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Procedure of a Faculty Learning Group

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Programm Kooperationsgruppen Digitale Lehre (PROKODIL)

Marvin Meyer PROKODIL

▸ Develop your teaching cooperatively!

  • Have you developed good ideas for teaching during the "pandemic semesters"?
  • Would you like to enrich your courses with digital elements in the future?
  • Do you have ideas for further developing methodical introductory courses as blended learning arrangements?
  • Would you like to activate your diverse student body more strongly in presence and online?

In our Faculty Learning Communities (FLCs) you have the opportunity to share your expertise, experience and ideas with like-minded colleagues and to develop them together.

▸ How do the Faculty Learning Communities work?

Participants in collaborative groups:
  • work together on their teaching ideas for 90 minutes every 14 days for one year
  • test their teaching ideas and publish the results
  • receive student feedback
  • can take advantage of an additional vocational training with continuing education workshops and coaching sessions

Detailed information on the process of the Faculty Learning Communities can be found here.

▸ Which content-related topics are dealt with in the FLCs?

Based on the requirements at the Viadrina, four focal points were formulated:

  • Structuring introductory courses on academic work as well on methods
  • Connection und attendance
  • Sense of responsibility and willingness to take responsibility
  • Diversity in the context of digitalization

The topics serve as orientation and can be supplemented with your own suggestions. Please find more detailed information here.

▸ For guidance: our infographics

                     info_grafik_1 PROKODIL ©zll       info_grafik_2 PROKODIL ©zll

           You can see the complete overview of the exemplary course here.

The program is funded by

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