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The Ethics Commission

In March 2015, the Senate of the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) installed the Ethics Commission at the University. The commission and its members are appointed for three years. The current members are the following:

  • The Vice President for Research and Career Development, Prof. Dr. Jan-Hendrik Passoth (Chair)
  • Prof. Dr. Christian Becker (Faculty of Law)
  • Prof. Dr. Kerstin Brückweh (Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences); Substitute Prof. Dr. Kira Kosnick (Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences)
  • N.N. (Faculty of Business Administration and Economics)
  • Lilo Meier (Research Assistant); Substitute Dr. Yanis Hamdali (Research Assistant)
  • Jovita Anhut (Student Member); Substitute Loisa Paulsen (Student Member)
  • Ulrike Polley (Non-scientific Staff); Substitute Steffi Tetzlaff (Non-scientific Staff)
  • N.N. (External member)

The revised edition of the Ordnung zur Einrichtung einer Ethikkommission des Senates der Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), enacted by the Senate on November 3, 2021, determines which research projects are reviewed by the commission, which persons are entitled to submit applications (§3), and how the application procedure ensues (§4). It also explains the examination procedure for research projects.
The commission informs applicants about the result of the review in a substantiated vote in the form of “approval”, “approval under reserve and, if applicable, with requirements”, or “rejection” (§5). 

For further questions please contact:

  • Dr. Petra Kuhnau (National Research Funding, Office for Research and Graduate Education)
  • Dr. Geny Piotti (EU Research Funding, Office for Research and Graduate Education)

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