European intellectual exchange.

Viadrina Center of Polish and Ukrainian Studies

Visitor address

Große Scharrnstraße 23a
DE 15230 Frankfurt (Oder)
Räume 301-311



Was aus vergangenen Modernisierungen gelernt werden kann

Welche Potenziale für künftige Transformationen ergeben sich aus der Geschichte der DDR und der Volksrepublik Polen? Um diese Frage kreiste eine Diskussion am 20. März 2024, zu dem der Forschungsverbund „Mod-Block-DDR“ eingeladen hatte.

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Dnipro – History, Culture, Society in the Historical Rathaus Cologne

On May 3, 2024, the Cologne Historical Rathaus hosted a German-language public event “Dnipro - History, Culture, Society,” dedicated to the establishment of a strategic partnership between the cities of Cologne and Dnipro. Westphalia. Prof. Andrii Portnov's opening speech briefly presented the history of the city of Dnipro and his monograph “Dnipro. An Entangled History of a European City” (Boston, 2022).

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Joachim Gauck_© J.Denzel-S.Kugler.3x

Video: Joachim Gauck präsentiert sein Buch „Erschütterungen: Was unsere Demokratie von außen und innen bedroht“

Buchvorstellung im Rahmen des Jerzy-Giedroyc-Kolloquium des Viadrina Centre of Polish and Ukrainian Studies am 15. April 2024.

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Masterarbeit gibt Anlass für Konferenz

Eine Konferenz rund um die eigene Masterarbeit – diese Ehre wurde am 18. April 2024 Viadrina-Absolvent Daniel Sadecki zu Teil. Im November 2023 hatte er für seinen Vergleich der Ansiedlungspolitik in den Doppelstädten Frankfurt (Oder) - Słubice und Guben - Gubin den Viadrina Oscar verliehen bekommen. Nun wurden seine Thesen auf Einladung des Viadrina Center of Polish an Ukrainian Studies (VCPU) und der Frankfurter Netzwerkstatt im Logensaal besprochen.

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Monday 18.15

Basil Kerski: Europäische Visionäre. Jerzy Giedroyc` und Bohdan Osadczuks Ideen und Initiativen neuer deutsch-polnisch-ukrainischer Partnerschaft/Nachbarschaft

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Monday 18.15

Jagoda Wierzejska: Artistic Forms of Shaping Ukrainian National Identity: The Case of Leon Getz

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Monday 18.15

Dominika Blachnicka-Ciacek & Ivan Kozachenko: Ukrainian Diasporas Re-Imagined: Tracing the Impacts of War, Mobilisation, and Digital Revolution

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Monday 18.15

Frank Grelka: Jüdische Zwangsarbeit in Wasserwirtschaftslagern des Generalgouvernements

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Research | Teaching | Transfer


The research carried out at the Viadrina Center of Polish and Ukrainian Studies is dedicated to Poland and Ukraine in a broad transregional context, considering the close entanglements – commonalities as well as conflicts – in this multi-layered contact zone. Recognizing the cultural and political agency of Poland and Ukraine, we treat our research as an integrative endeavor with a strategic interdisciplinary focus.

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In line with its research focus, the Viadrina Center of Polish and Ukrainian Studies pursues the strategy of integrating Polish, Ukrainian, as well as Central and Eastern European studies into as many courses at the Viadrina as possible. For this reason, courses are generally offered in English and German, together with a number of seminars in Polish and Ukrainian, and are aimed at students from all three faculties at all levels of qualification – BA, MA and PhD.

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We want to share the results of our enquiries with the public. Scientifically based, trustworthy knowledge and information, especially about the complex situations and conditions in Central and Eastern Europe, are urgently needed in Germany. In order to transfer the findings of the Viadrina Center of Polish and Ukrainian Studies projects into an enlightened public debate, we will further develop our existing formats.

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