Accessibility at the Viadrina

Accessibility at the Viadrina


With the aim of creating equal opportunities, the Barrier-free Advice Centre is committed to removing barriers of all kinds - both infrastructural barriers and those resulting from institutional procedures or forms of communication. If you still encounter barriers in your everyday study life due to an impairment, we will be happy to work with you to remove them.

In the following you will find information on accessibility and facilities at the Viadrina. If you have any further questions about accessibility at Viadrina, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Counselling centre for students with health impairments

Accessibility of buildings

The entrances to the Auditorium Maximum building (AM), the Gräfin-Dönhoff-Building (GD), the Logenhaus (LH, entrance on the side of the car park in Heinrich-von-Stephan-Straße) and the Viadrina Language Centre in August-Bebel-Straße (AB) are equipped with electric door contacts. In the Main Building (HG), the assistance of staff or an accompanying person is required.

All university buildings have barrier-free sanitary facilities. Barrier-free flats can be rented in the student residences of the Studierendenwerk Frankfurt (Oder).

On the university campus and immediately adjacent to it, students have access to parking spaces for disabled vehicles, which can be used with a blue EU parking permit. Further parking spaces are located on the grounds of the Viadrina Language Centre in August-Bebel-Straße. The tram stop "Witzlebenstraße" directly next to the Viadrina Language Centre is not yet barrier-free. It is not possible to get on and off the tram here with wheelchairs or walking frames, for example. If it proves to be very difficult or impossible for you to attend courses at the Viadrina Language Centre, please contact the Barrier-free Advice Centre in good time to arrange for the course to be rescheduled if necessary.

Tools and aids

Workplace for visually impaired students: The University has a workplace for visually impaired students in the Viadrina Language Centre (August-Bebel-Straße, Self-Study Centre, Room 016). It is equipped with a computer (Windows 10, Office 20216) with voice output, a 24-inch screen, a 21-inch screen reader and a printer.

Lockers: Students who are unable to carry books and other seminar materials with them at all times due to physical impairments can use a locker at the University Library for longer periods of time and lock up their work materials there.

Laptops for exams: If required, students with health impairments can use a laptop set up for exams (with an external keyboard, PC mouse and/or headset if required). The Accessibility Advice Centre will provide this laptop by prior arrangement.

Wheelchair-accessible tables: The Barrier-free Advice Centre can provide mobile, wheelchair-accessible, height- and tilt-adjustable sit-stand desks by prior arrangement - including larger tables (120 x 70 cm) for seminar rooms and smaller tables (80 x 60 cm) for lecture halls.

Seat cushion/lounger: Students with disabilities who have difficulty sitting for a longer examination can be loaned a seat cushion (coccyx cushion) or a lounger with an adjustable backrest (with a laptop table if required) after consultation.

Lift function app: Thanks to the Sozialhelden e.V. association, most of the lifts at Viadrina have sensors that show users the operating status of the lifts via the app. This lift information makes it very easy to check from home whether a particular lift is working and to reschedule accordingly in the event of malfunctions if the planned course room is not accessible (e.g. request for alternative digital participation).

Microphones/broadcasts: Larger seminar rooms and all lecture theatres are equipped with microphones. Video and audio transmissions are possible in the lecture halls, the Logensaal, the Audimax lecture hall and the seminar rooms HG 162, HG 217, AM 104 and GD 102 by arrangement and with the consent of the respective lecturers. Audio transmissions via IR receiver are possible in the Audimax lecture theatre and the Logensaal upon registration. A radio transmitter-receiver system can be provided for mobile use.