Webinar “The Graz Mummy Book – the oldest fragment of a manuscript in book form”
Abstract: Discovered in May 2023, the ‘Graz Mummy Book’ is the oldest fragment of a manuscript in book form that we know of and predates any known existing similar fragment by at least 400 years. This papyrus document has been part of the collection at the University of Graz since 1909. It was discovered during an excavation in the Egyptian necropolis of Hibeh, south of Fayum, and belongs to a collection of 52 papyri, some of which were used in the Ptolemaic period (305-30 BC) as cartonnage to wrap mummies. The Graz Mummy Book is a double sheet from a notebook onto which bills for beer and oil taxes had been recorded in Greek around 260 BC. Unlike a scroll, it is clearly in the format of a bifolio and has fragments of threads still attached to it that were used to seal the document. It was later recycled and turned into cartonnage for a mummy. This talk presents how this exciting discovery all happened by chance during routine work in the Conservation Department of Graz University Library and how the consequences of this find have changed the way we look at the history of the book.Zusammenfassung:
Montag, 20. Januar 2025, 14.00 Uhr“The Graz Mummy Book – the oldest fragment of a manuscript in book form”
mit: Dr. Theresa Zammit Lupi (Universität Graz)
Das im Mai 2023 entdeckte „Grazer Mumienbuch“ ist das älteste uns bekannte Fragment eines Manuskripts in Buchform. Die Professur für Denkmalkunde präsentiert in Zusammenarbeit mit der Universität Graz das Artefakt im Rahmen eines Webinars. Alle Interessierten sind herzlich eingeladen. Sprache: EN.
Ort: Online via Zoom
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