
News portal

News from university and science

In the news portal, we provide lively descriptions of everyday life at the university, explain current research projects, introduce new professors and honour successes.

As a showcase for the university, the news portal appeals to university members as well as the general public and the media.

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bei Pressekonferenz mitschreiben

Press releases

Whether it concerns research projects, public events, awards or news from the campus: journalists will find regular information about developments at the Viadrina and the opportunity to subscribe to media information here.

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aufgeklappte Bildschirmoberfläche eines Laptop


We provide the media with academic expertise and contact persons reaching from background information to exclusive interviews. Thereby we pursue the purpose of classification and orientation by serving reliable and comprehensible communication.

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Viadrina-Präsident Eduard Muehle wird vom rbb interviewt

Press events

We help you to participate in press conferences and obtain background information about outstanding events or research projects.

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Public events

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Ausstellung im GD


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technische Aufnahme einer Konferenz im Senatssaal

Conferences and summer schools

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Publications and media

University publications

Speeches from outstanding events, Viadrina Prize awards and inaugural lectures are published in our publication series. We also publish special volumes such as commemorative publications for Viadrina personalities.

Official announcements

All regulations and provisions of importance for teaching, research and administration at the university are published here.



Teaching departments and other (academic) institutions of the Viadrina offer podcasts on their main topics.

Social media

The European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) connects with its target groups via official social media channels. We provide information on the latest news from science and research and give insights into campus life. The central channels are managed by the Department of Communication.

Annual report

The report summarises the highlights in teaching, research and university life from the previous year. It can also be ordered free of charge as a printed booklet:

Corporate Design

The visual identity of the European University Viadrina

The visual identity of the European University Viadrina manifests itself in particular in the colours blue and yellow, which can also be found in the European flag. The blue and yellow bar in Viadrina's designs and logo is an integral part of the corporate design. The logo also consists of the Viadrina seal, which refers to the history of the Alma Mater Viadrina (1506-1811) and, with the implied bridge above it, refers to the European university location in the twin city of Frankfurt (Oder)-Słubice.

Are you a contractor for design products for the Viadrina and need a design manual, logos or other design elements? Please contact the Department of Communication.

Viadrina employees can find downloads and templates in the Viadrina's internal web area.

T-shirts, mugs, bags - Viadrina products in the AStA shop

Viadrina products such as T-shirts, jumpers, notebooks, mugs or bottles can be found in the AStA shop on campus (Gräfin-Dönhoff-Building, Europaplatz 1).

Opening hours in the winter semester 2024/25:
Tuesday 13-15 h
Thursday 12-14 h

In the Main Building and the Gräfin-Dönhoff-Building there are also vending machines with Viadrina library bags, locker padlocks and writing materials.

Employees receive conference materials and guest gifts via the Department of Communication.

Models with jackets from the AStA shop

Department of Communication