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The PROKODIL team selects the teaching staff of the individual Faculty Learning Communities according to the content focus of the submitted teaching ideas. This is to ensure that the teachers in the group complement each other well thematically and benefit from each other. In the concept of the Faculty Learning Communities, groups that are as heterogeneous as possible have proven to be very beneficial with regard to the professional background of the participants. Inter-faculty exchange is explicitly desired.

The program for the meetings, which take place every 14 days, is based on the interests of the participants. The concrete structure of the individual meetings is not fixed, but can be shaped by the participants. For example, the members of the FLCs briefly present their teaching project at the beginning. The group accompanies the progress of the projects in the course of the two semesters with constructive feedback on a regular basis. PROKODIL staff members are usually present at the meetings and are responsible for the organizational framework of the meet-ups. They prepare a kick-off event, organize the workshops, coaching sessions, and lectures requested by the community, and provide input, for example, on didactic methods and digital tools. They are also responsible for evaluations and accompanying research.

No, you can choose one relief grant for the first semester of the project and another for the second semester. For example, a participant chooses the material cost budget for the first semester and a deputy reduction for the second. Conversely, participants can also choose the same relief twice, e.g. a reduction in teaching load for two semesters.

In total, you will have two relief grants at your disposal. How you divide them up is up to you.

The reduction of teaching as well as increase of teaching load, must be discussed with the deans and supervisors with sufficient time in advance. A reduction in teaching load is usually compensate for by the awarding of a teaching assignment. An increase of two hours per week can be considered for part-time employees. Ms. Lena Hotze is your contact person in the PROKODIL team (

PROKODIL started with the first Faculty Learning Community for the winter semester 2021/22. In the summer semester of 2022 and the winter semester of 2022/23, there will again be the opportunity to participate. The last run with a start in the winter semester 2022/23 will therefore cover the period from October 2022 to the end of September 2023.