

graefin-doenhoff-gebaeude fenster, Blick von außen


In addition to research and teaching, Viadrina regards transfer as its third central field of activity ("third mission"). It endeavours to transfer scientific knowledge to business, politics, the media and civil society in a way that is appropriate to the target audience, offers scientific advice and cooperates with actors outside the scientific community on a project-related basis. With a dialogue and discourse-oriented transfer strategy, it strives for the social effectiveness of scientific findings and the feedback of current social issues, impulses and needs into science.

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Schriftzug neugierig

Science communication

Viadrina translates and communicates scientific findings to various non-university target groups through a wide range of science communication activities. It promotes the exchange and application of knowledge and innovation and uses dialogue-based and collaborative formats of public communication to not only enable citizens to participate in scientifically generated knowledge, but also to actively involve them in knowledge processes wherever possible.

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bei Pressekonferenz mitschreiben

Scientific counselling and practical projects

Knowledge transfer into politics, business and public institutions is one of Viadrina's strengths. This includes specific consultations, expert opinions, expertises and joint projects, particularly on topics such as transformation, Europe, borders, migration and conflict resolution. To this end, domain-specific expertise is networked within the Viadrina and mobilised for active transfer. The relevant competences are continuously developed and the exchange with actors from other areas of society is constantly strengthened. A special transfer catalogue lists professors and academic institutions at Viadrina that conduct business-relevant research.

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infowand, Blick auf die Infowand

Service facilities

Viadrina maintains a number of service facilities to further develop its transfer and innovation processes. They help Viadrina members to organise their transfer activities in an addressee-oriented way and to use them in a targeted manner. At the same time, they offer external interested parties and partners points of contact for information exchange and co-operative projects.

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