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Summer Semester 2023

In the summer semester of 2023, the Department Viadrina International Affairs is offering various workshops to support international students in their studies and to offer the opportunity to build up job related competencies and key qualifications.

This interactive online workshop focuses on the distinctive aspects of applying for jobs in English, a scenario you may encounter with any firm (in Germany and worldwide) which operates internationally. It provides training in navigating selected stages of that process, including building your curriculum vitae and cover letter and presenting yourself convincingly in the interview. We'll examine sample CVs and cover letters, exploring them for guidelines on how to optimize your own credentials for potential employers. In breakout rooms, you'll work with fellow participants in pairs or small groups to do a short exercise and two interview role-plays with feedback from your trainer. The virtual format also provides the perfect platform for gaining experience with interviewing online. The workshop's overall goal is to enable you to create effective application materials on your own and to increase your confidence when interviewing in English.

You'll receive a .pdf file with example materials as well as other helpful information related to the job-application process. The workshop is held in English by a native speaker, and participation requires a B1 level of English or higher.


  • Formatting English-language job-application materials
  • Principles for creating a clear and compelling CV
  • Insights into choosing and structuring the cover letter's content effectively
  • Selected differences between British and American-English cover letters
  • Presenting oneself confidently and convincingly in English-language interviews (online and face-to-face), including practice via two mock interviews


Andrew has been conducting job-application training for university students and graduates for over 15 years. He is the former head of the Business English program of the Frankfurt (Main) branch of City University of Bellevue, Washington State. Since 2002 he has managed English, Inc., a Heidelberg-based provider of Business English training ( He holds degrees in English, creative writing and business administration.

Target group

The workshop is aimed at international bachelor and master students of the Viadrina as well as students with migration and/or refugee backgrounds. If required and depending on available places, other Viadrina students are also welcome to participate in the workshop. Please note, however, that final admission will only be granted shortly before the start of the workshop.

Date: 02.06.2023; 09.30-16.30

Language: English

Location: Online

ECTS: 0,5 ECTS credit + certificate of attendance  - depending on the study and examination regulations of your degree program, regular attendance as well as the completion of an evaluation.

Registration: Registration for the workshop takes place via the Trainings-Manager. There you will also find detailed descriptions of the workshop.

Please note that the workshop is funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) as part of the DAAD Integra project. In this context, part of the places is reserved for international students from Turkey, Syria, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Somalia, Eritrea, Nigeria and Ukraine.


Trying to get your papers done?
Too many duties and too little time for yourself?
Difficulty in getting up in the mornings?

Winter, homesickness and Culture Shock are only some of the reasons why people feel tired and worn out, not being able to focus on their responsibilities. If you struggle with keeping up your motivation in your studies, this workshop helps you to reduce your mental load, regain energy and refocus on your studies.

Target group

International students as well as students with migration and/or refugee background of the Viadrina. If necessary and depending on available places, other students of the Viadrina are welcome to participate in the workshop. Please note, however, that the final admission for this will be made only shortly before the beginning of the workshop.


Kristin Draheim holds a double degree MA of Intercultural Communication (European University Viadrina) as well as a Magister of Cultural Science (Adam-Mickiewicz-University Poznan, Poland). Since 2008 she provides intercultural training, coaching and business mediation. Kristin was trained to be an IDI and ICS administrator and has specialized in NLP communicational skills, psychotherapy, as well as personal development. She has lived and worked in Iceland, Russia, and Poland and loves travelling, gardening and cooking. More information:


19.04.23; 02:00 - 06:00 PM
06.06.23; 02:00 - 06:00 PM

Language: English

Location: On Campus: 19.04.23 - AM 204 & 06.06.23 - GD 07

ECTS: 0,5 ECTS credit + certificate of attendance  - depending on the study and examination regulations of your degree program, regular attendance as well as the completion of an evaluation.

Registration: Registration for the workshop takes place via the Trainings-Manager. There you will also find detailed descriptions of the workshop.

Please note that the workshop is funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) as part of the DAAD Integra project. In this context, part of the places is reserved for international students from Turkey, Syria, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Somalia, Eritrea, Nigeria and Ukraine.

Mental health refers to well-being on the cognitive, behavioral, and emotional level. It is about how we think, feel, and behave. Mental health affects our daily living, relationships, and even our physical health. Self-care can preserve a person’s ability to enjoy life and perform up to their full potential. This involves reaching a balance between life activities and efforts to achieve psychological resilience.
If you feel your full mind rather than being mindful, this workshop helps you get together, understand and deal with various challenges, e.g. anxiety, stress, and (of course) Culture Shock.

Target group

International students as well as students with migration and/or refugee background of the Viadrina. If necessary and depending on available places, other students of the Viadrina are welcome to participate in the workshop. Please note, however, that the final admission for this will be made only shortly before the beginning of the workshop.


Kristin Draheim holds a double degree MA of Intercultural Communication (European University Viadrina) as well as a Magister of Cultural Science (Adam-Mickiewicz-University Poznan, Poland). Since 2008 she provides intercultural training, coaching and business mediation. Kristin was trained to be an IDI and ICS administrator and has specialized in NLP communicational skills, psychotherapy, as well as personal development. She has lived and worked in Iceland, Russia, and Poland and loves travelling, gardening and cooking. More information:


07.07.23; 02:00 - 06:00 PM
13.07.23; 02:00 - 06:00 PM

Language: English

Location: On Campus: 07.07.23 - AM 204 & 13.07.23 - AM 202

ECTS: 0,5 ECTS credit + certificate of attendance  - depending on the study and examination regulations of your degree program, regular attendance as well as the completion of an evaluation.

Registration: Registration for the workshop takes place via the Trainings-Manager. There you will also find detailed descriptions of the workshop.

Please note that the workshop is funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) as part of the DAAD Integra project. In this context, part of the places is reserved for international students from Turkey, Syria, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Somalia, Eritrea, Nigeria and Ukraine.

In der Stimme, Sprache und Körpersprache wird erkennbar, ob Sie von Ihrem Wissen, Ihren Vorhaben und sich selbst überzeugt sind. Zeigen zu können, dass Sie überzeugt sind und wie sehr, wird vor allem bei Vorträgen und Prüfungen, aber auch bei Gehalts- oder Kreditverhandlungen relevant.
Dieser praxisorientierte Workshop richtet sich an Studentinnen, die ihre Wirkung auf andere kennenlernen und ihr Auftreten reflektieren möchten.
In Praxisfällen und Übungen erarbeiten wir zielführende Hinweise für Ihr selbstbewusstes und stimmiges Auftreten.
Bitte bringen Sie Ihre Fragen und Beispiele mit!


  • Inhaltliche und organisatorische Vorbereitung eines Termins (z.B. Selbstpräsentation, Präsentation, Prüfung)
  • Entstehung und Umgang mit Lampenfieber
  • Zusammenhang von Atmung und Stimme
  • Entspannungsübungen für Gelassenheit
  • Die nonverbale Kommunikation: Mimik, Gestik und Proxemik
  • Die Statuswippe in der Kommunikation (nach Keith Johnstone)
  • Analyse eines Beispiels aus den Medien (Tagesschau)
  • Erfahrungsaustausch und Praktische Übungen


Kristin Draheim holds a double degree MA of Intercultural Communication (European University Viadrina) as well as a Magister of Cultural Science (Adam-Mickiewicz-University Poznan, Poland). Since 2008 she provides intercultural training, coaching and business mediation. Kristin was trained to be an IDI and ICS administrator and has specialized in NLP communicational skills, psychotherapy, as well as personal development. She has lived and worked in Iceland, Russia, and Poland and loves travelling, gardening and cooking. More information:


Der Workshop richtet sich an internationale Studierende und Promovierende der Viadrina sowie Studierende und Promovierende mit Migrations- und/oder Fluchthintergrund. Bei Bedarf und je nach verfügbaren Plätzen können gerne auch weitere Studierende oder Promovierende der Viadrina an dem Workshop teilnehmen. Bitte beachten Sie jedoch, dass hierfür die endgültige Zulassung erst kurz vor Beginn des Workshops erfolgt.

Zeitraum: 14.07.2023; 9.30-16 Uhr (tbc)

Sprache: Deutsch

Form/Ort: In Präsenz: AM 204 

ECTS: 0,5 ECTS + Teilnahmebestätigung - in Abhängigkeit von einer regelmäßigen Teilnahme und dem Ausfüllen einer Evaluation. 

Anmeldung: Die Anmeldung für den Workshop erfolgt über den Trainings-Manager. Dort finden Sie auch detaillierte Beschreibungen zu dem Workshop.

Bitte beachten Sie, dass der Workshop aus Mitteln des Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienstes (DAAD) im Rahmen des Projektes DAAD Integra finanziert wird. In diesem Zusammenhang sind ein Teil der Plätze für internationale Studierende aus der Türkei, Syrien, Afghanistan, Iran, Irak, Somalia, Eritrea, Nigeria und Ukraine vorgesehen.


Zeitmanagement verhilft zu einem effizienteren Umgang mit der Zeit und ist somit gleichzeitig als Selbstmanagement zu verstehen. Wer seine Handlungsmotive kennt und persönliche Ziele fokussiert, organisiert seine mentalen und materiellen Ressourcen gezielter und ist damit ausgeglichener. Fehlt es an Zielen, Planung und Prioritäten, schwindet das gute Gefühl von Selbstwirksamkeit.

Im Sinne eines erfüllten Umgangs mit Ihrer Zeit, werden Sie in diesem interaktiven Seminar…

  • lernen, effektiver und schonender mit ihren Zeitressourcen umzugehen,
  • Strategien zur zielfokussierten Aufgabenplanung und Prioritätensetzung erarbeiten,
  • mehr Sicherheit im Umgang mit Störfaktoren und Zeitfressern gewinnen, 
  • mehr über persönliche Handlungsmotive und Stressoren erfahren,
  • verstehen, weshalb Sie bestimmte Aufgaben aufschieben und wie Sie diese angehen können.

Zielgruppe: Der Workshop richtet sich an internationale Studierende und Promovierende der Viadrina sowie Studierende und Promovierende mit Migrations- und/oder Fluchthintergrund. Bei Bedarf und je nach verfügbaren Plätzen können gerne auch weitere Studierende oder Promovierende der Viadrina an dem Workshop teilnehmen. Bitte beachten Sie jedoch, dass hierfür die endgültige Zulassung erst kurz vor Beginn des Workshops erfolgt.


Andrzej Frydryszek ist studierter Kulturwissenschaftler und heute als psychologischer Berater, Supervisor und systemischer Coach mit psychotherapeutischen Ausbildungen tätig. Seit 2010 ist er unter der Marke Elephant-Skills in der freien Wirtschaft und im sozialen Sektor als Persönlichkeitstrainer unterwegs.


16.06.2023; 9-16 Uhr
30.06.2023; 9-16 Uhr

Sprache: Deutsch

Form/Ort: Online

ECTS: 1 ECTS-Punkt + Teilnahmebestätigung - in Abhängigkeit von einer regelmäßigen Teilnahme und dem Ausfüllen einer Evaluation.

Anmeldung: Die Anmeldung für den Workshop erfolgt über den Trainings-Manager. Dort finden Sie auch detaillierte Beschreibungen zu dem Workshop.

Bitte beachten Sie, dass der Workshop aus Mitteln des Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienstes (DAAD) im Rahmen des Projektes DAAD Integra finanziert wird. In diesem Zusammenhang sind ein Teil der Plätze für internationale Studierende aus der Türkei, Syrien, Afghanistan, Iran, Irak, Somalia, Eritrea, Nigeria und Ukraine vorgesehen.



Please find further workshops, among others the Career Center, Central Student Advisory Service, Psychological Counseling Center, Center for Key Competences and Research-Oriented Learning as well as the Viadrina Business Incubator, in the Viadrina training portal. Workshops, which are explicitly aimed at PhD students, Postdocs and researchers, can be found in the training programme at the Website of the Viadrina Center for Graduate Studies (VCGS).