Vorlesungsreihe “Metaphorising Corruption in Selected SONAs of the Fourth Republic of Ghana [...]”

Abstract: This study employs the discourse dynamics to metaphor model of Cameron (2010) and the cultural model approach of Sharifian (2003) as theoretical and analytical frameworks to investigate the (cultural) metaphorical conceptualisation of corruption as they occur in selected presidential speeches of the Fourth Republic of Ghana. Corruption is often discussed as part of democratic political discourse. The present study examined fifteen (15) State of the Nation Addresses (SONAs) delivered by the five (5) Ghanaian presidents of the Fourth Republic to identify linguistic choices, such as metaphors that were used to encode the cultural understanding of corruption in Ghana. The analysis of the data revealed that corruption was metaphorically conceptualised (generally) as A FIGHT, A DISEASE, A CRIME, A LEGACY, and AN ENEMY while measures to solving corruption were metaphorically conceptualised as WAR. These metaphors were systematically linked to the following cultural schemas/models in Ghana: THE NATION AS A FAMILY, POLITICAL LEADERS AS PARENTS (NOT BE CRITICISED PUBLICLY), GIFT-GIVING AS SHOW OF APPRECIATION and FAVOURITISM AS BUILDING FAMILY TIES. Using communicative strategies, the presidents challenge and negotiate attitudes towards corruption. This research contributes to theory by combining the discourse dynamics and cultural model approaches to studying metaphorical conceptualisation relating to corruption.


Dienstag, 17. Dezember 2024, 16.15 Uhr
“Metaphorising Corruption in Selected SONAs of the Fourth Republic of Ghana [...]”

mit: Emma Kusuoba Pedavoah (University of Ghana, Legon)
Vollst. Titel: “Metaphorising Corruption in Selected SONAs of the Fourth Republic of Ghana: A Discourse Dynamics to Metaphor Analysis and Cultural Model Approach”. Vorlesungsreihe des Viadrina Center for Gesture and Multimodality Studies. Für Online-Teilnahme bitte per Mail anmelden.
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