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Networking, excellence and innovation are at the heart of European Union's funding schemes. Whether as individual fellowship or as part of European collaborative projects, EU research grants offer excellent opportunities for your academic career and international cooperation.

In addition to "Horizon Europe" - the 9th EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (2021 - 2027), the world's largest research funding programme - there are several other European funding schemes that can be relevant to members of all three Viadrina faculties.

For the success of your grant applications, the team of the EU Research Service is at your disposal. We will help you to shed some light on the European Commission's tendering procedure, and will advise you and the members of your chair about existing and appropriate funding opportunities. We would like you to focus on the scientific content and adopt the administrative part of the application. We provide consulting on cross-cutting issues such as Gender or Ethics and support you in getting in touch with potential project partners. We coordinate the administrative procedures after project approval and support the management of the project.
Do not hesitate to contact us.

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