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Department of Student Affairs

Service-Point for applicants and students

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The Service-Point is located in the foyer of the Auditorium maximum building. The students working there are happy to help you concerning the following matters:

- general information regarding application, matriculation, re-registration, leave of absence
- handing out chip cards
- handing out language certificates
- handing out or accepting documents
- accepting of diploma, bachelor and master theses
- Lost and Found

Should the Service-Point staff not be able to help you out completely with your queries, you will get transferred directly to a competent contact person of the respective field.

Furthermore the Department of Student Affairs participates in the project Helfender Hahn (Helping Rooster). The rooster is a symbolic sign that children in minor or more severe emergency situations can find help at the Service-Point in the Audimax building as well as the information point of the university library in the main building.

This project was started by the child welfare officer of Frankfurt (Oder) together with the “Bündnis für Familie Frankfurt (Oder)” (Alliance for Family).

Department of Student Affairs