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University Leadership

Studenten im Hörsaal (3) ©Heide Fest

The President

The President manages the university and is its official spokesperson. Prof. Dr. Eduard Mühle is Viadrina's President.


The Chancellor oversees the university administration and is responsible for the university's budget. Robert Nissen is Viadrina's Chancellor.

Vice presidents


Office for Research and Graduate Education

Quality Management

Chief Information Officer (CIO)

Viadrina Mentoring Programme

Center for key competences and research-oriented learning

President's office


The Senate is an important, decision-making university body; it is comprised of professors, students, faculty and staff.

Faculty Councils

Equal Opportunities Representative

The Equal Opportunities Representative, is responsible for gender equality and diversity aspects at Viadrina.

Commissioner for the Affairs of Foreigners of the University

International Student Representative Dr. Carmen Thiele observes the interests of internationals at Viadrina European University and serves as International Student Advisor.

Representative for matters related to disabled persons