Around the Viadrina
Since its reestablishment in 1991, the Viadrina has lived and breathed internationality. This is still evident today in very different ways: Students can spend their semester abroad at one of over 250 partner universities worldwide or meet fellow students from Poland, France or Ukraine for lunch in the refectory. An international perspective on culture, law and business also shapes the content of many seminars and entire degree programs. To ensure that communication also works internationally, a versatile language training is integrated into most courses of study.
- International flair: fellow students from approx. 100 countries
- European and global topics in the study program
- Courses in different languages
- International multiple degrees
- Living and studying across borders in Poland and Germany
- Foreign language training
- Semester abroad at one of over 250 partner universities
- Intercultural competence through internship abroad
Language offers of the Viadrina Language Center:
- German (as a foreign language)
- Italian (as a foreign language)
- Spanish (as a foreign language)
- English (as a foreign language)
- Polish (as a foreign language)
- Turkish (as a foreign language)
- French language
- Russian language
- Ukrainian
Please note:
In some of our degree programs, foreign language skills are an admission requirement. In most programs they are an integral part of the study program.
Yes! Visit us at the open day or become a student for a day and experience the daily life at the university: take part in classes, meet students & professors and much more...
The Viadrina Compass was developed to bundle the various support options offered by the university. It is a collection of free offers that are available to all students in addition to the study programme. As a navigator, it serves as orientation in various life and study situations. In the form of trainings, seminars and counseling options, it provides support in finding perspectives and a wide range of possibilities.
Further information on the topics of consulting, career planning and workshops can be found here.
Requirements for your Studies
No, it is possible to apply for a study programme at the Viadrina regardless of the selected advanced courses. An interest in languages or international topics from culture, law or economics fits in with our range of courses. Subjects such as German, Math or History or Foreign Languages up to A-Levels are - depending on the intended course of study - a good preparation for studying at the European University Viadrina.
The exact NC value of a study programme is always determined after the end of the admission procedure. The NC value or the waiting semesters are determined by the A-Level grade or the number of waiting semesters of the last applicant admitted according to these criteria. The chances of successful admission with a certain grade or a certain number of waiting semesters therefore depend on the grades or waiting semesters of the other applicants.
Yes, an application for studies at the Viadrina is also possible with:
- Completion of lower secondary school (or equivalent) in combination with suitable a vocational training and at least two years of professional experience or
- a Master's degree in a profession suitable for the intended studies.
Admission-restricted courses of study (NC): In simple terms, places on degree programmes with restricted admission are awarded to applicants in two rounds according to the criteria "A-Level grade" and "waiting period": 80 percent of the places are awarded according to the average A-Level grade and 20 percent of the places are awarded according to waiting semesters. Study places that are not accepted are allocated to the remaining applicants in a move-up procedure according to the same principle. Students with disabilities and/or chronic illnesses can increase their chances of admission by applying for hardship.
Admission-free study programmes: There is no application procedure for admission-free study programmes. Those who meet the admission requirements can enroll online for the respective degree programme. However, prospective foreign students with a foreign university entrance qualification always apply via uni-assist.de.
For the study programme "German-Polish Law Studies" ("Bachelor of German and Polish Law and Magister of (Polish) Law") all interested students apply directly on the application portal viaCAMPUS. For the study programme "Polish Studies" the application is exclusively done via Adam Mickiewicz University Poznań via rekrutacja.amu.edu.pl.
An application for studies at the Viadrina is possible with:
- general or subject-linked university entrance qualification
- entrance qualification for universities of applied sciences
- a foreign school-leaving certificate recognized as equivalent
Please note:
For study programmes with Polish or English as the language of instruction, proof of language proficiency is required. Specific information on admission can be found on the websites of the respective study programmes.
Apply and Enroll
All public offices that have an official seal may officially certify copies.
For example:
- Schools
- Offices
- (Residents') registration offices
- Notaries (for a fee)
The application for a study place at the Viadrina is easily done online via our website. We explain how to do it and which documents are required under Application & Enrollment.
Please note:
For some admission-restricted NC degree programs, the application process runs through the "Dialogorientierte Serviceverfahren" (hochschulstart.de). Foreign nationals with a foreign university entrance qualification must always apply online via uni-assist.de.
For the study program "German-Polish Law Studies" ("Bachelor of German and Polish Law and Magister of (Polish) Law") all interested persons apply directly on viaCAMPUS. For the program "Polish Studies", the application is made exclusively through the Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznań via rekrutacja.amu.edu.pl.
Foreign nationals with a German university entrance qualification and German nationals with a foreign university entrance qualification apply online on viaCAMPUS.
Application periods for Bachelor's degree programs with restricted admission (NC):
Winter semester: June 1 to July 15
Summer semester: December 1 to January 15
Application periods for Bachelor's degree programs with open admission:
Winter semester: June 1 to September 15
Summer semester: December 1 to March 15
Foreign nationals with a foreign university entrance qualification must also apply online via uni-assist.de for admission-free study programs.
For the study program "German-Polish Law" ("Bachelor of German and Polish Law and Magister of (Polish) Law") first-year students apply directly on viaCAMPUS from May 1 to September 5 and for the higher semester from May 1 to August 15 for the winter semester and from December 1 to February 15 for the summer semester.
For the dual degree program "Auditing", all interested students apply from June 1 to September 5, also on viaCAMPUS.
Please note:
It is not possible to apply or enroll for every degree program for the summer semester. The enrollment and application deadlines for the Master's programs, among others, may differ.
Costs and Tuition Fees
For the semester contribution:
Recipient: European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)
IBAN: DE27 1705 5050 3600 3655 91
reason for payment: matriculation number
name of bank: Sparkasse Oder-Spree
street: Franz-Mehring-Str. 22
post code: 15230
city: Frankfurt (Oder)
country: Germany
For the tuition fee:
see admission letter and notice of fee
In addition to the semester contribution, individual costs will probably be incurred for the studies, e.g. for language courses, copies and books.
The rents in Frankfurt (Oder) are moderate: A room in a student housing complex of the Studentenwerk currently costs between approx. 190 and 300 euros.
The Viadrina is a state university, therefore, in principle, no tuition fees are charged for the Bachelor's and Master's programmes.
The exception is continuing education master's programmes, which are subject to tuition fees.
Read more...Campus & Life
An apartment or room in a student housing complex can be applied for online at the Studentenwerk Frankfurt (Oder).
Live inexpensively in Słubice: Rents for rooms and apartments are often cheaper on the Polish side of the Oder.
Terms and Explanations
Degree - successful completion of an undertaking, for example, school or university education.
College/university degree - graduation after a college/university course of study.
Bachelor's degree is the first academic degree and professional qualification of a multi-level study model or a state degree designation after successful study at a vocational academy. Duration: 3-4 years.
Master's degree is the second academic degree and professional qualification of a multi-level study model or a state degree designation after successful study at a university of cooperative education. Duration: 1-2 years.
First Law Examination (= Erstes Staatsexamen): anyone who completes a course of study in law concludes this with the "First Law Examination", formerly known as the "Erstes Staatsexamen". A state examination is an examination organized by a German state authority (examination office). This usually forms the conclusion of courses of study at a German university.
Certificate is an official attestation/declaration of a passed examination or the acquisition of certain skills.
Cut-off date - is the date by which your documents must be received by the recipient. The date of receipt applies, i.e. the date on which they arrive, not the date on which they were sent. For example, applications received after the cut-off deadline cannot be considered.
Certification / certified copy - is an official certification of the correctness of a signature or transcript/copy (certified copy) by a notary or an authorised authority.
If you come from one of the EU countries, it is sufficient to have the documents notarised by notaries, schools or universities. Outside the European Union, copies must be certified by a German consular mission or an authorised notary.
Sworn translation / Certified translation - is the translation of official documents by a person authorised to do so.
A sworn translation (or certified translation) is a translation that has been prepared by a sworn translator. These persons are only authorised to certify translations they have produced themselves, but not other documents, especially not the original document on which the translation is based!
A sworn translator is a person with special authorisation as a sworn or publicly appointed/authorised translator. Such a person is authorised to officially translate documents, i.e. to produce so-called sworn or court-approved translations.
With a stamp, a translated document is also recognised as valid abroad.
Pre-authentication - No apostille can be issued by the state authority without pre-authentication.
Pre-authentication of documents issued by the European University Viadrina can be obtained from the secretary of the Department of Student Affairs.
Apostille - is a form of legalisation in international document traffic.
The apostille procedure confirms the authenticity of the signature of the person issuing the document and their authorisation to issue it, thereby establishing the document's probative value in this special procedure. An apostille is required for documents that are presented to foreign authorities, for example when emigrating.
The apostille is issued by the Potsdam State Office (Landesamt Potsdam).
Website Potsdam State OfficeApplication - application for admission to a study place at the university.
Enrollment (= matriculation, registration) - official registration as a student at the university. This gives you student status and your student ID (matriculation number).
For admission-restricted courses of study, you must apply with all the required documents. You will receive an admission letter informing you whether you have been granted a place and can enroll at the university (additional documents may be required).
For degree programmes with open admissions, you can enroll directly for the desired study place by submitting all required documents.
Dialogue-Oriented Service Procedure (abbreviated as DoSV) - admission procedure coordinated by the Stiftung Hochschulstart for undergraduate degree programmes with admission restrictions.
hochschulstart.de - Website for registering to participate in the DoSV.
Universities can have applications for admission-restricted degree programmes coordinated via the Dialog-Oriented Service Procedure (DoSV) of the Foundation for University Admission. In this procedure, it is possible to apply for several study programmes at several universities.
To apply for a DoSV study programme, you first need to register on the website www.hochschulstart.de. You will receive a user ID (BID) and an applicant authenticator number (BAN).
To find out whether your chosen degree programme at the European Unviersity Viadrina is a DoSV programme, please refer to the relevant details under "Application and Enrollment".
Stamped Return Envelope - is a self-addressed stamped envelope, for the return of documents.
Label the return envelope with your personal address. Mark the DIN A4 envelope with the required postage.
Undergraduate - undergraduate degree programmes are those that lead to a first university degree.
Examples include: Bachelor's degree, first law degree.
Consecutive - a consecutive course of study builds on a first degree, its content is coordinated with it and has a subject-related connection to it.
They are also referred to as postgraduate programmes, since a successfully completed undergraduate degree is always required for admission.
These are usually master's degree programmes that build directly on a bachelor's degree programme that fits the subject.
Continuing education - part-time master's degree programmes, often with a fee, for which work experience is usually a prerequisite.
Continuing education master's programmes are usually designed to be completed while working, e.g., through evening classes or weekend block courses. They are aimed at working academics who wish to continue their education in order to adapt to the challenges of the labor market. Therefore, relevant professional experience is often a prerequisite. The admission requirements (e.g. the subject relevance of the undergraduate degree) can vary greatly.
Hochschulzugangsberechtigung (HZB) - Proof of qualification to study at a German university.
Anyone wishing to study in Germany must qualify for this through their previous education. In Germany, the HZB is obtained with the completion of secondary school (Abitur or equivalent).
Foreign HZB:
Those who do not have a German Abitur must provide evidence of prior education equivalent to the level of the German Abitur. Please note that the definition of HZB varies from country to country. If necessary, inquire about the requirements that apply to your country.
For students from some countries, this means that they must study for 1 - 2 years at a university in their home country, attend a one-year preparatory course in Germany, or meet other additional requirements before beginning their studies in Germany.
Secondary level 2: The completion of secondary level 2 is the Abitur (i.e. the HZB).
Secondary level 1: The completion of secondary level 1 is a Hauptschule or Realschulabschluss. This is achieved when the 10th grade is passed with the usual tests for this. With the completion of secondary level 1, one does not obtain an HZB!
Case 1:
If your first academic degree (e. g. bachelor or equivalent) is not yet accomplished yet due to outstanding exam results, but the current performance level suggests that this degree will be reached in the current semester before the beginning of the master studies.
Than we need an official letter from your university (with letter head and seal) in original, stating:
- that you are a student of this university,
- that you will finish your studies in the current semester,
- that you'll get the degree at the end of the semester,
- which degree this will be and
- what's the expected average mark
- Moreover an official transcript of records is to be submitted.
Case 2:
If your first academic degree certificate (e. g. bachelor or equivalent) is not issued yet, but the studies are finished and the degree already awarded.
Then we need an official letter from your university (with letter head and seal - no copies) in original stating:
- that you got the degree,
- which degree you received,
- when you received it and
- what the final mark is.
Applicable in both cases:
Those letters replace the missing certificate during the application procedure but the official certificate must be presented when enrolling.
Online - Application and/or enrollment (matriculation) at Viadrina is done online viaCampus (German/English).
For the process of application and/or enrollment viaCampus is only open during the published deadlines. It is not possible to apply before then!
Please follow the individual steps and instructions in viaCampus. At the end of the online application and/or enrollment (matriculation), you must submit it online. After submitting, a PDF file will be generated.
The 1st page is the application itself.
Keep the rest of the pages and read them carefully!
Please submit only the 1st page together with all other required documents in paper form to Viadrina.
You will be informed by viaCampus about missing documents and status changes during the whole process until enrollment (matriculation).
Semester contribution - is a flat-rate compulsory fee payable by all students at a German university before each semester and is made up as follows:
- Student Union Fee
- Student body contribution
- Registration fee
- Compulsory semester ticket.
Tuition fee - intended to reduce the costs of study incurred by the state or private sponsor of the university. Since the summer semester of 2001, all students in the state of Brandenburg have been required to pay a registration fee.
Tuition fee is also used in connection with fee-paying courses of study, for which additional tuition fees are incurred, over and above the semester fee (incl. registration fee).
Fee-based (also: subject to fees) - means that additional costs are charged beyond the usual semester fee.
Information on which study programmes at the European University Viadrina are subject to costs/fees can be found in our study programmes.
DSH - German Language Examination for University Admission of Foreign Applicants
Applicants who are exempt from the DSH are those who
- are holders of a German-language baccalaureate,
- have successfully graduated from a German-language university,
- hold the German Language Diploma of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany, Level II,
- hold the Small or Large German Language Diploma of the Goethe Institute,
- have passed the Zentrale Oberstufenprüfung (ZOP) of the Goethe-Institut,
- have already passed the DSH
- have obtained the TestDaF certificate, and - have reached at least level TDN 4 in all four sections.
Applicants who have taken the Zentrale Mittelstufenprüfung at the Goethe Institute, for example, are not exempt.
The European University Viadrina offers a preparatory German course.
Level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) has to be done by successfully passing one of the following equivalent tests:
Cambridge English Advanced: at least Grade B,
Cambridge English Proficiency: grades A-C,
IELTS (academic): at least 7.0 points,
TOEFL (iBT): at least 100 points (TOEFL ID Code: 4782),
TOEIC: 490-495 points (listening), 455-495 points (reading),
Certificate UNIcert III
In addition to the above tests and certificates, we do not accept any other proof of language proficiency.
Please arrange for the language certificate to be sent directly to the Enrollment Office by the testing institute.
Copies will not be accepted.
The language certificate must not be older than three years.
In order to meet the deadlines, we strongly recommend that you apply for the relevant language certificate as early as possible.
Only prospective students who earned their Bachelor's degree in English in one of the following countries are exempt from providing proof of English language proficiency: Australia, Ireland, Canada, Malta, New Zealand, South Africa, UK, USA. Prospective students from countries not mentioned above must provide proof of one of the above-mentioned language certificates.
A clearance certificate is a confirmation that is required when changing universities if the new course of study is related to or the same as the previous course of study (subject-related).
With the certificate, the previous examination office confirms that the applicant has not lost his/her examination entitlement. The clearance certificate also confirms that neither module nor subject examinations were definitively failed in the previous course of study. This gives the new examination office formal assurance that the new applicant may take all the required examinations.
Clearance certificates should be applied for as early as possible when changing studies, as issuing them may take some time.
Uni-assist - is an institution whose core task is the evaluation of international certificates and thus the examination of whether the submitted certificates are equivalent to German school or university degrees, i.e. whether they generally entitle the holder to study in Germany. In addition, the universities can commission uni-assist to check the fulfillment of further criteria.
For the European University Viadrina, uni-assist takes over the processing of all Bachelor applications of foreign students with a foreign university entrance qualification (in short: HZB): www.uni-assist.de.
Please be sure to read the explanations under "Hochschulzugangberechtigung (HZB)"!
All applicants are required to submit a current insurance certificate from a public health insurance company to the university upon enrollment. This certificate is considered proof of valid health insurance coverage.
Privately insured persons under the age of 30 submit an application for exemption to a statutory health insurance company. They then receive the insurance certificate, which must be submitted to the university.
Privately insured persons over 30 years of age obtain the insurance certificate from a public health insurance company without having to submit an application for exemption. This insurance certificate must be submitted to the university.
Admission - permission to enroll at a university.
Open-Admission Programmes - Programmes of study for which you generally do not have to fulfill any other special requirements in order to enroll.
Restricted Admission (NC) - courses of study for which a limited number of places are allocated among the applicants via an application procedure according to specific criteria.
They are also synonymously referred to as NC degree programmes. NC stands for Numerus Clausus. It does not have a fixed value, but is created anew for each application round by the supply of available study places and the demand for this study course.
In the case of admission-free study programmes, only the admission requirements must be met (usually the A-Level oder Fachhochschulreife, a technical college entrance qualification). Enrollment takes place directly at the university. There is no application procedure, i.e. no admission procedure, for these courses of study and accordingly no notification of admission is generated and sent out.
In the case of admission-restricted degree programmes, you must apply instead of enrolling directly. Since there are only a certain, fixed number of study places in these programmes, rankings are created from the applications received according to criteria defined by the university (e.g. grade of the HZB, waiting time). The best applicants are admitted and can enroll in the programme.
It is possible that a study programme is free of admission at one university, but admission is restricted at another university.
Second Degree - A student is in a second degree programme if he or she has already completed and obtained one degree and is applying for another degree programme in the same category.
Students who, after completing a bachelor's degree, again apply for a bachelor's degree in another degree programme, or who, after completing a master's degree, again apply for a master's degree in another degree programme.
Exception: consecutive Master's programme immediately following Bachelor's programme at the Viadrina.
Explanations of the categories of study programmes can be found under "Undergraduate / Consecutive / Postgraduate Study Programmes".