Prof. Dr. Jens Lowitzsch

Jenz Lowitzsch
Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät (Wiwi)
HonorarprofessorMittwoch 13:00 bis 14:00 Uhr mit Voranmeldung,
sonst nach Vereinbarung
Rechts- und Sozialpolitik, insb. Arbeitnehmerbeteiligung und Verteilungsgerechtigkeit; Rechtspolitische Dimension der Erneuerung des deutschen und Europäischen Sozialstaats
Privatisierung und Transformation, insb. Privatisierungsinstitutionen, Unternehmens-Restrukturierung und Re-Privatisierung
Einführung in das Wirtschaftsrecht Ostmitteleuropas, insb. Gesellschafts-, Arbeits-, Insolvenzrecht, Privatisierungs- und Investitionsrecht
Rechtsgestaltung, insb. Gesellschaftsverträge, Rechtsetzungsverfahren und Privatisierungsverträge
Sommersemester 2025
Energy Transitions
MES: WPM 6: Wirtschaftspolitik in Europa, Zentralbereich Wirtschaft
5/6/9 ECTS
10.04.2025 12:00 - 18:00 s.t.
11.04.2025 12:00 - 18:00 s.t.
24.04.2025 12:00 - 18:00 s.t.
25.04.2025 12:00 - 18:00 s.t.
09.05.2025 12:00 - 18:00 s.t.
This Seminar is embedded in the Horizon Europe project WIMBY ( It uses one of the WIMBY pilot projects, i.e., the Italian wind power project on the island of Pantelleria to render the problems of wind power deployment tangible to the students.
The HORIZON Europe project “Wind in My Backyard” (WIMBY): While wind power is one of the fastest growing, most mature and cost-competitive renewable energy (RE) technologies, its deployment faces significant challenges due to low acceptance amongst societal actors. Factors such as restrictive regulation, disinformation, misinformation and concerns about changes to scenic landscapes, negative impacts on biodiversity, ecosystems and health impede the spread of new wind power installations. To increase acceptance, counterbalance “Not In My Back Yard” (NIMBY) effects and foster support for wind power, thereby enabling its contribution to the decarbonization strategy of the EU, the WIMBY project translates the results of cutting-edge in-depth models to assess impacts, conflicts, synergies and potentials for development of wind power into practical information for stakeholders. Facilitating societal engagement is key for a broad deployment of wind power across the European Union.
Despite its importance to tackle climate change, low acceptance amongst societal actors remain – apart from broader ecological, economic, and technical issues – the main obstacle to the much-needed expansion of wind energy. The Wind Barriers Report estimated in 2010 that as much as 30% of wind energy projects in Europe were cancelled due to resistance of local populations filing lawsuits (EWAE 2010). Defining the expansion of wind energy as an ‘overriding public interest’ in the Regulation (EU) 2022/2577 and transferring this wording into Article 16f of the revised Renewable Energy Directive (RED III) resets this playing field potentially to the disadvantage of both local stakeholders and energy community initiatives acting slower than professional wind park developers. This poses the hazard, that ‘green grabbing’, i.e., appropriation of land and natural resources suited for the exploitation of renewables by multinationals, will spread due to the increasing economic value of wind following the dramatic push in the expansion of wind energy.
To register for the course please send an Email by 17 October 2024 to including name, matriculation number, the study program, and the exact title of the course.
Uni-Komplex August-Bebel-Straße (AB)August-Bebel-Str. 12
15234 Frankfurt (Oder)
- AB 307