Innovation Award of the Lord Mayor of the City of Frankfurt (Oder)

Innovation Award of the Lord Mayor of the City of Frankfurt (Oder)

Europäische, deutsche, polnische und Frankfurter Flagge vor der OderThe Innovation Award of the Lord Mayor of the City of Frankfurt (Oder) René Wilke is awarded for outstanding student work in the field of cross-border innovation and cooperation.

Students from all three Faculties submit seminar papers, term papers or final theses (especially BA or MA). The theses should make an innovative and application-oriented contribution to the study of cross-border relations and focus on projects that strengthen the region.

The award winners will be selected on the recommendation of a jury appointed by Mayor René Wilke and the President of Viadrina, Prof Dr Eduard Mühle.

Selection of previous award winners

Dr Jürgen Grünberg

Consultant in the President's Office