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Career Center - Counselling - Qualification - Information

FAQs on Workshops

How much cost the trainings?       
The trainings are free of charge, but not for nothing.
We give you the opportunity to participate free of charge in trainings and workshops of qualified trainers*, which would usually cost you several hundred Euros after graduation.

Who can participate in the trainings?       
The trainings are aimed at students of the European University Viadrina.

How do I register for the trainings?       
Registration is done online via our training management, which can be found at since September 2016. On the portal, you need to register and fill out your profile. You can only register for trainings and events if your basic data in the profile is filled in completely. Background: We need your data to prepare your confirmations of participation.

When can I register?       
As soon as the workshops are visible in the training portal, you have the possibility to register for the events. There will be no more stage activation. For each training, there is a note in our training management indicating when registration is possible online. Via our newsletter, which you can subscribe to by sending an email to, we will inform you about the activation and sometimes about free training places.

All places occupied - what now?        
If all places are already taken, you can put your name on the waiting list. As soon as a participant deregisters, each person on the waiting list will receive an e-mail about the free training place. The person who registers first gets the place. (Background: Automatic moving up in the registration hierarchy leads to late registrants not showing up for the training because they often do not read the e-mail about getting a training place).
Tip 1: Experience shows that there are always some cancellations about a week before the training. Then just check with the training management if there is a place free again and sign up.
Tip 2: Participation in the training is also possible without prior registration via our training management: but only if the registered participants do not show up on time. The maximum number of participants will not be exceeded in consideration of the learning success of the other participants.

Is my registration binding?       
Your registration is binding. Cancellation is possible online via Training Management up to one week before the start of the course. After that, only in exceptional cases by e-mail. If you register twice for trainings and do not show up without excuse, you will be banned from all further trainings. Background: We want the scarce training places to be used!

Do the trainings start c.t. or s.t.?       
The trainings start without the academic quarter hour! (Start time 10.00 means that the training starts at 10.00 and not at 10.15!). Please be on time out of consideration for the group. If you want ECTS points for the training, full attendance (from the beginning) is required.

Do I get ECTS points for the trainings?       
Credit for the trainings depends on your course of study. You also need to meet a few requirements, such as full attendance and signing the attendance list. You can read more detailed information under ECTS crediting.

If you become ill during a multi-day training for which ECTS credits are intended, you can receive ECTS credits for the number of training days already fully completed. In addition to the usual conditions, the prerequisite for this is a medical certificate for the day of illness, which must be submitted to the Career Center. Please do not forget to additionally cancel your absence from the training with us by phone or e-mail, otherwise you will be considered absent without excuse.

What is the Career Center certificate?       
If you want to apply for an internship or a job and do not want to enclose all certificates of attendance of the Career Center individually, you can have a certificate issued by us. In it, we summarize your trainings on one page. Please send a list of your completed trainings (title, semester) for the certificateto us. Please do not forget to include your name and matriculation number. It will take approximately two weeks to complete.

We ask chronically ill and disabled students to contact us with any special questions or needs.