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Picture WelcomeBack@Viadrina

At the beginning of the winter semester 2021/2022, Viadrina offers a package with various welcome and support measures for returning to studies under the title "WelcomeBack@Viadrina". The program is primarily intended to accompany and support students from the 2nd to 5th semesters in their return to face-to-face learning or combined face-to-face and online education, to strengthen their identification with Viadrina as a learning space, and to help them develop strategies for identifying and reducing learning deficits.
The faculties organize various welcome events for their study programs and welcome students to the Viadrina campus at the beginning of the new semester. Please click on the respective degree programs for the dates:
CSS Welcome Event Cultural and Social Sciences 27.10.2021, 2-4 pm Hof IKMZ
CSS-Law Welcome Event  BA Law and Politics/Politics and Law 19.10.2021, 4-6 pm Audimax
Law Welcome Event Law 3. semester, 20.10.2021, 6-8 pm Audimax
5. semester, 19.10.2021, 12:45-2 pm GD HS 3
Law-IBA Welcome Event BA Law and Business/Business and Law 18.10.2021, 11 am-1 pm GD HS 3
IBA/IBWL Welcome Event Business Administration 20.10.2021, 2-4 pm Hof Logenhaus (LH)

The student initiatives of the Viadrina also participate with some events.
The "Initiatives Market", organized by the AStA, will again take place in presence at the beginning of the winter semester. On 20.10.2021, the student initiatives at the Viadrina will present themselves there from 11:00 to 14:00 in the atrium of the Gräfin Dönhoff building and invite you to help shape university life

Accompanying the opening events of the faculties, students are warmly invited to reflect on their own learning and studying under pandemic conditions in an interactive exhibition of the Center for Teaching and Learning from October 18-29, 2021, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the foyer of the Gräfin-Dönhoff-Building at various do-it-yourself stations, to find their way back to campus, to enter into conversation with the staff and tutors of the ZLL about the possibilities of study support and to take a look at themselves as learners, writers and researchers.
In the practical seminar "Study Buddy" of the ZLL (Centre for teaching and studying), students learn in small groups not only about the Viadrina as a place of learning and study, but also about important study and learning techniques. More information here (in German).
Registration is done via Moodle and will be added soon.

The ZLL provides a toolbox (in German) for teachers of the Viadrina with simple exercises for the seminars and courses in the winter semester, which should stimulate the exchange of students and the reflection of the current learning status.

During the winter semester, the team of the ZLL provides a series of seminars and workshops around the topic of key competencies for studying, which should help students in the transition to studying in presence. Here you can find all offers of the ZLL.

We look forward to seeing you again! WelcomeBack@Viadrina!