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Center for Intercultural Learning (CIL)

The former Center for Intercultural Learning (2008-2020)

The Viadrina Center for Intercultural Learning was a project focusing on intercultural learning offers and research.  It was founded in 2008 and concluded its work in 2020, under the umbrella of the Center for Key Competences and Research-Oriented Learning (ZSFL). Since 2021, the Center for Teaching and Learning continues promoting intercultural learning at Viadrina, building upon the valuable work and expertise of the former Center for Intercultural.Learning and its members.
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As one of Germany's most international universities the European University Viadrina is especially interested in promoting and researching intercultural learning. The Center for Intercultural Learning was especially dedicated to this task.
Various Intercultural training offers Practice-oriented seminars for all faculties Teaching and studying in the international context
PeerTutoring Educational Program, guidance and peer counseling conducted by intercultural peer tutors Seminars for the Faculty of Social and Cultural Science (BA/MA) Acquisition of intercultural competences at institutions of higher education
Educational programs in the field of intercultural learning and communication for all groups at the university Innovative learning formats, for example, business simulation games, international online lecture series, virtual classroom seminars, peer learning Communication within institutions of higher education considering the influence of internationalization and diversity

⇒ Check out the Center for Teaching and Learning's current activities in Intercultural Learning

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