Welcome to our site!
The European University of Viadrina aims at genuine gender equality and removing existing structural disadvantages. The university pledges itself to consider gender specific impact in each proposal and decision making process. It further commits itself to quality standards of gender equality in Brandenburg’s higher education institutions as well as to research-led gender equality standards of the German Research Association (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG).
In 2011, the Academic Senate and the Presidential Board of Viadrina for the first time adopted a Gender Equality Policy (Gleichstellungskonzept, in German only) for the whole university. The Gender Equality Policy (GEP) encompasses an analysis of the situation in relation to gender equality and derives from it targets and measures for each particular area. The current GEP includes the family focus of Viadrina and has been adopted for the period of 2018 to 2021.
On our homepage you will find reports on the implementation of GEP measures and information on the current situation. The implementation of the policy is being monitored by the Gender Equality Council of Viadrina. The Chief Gender Equality Officer coordinates the overall process and special projects, supported by the Decentralized Gender Equality Officers in the faculties and central management. Their duties and tasks are to advise and support university’s bodies and institutions in all matters relevant to gender equality, in particular in matters of target agreements, structural and human resources decisions as well as of drawing-up and monitoring Guidelines on Promotion of Women (Frauenförderrichtlinien, German only) and Gender Equality Policies for Faculties or Management (Dezentrale Gleichstellungspläne, German only).
Gender Equality Officers participate in and observe the recruitment of new staff (especially appointments to professorships), inform and counsel university members and are the contact persons for issues of discrimination and harassment based on sex or sexual orientation. Moreover, there are various advisory services and funding opportunities.
We are open for your suggestions, comments and critique. Please feel free to contact us.