Leave of absence

Leave of absence during a stay abroad
Can I take a leave of absence at the Viadrina during my stay abroad?
You can take a leave of absence once for the time of your stay abroad. During a leave of absence, your place at Viadrina is maintained. However, you are not allowed to participate in courses or take exams at Viadrina at this time.
Will my foreign study achievements be recognized despite my leave of absence?
If you are on leave and study at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics or Recht und Politik | Politik und Recht your foreign study achivements will not be recognized. For students of all other programs offered by the Faculty of Law or the Faculty of Social and Cultural Studies their foreign study achievements can be recognized although being on leave.
Can I exempt myself from the semester ticket regardless from a leave of absence?
Yes. Regardless to which Faculty you belong, it is possible to not pay for the semester ticket, independently form taking a leave of absence, if you stay 3-4 month abroad.
Do I have to re-register at the Viadrina, although when I have applied for a leave of absence?
Yes! Regardless of whether you apply for a leave of absence or not, you have to stay enrolled at Viadrina!
How and where do I have apply for my leave of absence / the exempt from the semester ticket?
The exemption from semester ticket is possible with and without leave of absence:
- with leave:
It is best to submit the application for a leave of absence to the Admissions Office during the re-registration period. The application must be countersigned by us. To do that, please stop by during our office hours, or on the fly in the office of our student assistants (AM 207).
You can find the applications and deadlines for a leave of absence on the web site of the Admissions Office.
- without leave:
Please submit a confirmation / proof of the length of your stay abroad at the matriculation office during the re-registration period with an informal application for exemption from the semester ticket. After your application has been processed, you will see the reduced semester contribution in viaCampus.
For the exemption from the semester ticket, please hand in a confirmation of the length of your study abroad to the administration office.