History and tradition
The Viadrina since its re-founding in 1991
The more recent history of the university in Frankfurt (Oder) began with the collapse of the GDR and German reunification. As early as October 1990, an association of friends and supporters of Frankfurt Oder University was formed and adopted the idea of a new university. Politicians and society quickly came to realise that a re-founded Viadrina would not only strengthen the identity of Frankfurt's citizens, promote their education and creativity, but also bring about the acquisition of locally usable, border-relevant expertise and a positive development of the regional economy and labour market. Thus, on 15 July 1991, the university was re-established by legal act as „Europa-Universität Viadrina“. The first 460 students enrolled in the autumn semester of 1992.
As the founding senate also stated in the Denkschrift zur Gründung der Viadrina emphasised, the „unique opportunity was used to build a university on the border between Poland and Germany in an unmistakable way around a core consisting of German-Polish university cooperation and to give it an international orientation.At the same time, the founding senators wanted to seize the opportunity to break new ground in the organisation of a university and to open up greater scope for development by limiting it to a few disciplines, especially interdisciplinarity. The founding memorandum also emphasised the positive effect that a newly founded Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder) would have on the economic, social and cultural development of the region on both sides of the Oder.

The Viadrina main portal of the main building in 1993, set up with a view from the Oder Tower.
Viadrina / Heide Fest
Optimism of new beginnings in the early 1990s
The re-establishment reflected the special optimism of the early 1990s, the enthusiastic willingness to cooperate in Europe, especially with its eastern half. The then Minister President of Brandenburg, Manfred Stolpe, characterised the European University on 6 September 1991 as a "sign of our gratitude to Europe. Because it is precisely on this river and in this place that we realise that we belong together, that here on the Oder is not the end of Europe, but that we must think ahead from here.“ Thus, the new foundation was assigned the special role of a bridge builder, especially in the process of opening up the European Union to Eastern and Southeast European countries. This was not only a continuation of the historical tradition of the old Viadrina, but also - as Hinrich Enderlein, then Minister for Science, Research and Culture of the State of Brandenburg, put it - placed the re-foundation at the centre of a modern political development.
Great hopes and expectations were associated with the re-establishment. At the same time, numerous prejudices and fears persisted. The university was also intended to help reduce these. Firstly, the three faculties were established: the Faculty of Law (Law) and the Faculty of Business and Economics in 1994, the Faculty of Cultural Studies in 1995; at the same time, the campus was successively expanded. In 1998, the former, completely renovated government building was ceremoniously taken over as the university's main building. In the same year, the Collegium Polonicum in Słubice was opened under the direction of Adam Mickiewicz University Poznań, for which the foundation stone had been laid in 1992.
The construction and maintenance of the Collegium Polonicum is an impressive expression of Poland's commitment to the border location and to German-Polish academic relations.
The Viadrina has developed into a seaworthy three-master that is considered a small but well-built and distinctive ship among its peers.
Hans N. Weiler, first elected Rector of the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)
The university and its relations with the cities of Frankfurt (Oder) and Słubice have been brought to life primarily through the cultural and social commitment of its students and teaching staff. In 1997, the Viaphoniker orchestra gave its first concert, the annual German-Polish cultural festival Unithea, organised by Viadrina students, took place for the first time; in 2001, the Viadrina alumni network was founded; in 2008, the General Student Committee (AStA) of the Viadrina ran a bus between the border cities to draw attention to the need for cross-border public transport. In the same year, the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) was transformed into the first foundation university in the state of Brandenburg. The new legal status opened up scope for autonomy and new opportunities to attract private donors to provide additional funding for Viadrina.
Among the holders of the European Professorships, which were established during the 1990s and funded by the Otto Wolff Foundation, were numerous famous personalities. The award honoured these individuals and the Viadrina academic community benefited from their work as teachers and lecturers.
The Viadrina as a place of encounters
Since its re-establishment, the Viadrina has been a place of significant events that have left their mark on the history of German-Polish relations. On 1 September 1999, to commemorate the beginning of the Second World War, Federal President Johannes Rau and Polish President Aleksander Kwaśniewski met on the city bridge across the Oder and shook hands before visiting the Collegium Polonicum in Słubice. In 2005, Federal Chancellor Gerhard Schröder and Polish President Aleksander Kwaśniewski met at the Viadrina to sign a „Joint Declaration on the Strengthening of Cooperation between Academics, Researchers and Students of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Poland“.
„Living Europe, strengthening Europe“ was the title of the speech given by Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock on Europe Day on 9 May 2022 at the Viadrina. In view of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, she said „Now we must deepen Europe further. That means continuing to build a clear foundation of values and not just expanding, but deepening together, just as has been envisaged at this university for years.

On 10 June 1998, the main building of the Collegium Polonicum in Słubice is ceremoniously opened to great public interest.
Heide Fest/Viadrina
Since its re-founding, the Viadrina has performed its function as a bridge in Europe, above all as a place of innovative, relevant, interdisciplinary research in the fields of cultural studies, economics and law.
Scholars of national and international standing have taught and lectured at the university. For example, the Eastern European historian Prof Dr Karl Schlögel and the cultural sociologist Prof Dr Andreas Reckwitz have been awarded prestigious prizes.The university has been led and accompanied by a number of outstanding personalities.
Since 2011, in addition to the faculties – as transdisciplinary centres – a number of new academic institutions have been established: the Center for Interdisciplinary Polish Studies in 2011, which was expanded into a Viadrina Center of Polish and Ukrainian Studies in 2023; the Viadrina Center B/Orders in Motion in 2013 and the Institute for Conflict Management in 2015. The European New School of Digital Studies (ENS) was opened in 2022. The international teaching and research institution, which is run jointly with the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, is dedicated to the social and cultural consequences of digitalisation.
The old Alma Mater Viadrina (1506 to 1811)
For over 300 years, from 1506 to 1811, Frankfurt (Oder) was home to Brandenburg's first state university. Its foundation under Elector Joachim I was largely at the instigation of the Electoral Councillor Eitelwolf vom Stein (1465-1515) and the Bishop of Lebus Dietrich von Bülow (1460-1523). The founding rector was the theologian Conrad Wimpina (1460-1531), who had previously been rector of the University of Leipzig. He brought 31 masters and doctors from Leipzig with him to the Oder. Officially founded on 26 February 1506, the Universitas Francofurtensis developed into one of the most important educational institutions of the Brandenburg-Prussian civil service state. With an average of 150 new enrolments per year, it was one of the six largest of the 19 universities in the empire. Some of its professors and graduates rose to the highest offices in Prussia, worked as lawyers in diplomacy and state affairs, were theologians among the highest ecclesiastical rulers of the Margraviate of Brandenburg and, as physicians, were the personal physicians of the Prince Elector. Among the most famous names in the registers of the old Oder University are the humanist Ulrich von Hutten (1488-1523), the reformer Thomas Müntzer (1489-1525), the musician Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (1714-1788), the legal scholar Carl Gottlieb Svarez (1746-1798), the brothers Wilhelm and Alexander von Humboldt (1767-1835 and 1769-1859) and Heinrich von Kleist (1777-1811).
The list of outstanding achievements at Viadrina, where more than 55,000 young people studied until 1811, is long. At four faculties - law, theology, medicine and philosophy - rhetoric, history, astronomy, mathematics and music, as well as the core subjects, were also highly regarded. In total, the Oder University contributed to the progress of science in 25 disciplines.
Even the old Oder University was particularly focussed on East-West encounters, fulfilling a bridging function between western and eastern Central Europe. Thanks to its geographical location, it attracted young people from the surrounding areas of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Pomerania, Lusatia, Silesia and Greater Poland, but also from further east. Among the students who did not come from German imperial lands, students from Poland-Lithuania took first place with 1348 enrolled students. In the 17th century alone, 456 Polish students came to the Oder city. Most of them studied at the theological faculty.
Frankfurt was a centre of humanism and enlightenment and the Viadrina was one of the avant-garde universities in Eastern Europe in its heyday. At the turn of the 19th century, however, it lost its glamour and influence. Following the opening of the Friedrich Wilhelm University in Berlin in 1810, which today bears the name of the Humboldt brothers, it was forced to close its doors in 1811. Some of its professors went on to teach at the University of Berlin, while others were transferred to the University of Wrocław, where the inventory and library were also relocated.
Chronicle of the Viadrina since 1991
05.12. Reading, talk and concert with Serhij Zhadan, winner of the Peace Prize of the German Book Trade 2022
from 01.11. „New spirit in old walls“ – Exhibition deals for the first time with the history and stories of today's Viadrina buildings
13.10. 21st Viadrina Prize for European Parliamentarian Róża Gräfin von Thun and Hohenstein
24.09. Alumni Day at the Viadrina – 80 former students rediscover and rediscover the campus and the twin city
20.09. Lounge concert for the 30th anniversary of the Viadrina Circle of Friends
06.07. As part of the celebrations for 30 years of the European University Viadrina, the central scientific institutions invited to the scientific series „White Nächte ohne Grenzen”.
09.05. Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock opened the „Forum Europäische Städte“ at the Viadrina on Europe Day.
21.03. Viadrina names the seminar room in the new building at Groäen Scharrnstra&l;e 23a after the Frankfurt translator Karin Wolff.
17.03. Mourning for Viadrina founding rector Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. mult. Knut Ipsen.
since February Since the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, Viadrina has strengthened its contacts with Ukrainian partner universities. Under the motto „Ukraine@Viadrina“, Viadrina offers help to people from Ukraine who have been displaced and collects donations for the Viadrina Support and Emergency Fund Ukraine.
05.10. The city partnership between Gdansk and Bremen is honoured with the 20th Viadrina Prize. The University Orchestra Viaphoniker receives the sponsorship award.
October The former EU Commissioner László Andor will teach as an honorary professor at Viadrina from the winter semester 2021/22.
15 July Viadrina celebrates its 30th anniversary with a panel discussion.
17 July.06. on the 30th anniversary of the German-Polish Neighbourhood Treaty, the Collegium Polonicum also celebrates its 30th anniversary.
18.06. Frankfurt (Oder) announces its candidacy for the „Future Centre for German Unity and European Transformation“ together with the Viadrina.
22.03. The Viadrina moves into a new building in Groäen Scharrnstraße, which houses six Viadrina stakeholders, including the Centre for Interdisciplinary Polish Studies, the AStA and the Viadrina Center B/ORDERS IN MOTION as well as teaching facilities
09.03. the Viadrina completes the Diversity Audit of the Stifterverband.
24.02. the Viadrina invites for the first time to an open online exchange „How do you see it?“ – the corona situation in Frankfurt (Oder)
30.11. The „Preis für gute Lehre im Sommersemester 2020“ (Award for Good Teaching in the Summer Semester 2020“) honours twelve teachers for their particularly committed, innovative and creative approach to the sudden switch to digital teaching
05.-30.11. Nine artists show their works at „ART | an der Grenze | na granicy“ – due to the pandemic, the art is exhibited in shop windows in Großen Scharrnstraße
16.-23.11. „He(a)ring“, the student-organised cultural event, a live and on-site programme item of the city festival „Bunter Hering“ in the garden of the Kleist Museum, is held online for the first time
22.10. Virtual ceremony on the occasion of the opening of the European New School (ENS)
03.07 Prof. Dr Ines Härtel is unanimously elected judge of the Federal Constitutional Court by the Federal Council
25-27.06. The 23rd edition of the student-organised German-Polish cultural festival „Unithea“ takes place digitally
06.05. The student-organised running event „ViaRunning“ takes place digitally for the first time due to the pandemic
24.03. the European University goes into emergency presence mode - a preventive measure in view of the coronavirus
03.03. constitution of the IV Foundation Board
28.01. lecture by Prof Dr Aleida Assmann on „The reinvention of the nation: memory, identity, emotions“
16.11. 25th Uniball in the Kleist Forum with photo exhibition on the history of the Uniball
15.11. 20th anniversary of the sponsorship programme „Fremde werden Freunde“
05.08. Visit by the Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs Heiko Maas and the Brandenburg Minister President Dietmar Woidke to the Collegium Polonicum
13.03. Prof. Dr Andreas Reckwitz is awarded the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize for his study „Die Gesellschaft Singularitäten“. Andreas Reckwitz is awarded the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize of the German Research Foundation (DFG) for his study „The Society of Singularities“
21.01. Lecture by constitutional judge Prof Dr Susanne Baer on the topic „Fundamental and human rights in Europe – the Karlsruhe experience“
29.10. Lecture by Federal Minister of Labour and Social Affairs Hubertus Heil
18.10. Inauguration ceremony for the new Viadrina President Prof. Dr Julia von Blumenthal
02.-04.08. The Viadrina is a guest at the Polish rock festival „Pol’And’Rock“ in Kostrzyn with the project „Playground Europe“, which ties in with the successful project „Wohngemeinschaft Europa“
27.06. discussion with Dr Norbert Röttgen on the topic „Europe's role in the world – between the transatlantic crisis, Russian insecurities and political challenges in the neighbourhood“
09.05 Senate of the European University Viadrina Foundation elects Prof Dr Julia von Blumenthal as Viadrina President; she succeeds Prof Dr Stephan Kudert
05.04. Inauguration of the pencil sculpture initiated by Prof Dr Kaspar Frey. Kaspar Frey's pencil sculpture „Sprachenstift“ in front of the Viadrina Language Centre in August-Bebel-Straße
15.03. Prof. Dr. Karl Schlögel receives the Leipzig Book Fair Prize in the non-fiction/essay category for his monograph „Das sowjetische Jahrhundert. Archäologie einer untergegangenen Welt“
13.02. In the run-up to the mayoral election in Frankfurt (Oder), a joint election forum of the Viadrina and the Märkische Oderzeitung with all candidates takes place in the Audimax.
01.01. Prof Stephan Kudert becomes interim president. His predecessor, Prof Dr Alexander Wöll, had resigned from office at the end of the year to return to academia.
1.12. Niels Helle-Meyer becomes the new Chancellor.
13.10. Ceremony „25 years of studying at the Viadrina“ and 2nd alumni meeting as the end of the anniversary year
13.07. lecture by Dr Gerd Müller, Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, on the topic „Europe – what to do with your refugees?
11.07. Ceremony to mark the 25th anniversary of the University Library
05.07. 25 years of the Viadrina Language Centre and 15 years of viadrina sprachen gmbh
02.07. Exhibition „What does art do, Frankfurt (Oder)?“ in the „Alte Mensa“ of the Viadrina
09.06. Awarding of the Viadrina Prize to the Joint German-Polish Textbook Commission
10.05. Lecture by the Federal Minister of Finance Wolfgang Schäuble on the topic „The European Union – at the end or at the beginning?
11.05. Opening of the „Set box exhibition“ with 25 objects from 25 years of university history; on the occasion of the Living Jubilee Year
24.03. First piano festival „PianODRA“ in the Logensaal
13/14 October Celebrations to mark the 25th anniversary of the Collegium Polonicum
21 July Ceremony to mark the 25th anniversary of the European University Viadrina and the start of the anniversary year
28 May The verbuendungshaus fforst celebrates its 10th anniversary
09 May Award of the 17th Viadrina Prize to historian Prof. Dr Anna Wolff-Powęska
31 March Constitutive meeting of the III. Viadrina Prize awarded to historian Prof Dr Anna Wolff-Powęska
31 March Constituent meeting of the III Foundation Board
14 March „In memoriam Karl Dedecius“ a memorial service at the Collegium Polonicum
28-29 January 20th anniversary of the Viadrina University Viaphoniker Orchestra
20.12. Broadcast of the „Polizeiruf 110“-episode „Grenzgänger“ with a lecture scene filmed in the Audimax of the Viadrina
07.12. Ceremony on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the German-Polish border treaty with the Ambassador of the Republic of Poland in Germany, H.E. Dr Jerzy Margański and the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in Poland, H.E. Rolf Nike
02.12. Jerzy Margański, and the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Poland, H.E. Rolf Nike
02.12. H.E. John B. Emerson, Ambassador of the United States of America to Germany, visits Viadrina
21.11. 1st Viadrina Graduation Day: The three faculties bid farewell to their graduates at a ceremony; in the evening there is a celebration at the 21. Uniball
02.11. 15 years of the sponsorship programme „Fremde werden Freunde“
18.11. Start of the „Viadrina Open Lecture Series“ – lecture series for refugees in Brandenburg
31.08. Presentation of historical holdings of the „old Viadrina“ in the German Digital Library – Europa-Universität is the first Brandenburg university to be represented
26.08. Inaugural visit of the Ukrainian Ambassador Andrij Melnyk to the Minister President of the State of Brandenburg, Dr Dietmar Woidke, at the University of Brandenburg. Dietmar Woidke, at the Viadrina
24.08.-06.09. „Viadrinicum“: First summer school on Ukraine at the Europa-Universität
29.07. Launch of the new programme „Viadrina Fast Track“: Viadrina is the first German university to support Eastern European graduates
09.07. Viadrina once again takes first place in Brandenburg's university ranking „Ideenschmiede“
24.06. Stefan Fritsche, Managing Director of the Neuzelle Brewery, takes over the executive chair from Viadrina President Prof. Dr. Alexander Wösident for one day as part of the "Change of Perspective" programme of the Brandenburg Ministry of Science, Research and Culture. Dr Alexander Wüll
04.05. Award of the Viadrina Prize to civil rights expert Wolfgang Templin
20.03. EU Commissioner for Regional Policy, Corina Creţu, visits Viadrina
20.02. Honorary doctorate from the Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznań for Viadrina lawyer Prof. Dr Jan C. Joerden
04.02. First Viadrina Study Night: Intensive learning night in the University Library
27.01. Hans-Georg Wieck, former ambassador, guest at the Viadrina: Discussion with Viadrina Honorary Professor Günter Verheugen on the topic „Fear of war versus democratisation: The German debate on Russia and Ukraine“
26.01. Viadrina President Prof. Dr. Alexander Wäll gives inaugural speech at the 1st Viadrina New Year's Reception
07.12. First joint meeting of a German and Polish student parliament
03.12. Official appointment of Prof Dr Alexander Wöll as the new President of the European University by the Deputy Chairman of the Viadrina Foundation Board, Dr Franz Bardenhewer
05.11. Franz Bardenhewer
05.11. Ten years of the viadukt job and internship fair
04.11. Theologian and civil rights activist Friedrich Schorlemmer awarded an honorary doctorate by the Faculty of Cultural Studies
22.10. Unveiling of the world's first monument to the online encyclopaedia Wikipedia in Słubice; initiated by Dr Krzysztof Wojciechowski, Administrative Director of the Collegium Polonicum
04.09. Honouring the first Viadrina Rector Hans N. Weiler with an exhibition on the occasion of his 80th birthday. 03.09. Handover of the „Alte Mensa“ to the European University by Brandenburg's Minister of Finance Christian Görke
30.06. Farewell ceremony for the Viadrina President Dr Gunter Pleuger, who has been in office since 2008. Gunter Pleuger
24.06. Centre for Interdisciplinary Polish Studies launches internet portal „Pol-Int – Polish Studies.Interdisziplinär“
26.05. European University signs Charta „Familie in der Hochschule“ as one of the first universities nationwide
12.05. presentation of the Viadrina Prize to Dr Irena Lipowicz, former Commissioner of the Polish Government for German-Polish Affairs; laudatory speech by Prof Dr Gesine Schwan
07.05. Weingärtner Year: Opening of an exhibition by Viadrina students in honour of the Frankfurt Olympian Hermann Weingärtner
06.05. Admission of the Viadrina to the circle of trustees of the Centre for Jewish Studies Berlin-Brandenburg
08.03. „Bach Day" on the occasion of the 300th birthday of former Viadrina student Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach, with presentation of the original matriculation book from 1734, film premiere and birthday concert
März 10 years of the Viadrina Children's University
28.11. Ceremony for the establishment of the "Karl Dedecius-Literaturarchiv" foundation with Prof. Dr h. c. mult. Karl Dedecius and the Managing Director of the Robert Bosch Stiftung, Prof. Dr Joachim Rogall
28.10. 1st Viadrina Lounge Concert in the Logensaal
18.10. Federal President Joachim Gauck and Bronisław Komorowski, President of the Republic of Poland, open the Academic Year at the Viadrina and the Collegium Polonicum Słubice
01.10 August Viadrina receives certificate for accessibility from the City of Frankfurt (Oder)
18 August Dr Krzysztof Wojciechowski, Director of the Collegium Polonicum Słubice, awarded the Cross of Merit of the Republic of Poland
01-03 August Viadrina students together with other educational institutions from Frankfurt (Oder) and Słubice and the German-Polish entertainer Steffen Möller as guests in the „Wohngemeinschaft Europa“ at the „Haltestelle Woodstock“-Festival (Kostrzyn)
03.07. presentation of the 1st „ProfAward“ by Viadrina students to Prof Dr Georg Stadtmann at the Faculty of Economicsät
13.05. opening of the Viadrina Center B/ORDERS IN MOTION
07.05. presentation of the Viadrina Prize to former Federal Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher, laudatory speech by Tadeusz Mazowiecki, former Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland.
30.04. Ceremonial handover of the Logenhaus to the European University Viadrina
27.04. Opening of the 1st student art and culture festival „ART an der Grenze“
05.12. Europa-Universität is awarded the certificate „Family-friendly university“ by berufundfamilie gGmbH for the second time.
28.11. Signing of contract üon far-reaching partnership with the Universität Paris 1/Panthéon-Sorbonne
22.11th Iranian Ambassador to Germany, H.E. Ali Reza Sheikh Attar, opens the exhibition "Palace of Power, House of Faith" at the Viadrina
19-20 October 1. 1st big alumni reunion
19.10. Ceremony „20 years of commencement“
17.10. Indian Ambassador to Germany, Sujatha Singh, gives lecture üon the role of India in the global economy.
02.07. Rita Süssmuth opens a branch of the German Association for East European Studies (DGO) at the Viadrina.
19.06. The European University Viadrina is awarded the „ERASMUS Seal of Quality“ for the third time.
21.05. Colloquium with Gabrielle von Habsburg, Ambassador of Georgia in Berlin, and Simon Mordue, Head of the Cabinet of the EU Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy Stefan Füle; moderated by Prof. Günter Verheugen
07.05. Awarding of the Viadrina Prize to the Polish composer Krzysztof Penderecki
17.04. 10 years of the German-Polish Career Center at the Viadrina
01.03. 1st „Transatlantic Night of Postponed Term Papers“: Students from Germany and the USA write their term papers together for one night.
01 March: Minister of State at the Federal Foreign Office, Cornelia Pieper, and the President of the Senate of the Republic of Poland, Bogdan Borusewicz, discuss the freedom movements of the 1980s and 1990s in Poland and the GDR.
26.01. first „Uni meets Stadt“-concert of the Viaphoniker university orchestra with the Orchester der Frankfurter Musikfreunde in the Viadrina Audimax.
06.01. keyühandover in the new „Studierendenmeile“: WohnBau Frankfurt hands over the keys to students for the premises in Großen Scharrnstraße.
22.10. Presentation of the Dialogue Prize to the „Institute for Applied History“ at the 10th Annual Congress of the German-Polish Societies
17.10. Opening of the 20th Academic Year in the concert hall „Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach“ with former Minister of Science Hinrich Enderlein. Academic Year in the concert hall „Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach“ with former Minister of Science Hinrich Enderlein, Founding Rector Prof Dr Dr Knut Ipsen, former Rector Prof Dr Hans N. Weiler and former President Prof Dr Gesine Schwan. Appointment of Prof. Dr. Dr. Knut Ipsen as Honorary Senator
&presentation of medals of honour for deserving founders
08.07. The Frankfurt Institute for European Union Law becomes the European „Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence”.
16./17.06. Honorary doctorate awarded to the translator Karl Dedecius
Opening of the „Centre for International Polish Studies“
12.04. Ceremonial opening of the „Kleist Semester“ in the Kleist Year
06 April Award of an honorary doctorate from the Faculty of Business and Economics to Prof Jozsef Vörös
01.12. Award of the Viadrina Prize 2010 to the director Volker Schlöndorff
03.11. Guido Westerwelle, Foreign Minister of Germany, and Radosław Sikorski, Foreign Minister of Poland, as guests at the Viadrina during a German-Polish conference:
„Oder-Neiße-Grenze: Vom Trennenden zum Verbindenden“ anläslichlich; anlässlich des 20. Anniversary of the German-Polish Border Treaty, 40 years of the Warsaw Treaty and 60 years of the Görlitz Agreement
02.11. Hans-Dietrich Genscher, former German Foreign Minister. D., and Władysław Bartoszewski, former Foreign Minister of Poland. Günter Verheugen, former Vice-President of the European Commission, is appointed Honorary Professor at the Collegium Polonicum in Słubice. D., is appointed honorary professor at Viadrina
07.12. Presentation of the Polish Ambassador's Academic Sponsorship Award to young academics at the Viadrina
30.11. Awarding of the Viadrina Prize 2009 to Tadeusz Mazowiecki
12.10. opening of the Academic Year 2009 with a speech by Günter Verheugen, Vice-President of the European Commission in Brüssel
Presentation of the book „The Viadrina. Eine Universität als Brücke zwischen Deutschland und Polen“, Richard Pyritz, Matthias Schütt (eds.)
07.09. Ground-breaking ceremony for the conversion of the university campus
03.06. Visit by Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel and the President of the European Parliament, Hans-Gert Pättering
26.11. Ceremonial presentation of the Viadrina Prize 2008 to Prof. Dr Rita Süssmuth
13.10. Ceremonial opening of the Academic Year with the presentation of the chain of office from Prof. Dr Gesine Schwan to Dr Gunter Pleuger
Speeches by the Ministers of Justice of Poland and Germany, Prof. Dr Zbigniew Ćwiąkalski and Brigitte Zypries on judicial cooperation between the two countries
01.10. Zbigniew Ćwiąkalski and Brigitte Zypries on judicial cooperation between the two countries
01.10. Handover of the chain of office from President Prof. Dr Gesine Schwan to her successor, Dr Gunter Pleuger
. Gunter Pleuger
21.04. Foundation celebration for the establishment of the „Foundation European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)“
01.03 The European University becomes a foundation university
30.11. The „Copernicus Group“ is honoured with the Viadrina Prize 2007.
15.10. On the occasion of the opening of the Academic Year 2007/2008, the following are honoured as honorary members of the University's Board of Trustees: the former member of the Founding Senate, Prof. Dr. Hermann G. Grimmeiss (Lund/Sweden), Founding Rector Prof. Dr. Dr. Knut Ipsen (Bochum/Germany) and the first Viadrina Rector, Prof. Dr. G. Grimmeiss (Lund/Sweden). Grimmeiss (Lund/Sweden), Founding Rector Prof. Dr. Dr. Knut Ipsen (Bochum/Germany) and the first Viadrina Rector, Prof. Dr. Hans N. Weiler (Stanford/California).
03.07. Keynote speech on European policy by the Federal Minister of Finance, Peer Steinbrück, on 3 July 2007 at the European University Viadrina
30.11. Foundation of the German-Polish Science Foundation
16.11. Ceremonial presentation of the Viadrina Prize 2006 to the publicist Adam Krzemiński
26.10. Federal Foreign Minister Frank Walter Steinmeier gives a speech on Europe's future at the opening ceremony of the academic year
26.04. Honorary doctorate awarded to Prof. Dr Bronisław Geremek, former Foreign Minister of Poland, and Prof. Dr Fritz Stern, historian (USA)
26.04. Ceremony to mark the 500th anniversary of the founding of Viadrina
21.11. Ceremonial presentation of the Viadrina Prize 2005 to the historian Prof. Dr Rudolf von Thadden, member of the Founding Senate of the European University Viadrina
25.07. The German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder and the Polish President pay a visit to Viadrina. In their presence, the Secretaries of State for Education of Germany and Poland, Wolf-Michael Catenhusen and Tadeusz Szulc, signed a "Joint Declaration on Strengthening Cooperation between Students, Academics and Researchers of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Poland".
08.06. Launch of the first Children's University at Viadrina
14.12. Ceremonial presentation of the Viadrina Prize 2004 to the historian Włodzimierz Borodziej
11.10. Ceremonial presentation of the reconstructed low-rise building as the „Auditorium Maximum"
07.07. The Viadrina is accepted into the German Research Foundation (DFG)
19.04. naming of the Härsaal-Mensa complex, Europaplatz 1, „Gräfin-Dänhoff-Gebäude"
04.03. nomination of President Prof Dr Gesine Schwan as the SPD/Gräne candidate for the office of Federal President
18.11. &Presentation of the Viadrina Prize 2003 to Markus Meckel
23.10. Inauguration of the Europe Square in front of the Hörsaal- Mensa building
16.06. Opening of the European Science Centre at the Collegium Polonicum Słubice
19.11. Award of the Viadrina Prize 2002 to former Ambassador of the Republic of Poland Janusz Reiter
17.10. Handover of the Dedecius Archive at the Collegium Polonicum for public use
14.10. Ceremonial opening of the new auditorium-cafeteria building at Europaplatz 1
04.10 August President Prof. Dr Gesine Schwan is honoured with the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany
30 August Visit by Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer to Viadrina and the Collegium Polonicum
30.10. Award of the Federal Cross of Merit to former Rector Prof. Dr Hans N. Weiler
13.07. Award of the Viadrina Prize 2001 to Nobel Prize winner Günter Grass
18.06. Visit by Federal Chancellor Gerhard Schröder and Polish Prime Minister Jerzy Buzek to Viadrina
16 June Meeting of the European Affairs Committee of the German Bundestag at the Collegium Polonicum
14 June06.06. Presentation of the National Prize to Joseph Jovan and Tadeusz Mazowiecki
06.02. Ceremonial opening of the final construction phase of the Collegium Polonicum with an international conference with Poland's former Foreign Minister Bronisław Geremek, Germany's former Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher and the French publicist Alfred Grosser
27.11. Spiegel Forum at the Viadrina with Bundestag President Wolfgang Thierse „What are we doing against xenophobia?"
24.10. Federal President Johannes Rau as a guest at the panel discussion „Education for Europe" at the Viadrina
27.09. Speech by Poland's Foreign Minister Władysław Bartoszewski at the annual conference of German university chancellors
22 June Award of the 2nd Viadrina Prize to Adam Michnik
09 May Lecture by EU Commissioner Günter Verheugen on EU enlargement to the east at the Collegium Polonicum
10.12. Festive event in honour of the 90th birthday of Marion Gräfin Dönhoff
11.10. Handover of office from the first Rector of Viadrina, Prof. Dr. Hans N. Weiler, to his successor, President Prof. Dr. Gesine Schwan
01.09. Meeting between Federal President Johannes Rau and Polish President Aleksander Kwaśniewski on the Oder Bridge and at the Collegium Polonicum
22.07. Prof. Dr Gesine Schwan is appointed President of the Federal Republic of Germany. Dr Gesine Schwan is elected new President by the Senate.
08.07. Award of the 1st Viadrina Prize to Karl Dedecius
04.05. Former Foreign Minister, Hans-Dietrich Genscher takes over the Professorship of Europe
29.04. Laying of the foundation stone for the new building of a lecture theatre and canteen complex
03.02. Handover of the keys to the university complex in August-Bebel-Straße
12.10. Opening of the academic year by Bundestag President Rita Süssmuth
10.06. Ceremonial opening of the Collegium Polonicum in Słubice with Federal Youth Minister Claudia Nolte and Polish Education Minister Prof. Mirosław Handtke
26.01. Mirosław Handtke
26.01. Key handover for the main university building after complex reconstruction
04.12. Joint visit by Federal Chancellor Dr Helmut Kohl and the Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland, Prof. Jerzy Buzek
19.11. Meeting of Foreign Ministers of Germany, France and Poland - Klaus Kinkel, Hubert Vendrine, Bronisław Geremek
02.10. Science Ministers of Germany and Poland, Dr Jürgen Rüttgers and Prof. Aleksander Łuczak, at Viadrina
27.05. Jürgen Rüttgers and Prof. Dr Aleksander Łuczak, at the Viadrina
27.05. Former Federal President Richard von Weizsäcker gives a lecture as part of the European Professorship.
21.05. Re-election of the Rector, Prof. Dr Hans N. Weiler, for a further term of office
09.11. Topping-out ceremony for the Collegium Polonicum
06.11. Graduation certificates for the first graduates
01.01. The Frankfurt Institute for Transformation Studies (FIT) is founded in December 1995 as a central institute of the university and commences its activities at the beginning of 1996.
22 November Viadrina and the joint project with the University of Poznań - the Collegium Polonicum - receive the German-Polish Prize 1995, awarded by the Foreign Ministers of Poland and Germany, Władysław Bartoszewski and Klaus Kinkel.06. official opening of the Faculty of Cultural Studies
24.04. visit of the Federal President Prof. Dr Roman Herzog to Viadrina
05.01. handover of office from the previous Chancellor Josef Schmücker to the new Chancellor Peter Stahl
24.10. Formal opening of the Faculty of Business and Economics
25.04. Formal opening of the Faculty of Law
14.10. Election of the first Rector, Prof. Dr Hans N. Weiler, by the Council
22.01. Inclusion of the Viadrina in the annex to the university directory
17 October: Laying of the foundation stone for the Collegium Polonicum
19 October: Opening of the first academic year at Viadrina
06.09. Ceremonial opening of the university and constitution of the founding senate with founding rector Prof. Dr Knut Ipsen
15.07. Official founding of the European University by legal act