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Online Teaching

Icon Computer vor blau Teaching is becoming more digital. Not only the current situation but also the outlook on future teaching calls for the digitalisation and digital transformation of teaching methods and courses. Therefore courses might not only be planned analogue but also online, as attendance courses or hybrid teaching, i.e. as blended learning. >

Currently, for you as the lecturer this means that teaching online must contain the following elements at least

  • The provision of a Moodle course, which is open at the beginning of the winter semester for the students to enrol themselves
  • An actively used channel for communications with the students
  • Educational videos or audios (Podcasts) or “live” teaching at regular intervals

The faculties themselves decide the way a certain course can be taught.


We have compiled some instructions and tutorials for you here:

Icon Tools und Techniken vor blau

Using tools and

Organising online workshops
and virtual meetings, presenting
videos from your home office,
using Moodle …

Icon Video vor blau

online teaching

Information on the digitalisation
of lectures, seminars, and
exercises and on mentoring
students online …

Icon Pruefungen vor blau

Organising exams

Online exams with Moodle
and EvaExam. This is all
about  the types of
exams, types
of questions, tests …


Online mentoring and training courses for lecturers

Are you interested in individual mentoring or support in the shape of training courses? Our online training courses provide you with an introduction to a subject and you can then compare notes with your colleagues.  Please feel free to contact us at

All online training courses take place in Zoom, unless announced otherwise. You will receive further information after signing up. This information is important (!) especially in the case of signing up at short notice. Please feel free to direct any questions regarding the online training courses to:

Support tutors will assist you in your events

You can get technical support at events with BigBlueButton. The tutors* supervise the chat, set up breakout rooms, let participants enter or are available to help if there are technical difficulties. You can also get support with particularly challenging tasks in Moodle. The tutors will ask you about your requirements and implement them in the Moodle course. This service is available for the following activities: test, task, groups, H5P, HotPot. If the tutors have free capacity, they can also take on other Moodle-related tasks by arrangement. If you are interested, please fill out the following form:


Creating accessible online teaching

In an accessible online education it is possible for all students - regardless of their circumstances and preconditions - to pursue their studies without external assistance. We are offering our support, directly related to your lectures and individually for your students. We appreciate any information about accessibility issues in online education. It helps us to understand the needs and to recognise and break down barriers in the digital space. Further information on your options for a more accessible online teaching can be found here

Your suggestions: Explanatory videos for online teaching

If you have suggestions for videos, please contact us at We look forward to your suggestions.