Kindergarten and Crèche

German state guarantees crèche/kindergarten places for every child over one year of age. If you adequately document the the need to place your child in a childcare institution (e.g. due to your academic work), your children may attend the crèche/kindergarten already with eight weeks of age. Frankfurt/Oder provides with a sufficient number of pre-school slots for children between eight weeks and the beginning of their school education. Additionally, Viadrina cooperates closely with the kindergarten, FRÖBEL Oderknirpse. Placing a child in a care facility in Berlin can prove more difficult, so it is advisable to look for a spot well in advance.
To get a slot in a crèche/kindergarten in Frankfurt/Oder or Berlin you need to be in a possession of a residence permit (registration in the respective city hall). You will have to prove the need of daycare In the local Youth Welfare Office (germ. Jugendamt) and request an estimation of how many hours of daycare your child is entitled to (germ. Kitagutschein). Depending on your professional activity your child shall be assigned a daycare in duration of four to nine hours. The cost of daycare slots in Frankfurt and Berlin depends on your family income and on the number of daycare hours. Children’s meals are additional costs. If you are interested in finding a slot in a kindergarten in Frankfurt/Oder or in Berlin, please contact Family Representative.