Career Center Workshops - an excellent preparation for your career

Softskills play a crucial role in professional life. They are just as important as expertise. To provide you with those methodical and interpersonal skills the Career Center organises workshops in German and English. The trainings are interactive and include practical exercises to consolidate the acquired know-how. For Viadrina students all trainings are free of charge.
You can find all workshops and events organised by the Career Center, but also by other institutions such as the Viadrina Founder Center, ZLL, etc. in the Viadrina Compass Workshop-Portal . Apart from a detailed description, you will also find the room and time information.
To participate in a workshop, please register in the workshop portal with your contact details and matriculation number.
Our workshops in Winter Semester 2024/ 2025
ERASMUS students, regular Bachelor in Economics (BWL/ VWL) or Cultural Sciences students, as well as the Master of European Studies or the German and Polish Law students can acquire ECTS points for some of the workshops. If you have questions regarding ETCS points from our workshop program just contact us via