UA - digital: Ensuring student success in times of crisis

Description of the

In the second half of 2022, the European University Viadrina was able to successfully implement measures in cooperation with its partner universities V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kyiv Mohyla Academy and Kyiv School of Economics as part of the project "Ukraine digital: Ensuring academic success in times of crisis (2022)". The initial focus was on awarding numerous scholarships and teaching positions in order to provide assistance as quickly as possible, as well as on setting up the Viadrina OnlineLab (Teaching, Learning, Writing), which was implemented by the Viadrina Center for Teaching and Learning (ZLL). The focus was on maintaining teaching in Ukraine with the core idea that teaching can take place even under difficult circumstances and thus contribute to securing the educational careers of students and teachers directly affected by the war.

In addition to the immediate response to acute needs to ensure academic success, long-term perspectives for crisis-proof, resilient universities are always taken into consideration. This is to be achieved through the following measures, which are summarised in three project objectives:

Objective 1: Digitally safeguarding teaching

On the one hand, the project aims to ensure the continued existence of Ukrainian-language specialised teaching by awarding teaching assignments to Ukrainian academics. On the other hand, 20 Ukrainian students are to be given the opportunity to continue their studies digitally through sur-place scholarships in order to ensure the continuity of their educational careers.

Objective 2: Enabling resilient digital learning and teaching

Targeted support for students and teachers will also be provided through needs-orientated training formats that address the realities of life and study in times of war and show ways to create a resilient working, writing and learning environment to meet the challenges in the higher education context. The project builds on a structured expansion of the existing ViadrinaOnlineLab and the certificate programme. The methodological approach of Challenge Based Learning (CBL) serves as motivational support in crisis situations, and trauma-sensitive, writing-intensive teaching creates spaces for reflection and opportunities for self-study. Students also have the opportunity to participate in peer tutoring training to gain additional qualifications that enable them to respond to local challenges at their own university and act as multipliers to support their fellow students in creating a resilient learning environment on campus. Further information can be found here.

Goal 3: Digital support for final projects and creation of virtual writing environments

In order to secure educational careers, students and doctoral candidates are supported through digital writing workshops, especially in the phase of writing final theses. In the summer semester 2024, the Center for Teaching and Learning (ZLL) will organise online writing groups for final theses. Weekend writing retreats will be organised online to provide students with a focused environment for their writing projects. In addition, a seminar titled "Writing Your Scholarly Article in 12 Weeks" will be available for those studying academic writing. More details to follow shortly.

In the period from September to December 2022, the provision of more than 25 online courses (including 13 teaching assignments) and the support of Ukrainian fellows who continued their teaching for Ukrainian students from Viadrina (at least 15 courses) enabled the continuation of Ukrainian specialised teaching. In addition, a total of 15 residency scholarships at the European University enabled 8 lecturers to continue their teaching activities and 7 students to continue their education at the Ukrainian university in digital form. In addition, 9 students in Ukraine received an online scholarship. In total, we estimate that more than 250 students have benefited from online teaching.

As part of the certificate programme, a total of 163 teachers took the opportunity to develop digital skills ('digital literacy') in terms of innovative, heterogeneity-oriented, low-barrier online teaching and learning formats, activating methods and writing-intensive teaching. Despite the difficult conditions and without a regular power supply, a total of 19 teachers were able to complete the certificate with a total of 32 work units of 45 minutes each.

Find out more about the "Ukraine digital" project here.

Certificate programme for teachers at Ukrainian universities

The Center for Teaching and Learning at the European University Viadrina offers a module-based certificate programme for teachers from Ukrainian universities. The "Online Future Teaching Skills" certificate confirms qualifications in didactic and digital skills in higher education acquired after completing two modules of the certificate programme.

The certificate programme also includes the development of trauma-sensitive skills in teaching. This is particularly important as many students in Ukraine have had traumatic experiences that are often overlooked when designing lessons. In addition, the certificate programme promotes the integration of AI tools and digital resources into teaching in order to further improve the quality of education. The aim is to empower teachers to use innovative technologies for a more efficient and effective transfer of knowledge.

General information and registration

- Please register no later than the day before the workshop


- Participation in the programme is free of charge. We expect you to actively participate and contribute.

- If you already took part in the certificate programme last year, you can repeat it and select further workshops that could be helpful for your future teaching activities.

- Please note that the following schedule is in Central European Time (CET). Please take the time difference into account.

- The day before the workshop we will send you an email with a Zoom link.

- We ask you to take your registration for the workshop seriously and try to attend the event. If you are unable to attend for any reason, please let us know. We will try to record the workshops, but please be aware that this will not always be possible.

- We expect you to write a reflection on each workshop you have attended. Please note that this should not be a summary of the workshop, but your thoughts on the workshop.


Please register here

Module 1: Theoretical part (18 units)

Participants will deal with central questions of teaching and learning. The certificate programme includes the development of trauma-sensitive skills in the classroom. This aspect aims to equip educators with the necessary skills to implement trauma-sensitive approaches in their classrooms and promote a learning environment that prioritises safety and support.

In addition, the programme promotes the integration of AI tools and digital resources into the classroom to improve the quality of education. The aim is to enable educators to use innovative technologies for more effective and efficient knowledge transfer. The focus will continue to be on the development of writing skills in teaching, as writing is a fundamental cultural competence for academic teaching.

Participants will be offered workshops on the following topics:

- Integration of AI into teaching and academic writing;

- Trauma-sensitive approach to teaching;

- Integration of digital tools into the learning process;

To receive a certificate, participants must complete 18 units. Each workshop counts for 2 units*, i.e. work units. Participants must choose at least two workshops from topic 1, two workshops from topic 2 and three workshops from topic 3.

Participants can attend all workshops, but only the selected topics will count towards the certificate. They should write a reflection on the workshops they attended. You can use these questions as a guide.

Please note that you should only write a reflection for the workshops that you wish to include in your final certificate.

Module 2: Practical part (20 units)

The second part includes your own contributions. Together with the expertise of Ukrainian educators, we want to further develop the Viadrina Online Learning Lab. This platform provides users with free material with the aim of improving teaching and learning. It will be managed and updated by the Center for Teaching and Learning of the European University Viadrina. The aim is to create a platform that promotes different teaching methods and inspires learning. Here is the link to the Viadrina Online Lab

Your task is to create content for the Viadrina Online Lab. As an educator, you need to create two contributions (content) for the Viadrina Online Lab based on your expertise and experience and based on scientific sources: one for your colleagues and one for the students.

Another task is to enter your reflections, written after each workshop session you have attended, in your certificate.

*1 unit = 45 min.

Topic 1: Integration of AI in education and academic writing

AI in education: exploring opportunities and tackling challenges. Development. (in Ukrainian, 2 units)

Date and time: 14 May 2024, 17:00-19:00 (Kyiv time)

In today's era characterised by rapid technological change, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is emerging as a decisive force that is redefining educational structures. Our upcoming scientific webinar "AI in Education: Exploring Opportunities and Addressing Challenges" invites educators to participate in a discussion on the potential of AI and pedagogical methods. This discussion aims to highlight the significant capabilities of AI in individualising learning pathways, enhancing learner engagement and raising educational standards. At the same time, it will take a critical look at the ethical dilemmas, privacy issues and the need for equitable access that are inextricably linked to the integration of AI into educational environments. Building on the previous year's discussions, this session will assess the evolutionary trajectory of AI in education by analysing the advances and refinements in AI technologies over the past year. We will discuss solutions and strategic methods for utilising the capabilities of AI wisely and effectively, with the ultimate goal of creating a future where technological innovation and educational excellence come together to achieve outstanding learning outcomes.

Moderator: Oleksandr Poddenezhny - Head of the Centre for Electronic Education of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy

Artificial intelligence and academic writing

Date and time: 17 May 2024, 16:00-18:00 (Kyiv time)

This event is dedicated to the role of Artificial Intelligence in the field of academic writing. We will explore various aspects of the use of AI, such as the use of virtual assistants to compose texts, their influence on writing motivation, the problem of authorship and the ethical framework of application. We will also look at the types of AI text generation models, questioning techniques and mechanisms for critically evaluating the generated texts. We will analyse the influence of AI on the writing process and discuss ways to create a symbiotic strategy between humans and AI in this context.

Moderator: Prof. Taras Buchenko - Head of the Department of Social Philosophy and Public Administration at Zaporizhzhia National University

Integrating AI into academic writing. A practical workshop for teachers (in English, 2 units)

Date and time: 22 May 2024, 16:00-17:30 (CET) / 17:00-18:30 (Kyiv time)

In the course of discussions about the disruptive potential of AI technology in science, many questions remain unanswered. This workshop is aimed at educators seeking clarity and guidance for integrating AI into their teaching and research practice.

The workshop will use visual aids, assignments and group discussions to familiarise participants with the current debate about the role of AI in the university environment, particularly in text generation applications. We will discuss the need to incorporate AI into learning scenarios to improve students' AI competences and address faculty concerns when using this technology.

One focus will be on equipping teachers with in-depth knowledge of writing with AI, including effective questioning techniques. The aim is for participants to not only understand the mechanics of AI-assisted writing, but also to be able to confidently pass this knowledge on to their students in seminars and other teaching formats. By the end of this session, instructors will be better equipped to make informed decisions about the use of AI tools in writing and to promote students' AI competencies to ensure that the technology enhances, rather than undermines, the educational experience.

Participants will be able to:

  • Reflect on their own attitudes to modern technology
  • Think about adapting written assignments or exam formats for future students
  • Acquire knowledge about writing with AI that they can pass on to their students in seminars
  • Discuss how students' AI skills can be promoted

Moderator: Annemarie Michel, lecturer and writing coach

Ethics of artificial intelligence in education

Date and time: 24 May 2024, 16:00-18:00 (Kyiv time)

This event is dedicated to discussing the ethical aspects of the use of artificial intelligence in education. We will explore the moral conflicts that arise in the application of AI and the principles and standards that apply in this field. We will discuss the humanistic paradigm as well as different models proposed for the creation of "friendly AI". Based on international standards and recommendations from the OECD and other organisations, we will identify the key aspects of the ethical use of AI in education and suggest ways to implement them.

Moderator: Prof Taras Buchenko - Head of the Department of Social Philosophy and Public Administration at Zaporizhzhia National University

Integration of AI tools into lesson preparation (in English, 2 units)

Date and time: 07/06/2024, 15:00-17:00 (CET) / 16:00-18:00 (Kyiv time)

In this workshop, participants will explore the intersection of AI and education and learn practical strategies for using AI tools to enhance their teaching. Participants will learn about some selected AI tools, discuss them and reflect on their use. The workshop will provide an opportunity for participants to collaborate, share insights and develop innovative approaches for integrating AI into their teaching practice.

At the end of the workshop, participants will have:

  • An overview of different AI tools for educational purposes
  • Learned about use cases for integrating AI tools into lesson planning, curriculum development and student engagement strategies
  • Reflected on the ethical implications, benefits and challenges of incorporating AI technologies into lesson preparation

Moderator: Dorothée Schulz-Budick, M.A. - PhD student, research project assistant in the field of quality development and online didactics at HTW Berlin

Theme 2: Trauma-related approaches in the classroom

Psychotrauma: nature and forms.

Date and time: 13 May 2024, 5-7 pm (CET) / 6-8 pm (Kyiv time)

The aim of this event is to explain the nature and content of the term "psychotrauma" and the different forms it can take. We will examine the main causes and signs of psychotrauma, which can be both psychological and psychological. Different types of psychotrauma will be analysed - acute, chronic and complex trauma - and their impact on a person's mental state will be discussed. To conclude the discussion, we will discuss the benefits of understanding and recognising issues in psychotraumatology for further work in the field.

Moderator: Prof. Igor Kapritsyn - Professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Chair of Social Philosophy and Public Management of Zaporizhzhia National University

Post-traumatic personality disorder

Date and time: 20 May 2024, 4-6 pm (CET) / 5-7 pm (Kyiv time)

The aim of this topic is to analyse the influence of trauma on personality development. During the discussion, we will look at the manifestations of post-traumatic personality disorder and the search for support and attachment patterns of traumatised individuals. Special attention will be paid to the post-traumatic consequences and their manifestations in the educational process as well as the strategies of post-traumatic survival.

Moderator: Prof Igor Kapritsyn - Professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Chair of Social Philosophy and Public Management at Zaporizhzhia National University

Potential and resources of post-traumatic personality recovery

Date and time: 28 May 2024, 5-7 pm (CET) / 6-8 pm (Kyiv time)

The aim of this event is to identify resources for the recovery of traumatised individuals. The discussion will cover principles and methods of personality recovery after trauma, teaching resource-oriented strategies of post-traumatic support in the educational process and practical exercises for organising lessons.

Moderator: Prof. Igor Kapritsyn - Professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Chair of Social Philosophy and Public Management of Zaporizhzhia National University

Approaches to optimising the learning process

Date and time: 04 June 2024, 5-7 pm (CET) / 6-8 pm (Kyiv time)

The aim of this topic is to examine approaches to optimising the learning process. The discussion will define the goals, tasks and practices of the educational process and their effectiveness in the current situation. Topics include educational dilemmas in Ukrainian reality, the atmosphere and systematics of post-traumatic support in the learning process, traumatisation of teachers, its manifestations and consequences for the educational process, and prevention and assistance in traumatisation of teachers.

Moderator: Prof. Igor Kapritsyn - Professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Chair of Social Philosophy and Public Management of Zaporizhzhia National University

Practice of self-restoration of the psychotraumatised personality (teachers)

Date and time: 11 June 2024, 5-7 pm (CET) / 6-8 pm (Kyiv time)

The aim of this event is to thoroughly analyse and identify obstacles to restoring personal harmony after psychotraumatic experiences. In addition, the practical mastery of one's own resources for recovery, based on known psychotechniques, supervision and intervision as well as means of cultural-resource-orientated rehabilitation, is important. During this event, participants will have the opportunity to get to know their inner resources better and learn practical tools to strengthen their mental health. They can discover new approaches to self-restoration and find ways to overcome difficulties that may arise on the road to mental health.

Moderator: Prof. Igor Kapritsyn - Professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Chair of Social Philosophy and Public Management at Zaporizhzhia National University

Theme 3: Integration of digital tools into the learning process

Digital sources/tools to improve the quality of education.

Date and time: 31 May 2024, 4-6 pm (Kyiv time)

In the contemporary educational landscape, the integration of digital technologies and tools is increasing exponentially. This webinar aims to showcase the range of digital resources available and highlight their potential to improve the quality of education. We will critically examine a variety of digital media, from interactive online learning platforms to comprehensive digital libraries and immersive virtual classrooms, and evaluate their ability to make learning more accessible, engaging and effective. Regardless of the pedagogical modality - be it auditory or a hybrid approach - the introduction of avant-garde technological resources always offers opportunities to refine the teaching and learning experience. We invite educators to participate in this discussion to discuss strategies for integrating advanced digital solutions into pedagogical practices in pursuit of pedagogical excellence and transformative educational outcomes.

Moderator: Oleksandr Poddenezhny - Head of the Centre for Electronic Education of Kyiv-Mohyla National University

E-learning scenarios (e.g. enrichment concept, integration concept, virtualisation concept)

Date and time: 12 June 2024, 4-6 p.m. (Kyiv time)

The webinar "E-learning scenarios: Navigation, Enrichment, Integration and Virtualisation" is specifically designed for university teaching staff who wish to deepen their interaction with e-learning methods. As e-learning continues to evolve, understanding and implementing its various scenarios is crucial for educators looking to improve their digital learning strategies.
We will look at three main concepts:

  • The concept of enrichment: enhancing traditional learning methods with digital resources to increase the value and depth of the learning process.
  • The concept of integration: a seamless combination of face-to-face learning with online elements to create a coherent and dynamic learning environment.The concept of virtualisation: moving to fully online courses and programmes to provide flexibility and accessibility for learners regardless of their geographical location.

But what is the 'right' balance in utilising these concepts? And where is the middle ground between using modern technologies and traditional academic approaches? We will discuss best practices for implementing these e-learning scenarios according to course objectives and student needs. The session will also cover the challenges and solutions in implementing these approaches to ensure that faculty are well-equipped to make informed decisions in their e-learning practice. Attend to explore the potential of e-learning to transform your teaching practices and improve student learning outcomes.

Moderator: Oleksandr Poddenezhny - Head of the Centre for Electronic Education of Kyiv-Mohyla National University

Building a digital presence. How to create a digital identity as a researcher/teacher. Use of websites/blogs/social networks to present the scientific activity of teachers.

Date and time: 18/06/2024, 4-6 pm (Kyiv time)

Our webinar is specifically designed for university teachers who want to develop and manage their digital personas. In the digital age, it is essential for researchers and teachers to create a reliable digital identity to share their research contributions, interact with the academic community and increase their professional visibility. This interactive session will introduce participants to the strategic use of websites, academic blogs and social media platforms to effectively showcase their research and teaching activities. Participants will be introduced to examples of digital portfolios that include information about teaching and research activity to engage broader academic and public audiences and navigate the opportunities and issues of digital communication. From creating a professional digital CV to using social media for academic networking and outreach, this webinar will provide practical tips and ideas to create a digital identity that supports your research and educational endeavours. Join us to explore the tools and strategies you need to make your mark in the digital scholarly world.

Moderator: Oleksandr Poddenezhny - Head of the Centre for Electronic Education of Kyiv-Mohyla National University

Innovative education with media tools

Date and time: 19 June 2024, 4-6 pm (Kyiv time)

The webinar aims to demonstrate the transformative potential of these resources to improve teaching and learning. In the digital age, media materials such as screencasts, podcasts, videos and simulations have become indispensable tools in the educational toolbox of university lecturers. This session will guide faculty through the practical aspects of creating and integrating various media materials into their curricula, from the technical details of production to pedagogical strategies for effective use. Participants will gain insight into how to utilise these dynamic resources to create a more engaging, interactive and engrossing learning experience. Whether you are teaching in a classroom or blended learning format, supplemental media materials will always help to implement complex learning concepts and enrich your course. This webinar will provide you with the knowledge and skills to effectively integrate media into your educational practices. Join us to learn how to inspire your students and enhance your teaching through the use of media.

Moderator: Oleksandr Poddenezhny - Head of the Centre for Electronic Education of Kyiv-Mohyla National University

Online communication, improvement of communication in digital format

Date and time: 21 June 2024, 4-6 p.m. (Kyiv time)

In the digital age, communication goes beyond traditional frameworks and is transformed. Communication in the academic environment is also in a zone of turbulence. The specialised webinar "Online Communication: Enhancing Digital Interaction in the Academic Environment" is designed to identify current changes and strategies for advancing communication as an integral part of the educational process. This interactive session will highlight the nuances of virtual interaction. We will discuss best practices for synchronous and asynchronous communication to ensure clarity and coherence in virtual lectures, workshops, and feedback sessions. In addition, the webinar will address common challenges of digital communication, such as maintaining student engagement and ensuring accessibility for all. Attend to improve your digital communication skills, increase teaching effectiveness and create a more connected and inclusive online learning community.

Moderator: Oleksandr Poddenezhny - Head of the Centre for Electronic Education of Kyiv-Mohyla National University

Use of VR and AR in the learning process

Date and time: 02 July 2024, 4-6 pm (Kyiv time)

As we move into the future of education, the integration of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) into academic curricula represents a revolutionary pedagogical approach. This webinar, designed for higher education faculty, will discuss the practical applications and pedagogical benefits of VR and AR in the learning process. "Enhancing Learning with Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality" aims to equip educators with the knowledge and skills to effectively implement these exciting technologies, increase student engagement and promote a deeper understanding of complex topics. From creating virtual labs to designing augmented reality experiences that bring course materials to life, participants will gain insight into designing an interactive and effective learning environment. Let's discuss what has changed in the last year, how these technologies have evolved and whether they have become more accessible to the education market. Join us to explore the endless possibilities of virtual reality and augmented reality in education and learn how you can utilise these cutting-edge technologies to inspire innovation and creativity in your educational work.

Moderator: Oleksandr Poddenezhny - Head of the Centre for Electronic Education of Kyiv-Mohyla National University

A comprehensive approach to the implementation of digital technologies. Digital security.

Date and time: 28 June 2024, 4-6 pm (Kyiv time)

This webinar, "A comprehensive approach to implementing digital technologies. Digital Security.", is specifically designed for university teachers who want to deepen their understanding of digital tools in a secure setting. In an age where digital technologies are an integral part of all aspects of academic life, the responsible and safe use of these tools is paramount. We will explore strategies for integrating technology into teaching and research while maintaining a commitment to data security. Participants will discuss topics such as protecting student privacy, ensuring data integrity, and creating a safe digital learning environment. Attend to enhance your digital freedom and become a leader in the safe implementation of technology at your institution.

Moderator: Oleksandr Poddenezhny - Head of the Centre for Electronic Education of Kyiv-Mohyla National University

In the winter semester, we are once again offering a series of workshops on topics relating to the implementation of digital technologies in higher education and trauma-sensitive teaching.

Integration of generative AI tools into teaching practice at universities

Date and time: 28 October 2024, 16:00 - 19:00 Kyiv time (15:00 - 18:00 CET)

The webinar "Integrating generative AI tools into teaching practice at universities" will focus on how university teachers can effectively integrate AI-driven tools into their teaching strategies. Participants will learn about the latest advances in generative AI, such as AI-powered content customisation, presentation creation, personalised learning resources and automated assessments, all designed to increase student engagement and streamline teaching processes. This session will provide practical examples and insights into how generative AI can be seamlessly integrated into higher education to improve both the teaching experience and student outcomes.

Moderator: Oleksandr Poddenezhny - Head of the Centre for Electronic Education of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy

Trauma, its consequences and manifestations in the educational process

Date and time: 29 October 2024, 17:00 - 20:00 Kyiv time (16:00 - 19:00 CET)

The aim of this meeting is to explain, understand and define the meaning of the term "psychological trauma". We will consider the place of psychological trauma among strong emotional experiences and analyse the relationship between the concepts of stress and trauma in human life. We will also describe post-traumatic stress disorder as a delayed reparation of trauma. Finally, we will discuss the specifics of traumatisation of military and civilians during war, the impact of trauma on personal development and the manifestation of the consequences of trauma in the educational process, and focus on the potentials and resources for the recovery of a post-traumatised person.

Moderator: Prof Igor Kapritsyn - Professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Chair of Social Philosophy and Public Management at Zaporizhzhia National University

Implementation of digital technologies

Date and time: 1 November 2024, 15:30 - 18:30 Kyiv time (14:30 - 17:30 CET)

The webinar "Implementing Digital Technologies in Higher Education" addresses the question of how digital tools can be used to improve the quality of education. Participants will explore practical methods for implementing audio and video content into their teaching practice to gain engaging and interactive learning experiences. The session will also explore the use of digital platforms to deliver quality educational content, promote active learning and improve student engagement in the classroom. From utilising multimedia resources to fostering collaboration through digital tools, this webinar will provide actionable strategies to enrich the learning environment and enhance the overall learning experience.

Presenter: Oleksandr Poddenezhny - Head of the Centre for Electronic Education of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy

General approaches to organising the educational process in a traumatised society

Date and time: 1 November 2024, 18:00 - 21:00 Kyiv time (17:00 - 20:00 CET)

The purpose of this meeting is to consider the post-traumatic consequences and their manifestations in the educational process (online and offline) in the context of its goals. Based on the knowledge of the general characteristics of post-traumas, strategies for the development of educational technologies, their optimisation and approaches to post-traumatic support in a traumatised society will be discussed.

Moderator: Prof Igor Kapritsyn - Professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Chair of Social Philosophy and Public Management at Zaporizhzhia National University

Digital presence and security

Date and time: 4 November 2024, 16:00 - 19:00 Kyiv time (15:00 - 18:00 CET)

This webinar will guide university teachers through the effective preparation and presentation of digital materials, with a focus on improving their professional online presence. Participants will explore best practices for presenting digital content to engage academic and public audiences while optimising materials for online visibility. In the second part, we will look at new trends in European universities, particularly the increasing importance of open access and digital transparency, and discuss key digital security strategies to protect your work and identity in the digital world. Join us to master the creative and protective aspects of your digital academic presence.

Moderator: Oleksandr Poddenezhny - Head of the Centre for Electronic Education of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy

Working with the trauma of teachers. Self-healing

Date and time: 5 November 2024, 17:00 - 20:00 Kyiv time (16:00 - 19:00 CET)

The aim of this session is to consider and actualise the potential and resources of the teacher's personal recovery as a participant in the educational process. Identify obstacles to psychological self-healing. Discussing the basic principles for teaching mental hygiene. Discovering and practically appropriating resources for overcoming difficulties and restoring one's own psychological balance and health.

Moderator: Prof Igor Kapritsyn - Professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Chair of Social Philosophy and Public Management of Zaporizhzhia National University

Module 2: Practical part (20 units)

Your task is to create content for the Viadrina Online Lab. As an educator, you must produce two contributions (content) for the Viadrina Online Lab, based on your expertise and experience and drawing on academic sources: one for your colleagues and one for the students.


- Use the existing content of the Viadrina Online Lab as a reference and example.

- Create supporting materials for students for their studies. You can use the information you received in the workshops. Examples can be found here: Viadrina Online Lab for Students. Please avoid duplicating information that already exists.

- Teachers can use this page as a reference: Viadrina Online Lab for Teachers. You can use the information you received during the workshops to create your content.

- Design your contributions within the framework of the inspiring learning and teaching methods and processes available on Mahara.

- Ensure originality and engagement with sources by avoiding copying and pasting. Edit content from sources to reflect your own thoughts and ideas.

- Use the specified citation style to cite all sources correctly and make the citations clear and traceable.

- Use clear, concise and academic language.

- Preferably present your materials in both English and Ukrainian. If language skills are an obstacle, please provide materials in Ukrainian.

- Include interactive elements in your posts to encourage user participation, e.g. discussions, additional source recommendations, forums, polls or quizzes.

- Use different media formats such as text, images, etc.

- Ensure that contributions are accessible to all users, regardless of their individual needs or restrictions.

Since you do not have access to the Mahara platform, you can submit your materials in PDF format or as a presentation on Canva etc. If you agree to this, we will transfer your materials to Mahara with copyright information.

The deadline for submission is 31 July 2024. Please send us your work to the following address:

Please note that participation in the programme is free of charge. If you have already participated in the certificate programme in the previous year, you can repeat it and select additional workshops that could be beneficial for your teaching practice.

For students and PhD students

As part of the project "Ukraine Digital: Ensuring Academic Success in Times of Crisis (2022)", the European University Viadrina invites students from partner universities in Ukraine to participate in various events and seminars organised by the Center for Teaching and Learning (ZLL). This year, as part of UA-Digital, we cordially invite you to participate in the following events:

  • Peer tutoring training for students
  • "Write your scientific article in 12 weeks" for students and doctoral candidates
  • Online writing groups for final theses
  • Writing retreats

We offer participation in two specialisations: Scientific Writing and Project Management. After completing modules 1 and 2 and a presentation of your learning outcomes, you will receive a junior certificate attesting to your basic knowledge in the respective subject area.


Focus: Academic writing

Module 1: Scientific writing step by step (6 ECTS) - 26/04, 10/05, 24/05, 14/06, 28/06 - 10:00 to 15:00

This seminar is aimed at all students who want to acquire or improve their academic writing skills. You will be guided through the entire writing process, starting with the selection of your topic through to the final polishing of your paper. You will learn valuable methods and strategies and gain a comprehensive understanding of the academic writing process and its various stages. Last but not least, you will learn a lot about yourself as a writer and better understand how to organise your personal writing process according to your own ideas. As a result, you will be able to write your papers more productively and competently.

Of course, you will write a lot (A LOT!) over the course of the semester - during and between sessions. Please take this into account when planning your semester.

Module 2: Writing coaching (3 ECTS) - 17 May, 18 May - 10:00 to 17:00

This two-day seminar offers a brief introduction to writing coaching. Participants will explore the role of a writing coach, typical coaching sessions, effective strategies for writers, and the benefits of collaborative writing discussions. The seminar is designed for those who want to improve their communication skills, aspire to writing consulting roles, or explore careers in writing, coaching, feedback, or teamwork.

Focus: Project management

Module 1: Teamwork and project management (6 ECTS) - 15.04, 22.04, 29.04, 06.05, 13.05, 27.05, 24.06 - 10:00 to 13:00

This seminar emphasises the importance of team competence for university graduates in various professions. Through intensive team experiences, theoretical foundations and reflection sessions, participants will work on group processes, project management and the realisation of their projects. The lecturers lead a critical examination of concepts such as group dynamics and project management. The seminar includes foundational phases, independent group work and a final presentation, allowing students to focus on teamwork, project development and relevant innovative projects, enhancing engagement and practical skills.

Module 2: Designing, facilitating, presenting: How to run a workshop (6 ECTS) - 16/04, 23/04, 30/04, 21/05, 28/05, 18/06, 25/06 - 13:00 to 16:00

This seminar provides students with essential skills in moderation, design and presentation for effective workshop management. Through practical exercises and feedback, participants will learn facilitation techniques and theoretical frameworks to deepen their understanding of the learning process. In small groups, students plan and run real workshops, refine teamwork and put theory into practice. In line with Module 2 of the Viadrina Peer Tutoring Training, this practice-oriented seminar prepares students who wish to become peer tutors for the practical task of workshop design and delivery.

Prerequisites for participation:

  • Enrolment at a Ukrainian institution
  • .
  • Sufficient knowledge of English
  • .
  • Willingness to actively participate in at least 75% of the sessions.

The extended version can be found here as a PDF.

Seminars are held in English


Welcome to an enriching journey through the complex world of academic publishing! Our seminar serves as a gateaway for writers from a variety of disciplines to gain practical skills in peer-reviewed journals. Inspired by Wendy Laura Belcher's acclaimed guide "Writing Your Journal Article in Twelve Weeks: A Guide to Academic Publishing Success", this course offers valuable insights into the publishing process.

Main topics:

  • Creation of a structured work plan
  • Selecting suitable journals for submission
  • Effective collaboration with editors
  • Mastering the art of writing persuasive query letters
  • Refining arguments and assertions of importance
  • Organising material for effective presentations
  • A supportive learning environment: in this supportive and collaborative environment, participants embark on a journey to turn their drafts - be they article drafts, seminar papers, conference papers, dissertation chapters or masters theses - into peer-reviewed articles worthy of publication
  • .

Course highlights:

  • Weekly sessions of 90 minutes
  • Guidance on improving work from classroom quality to journal quality
  • Supporting participants to overcome the anxiety associated with academic publishing
  • Opportunities to submit revised articles for publication
  • Join this inspiring exploration aimed not only at honing your academic writing skills, but also at boosting your confidence in dealing with the academic publishing process. Let's turn your academic goals into published reality together!
  • The seminar will start on Friday 15 March at 9:00 am Berlin time and will take place every Friday via Zoom. We look forward to starting this transformative journey with you!

    The seminar will be held in English.

What is it about? The online writing group is designed for BA, MA and PhD students from all disciplines who are about to write a final thesis or have already started. In 11 sessions of three hours each, participants are offered a didactic writing environment in which they can regularly write their final thesis. Together we regularly share the difficulties and successes of the writing process. After regular and active participation in the writing groups, participants can receive a certificate of participation in which the working hours and titles of the workshops are recorded.

What does this look like? Each meeting consists of didactic input on various academic writing topics (e.g. time planning, plagiarism, writer's block) and individual writing time, during which everyone can write on their papers and seek advice if necessary. We also invite you to individual writing consultations with writing consultants from the Center for Teaching and Learning.

Please note that the sessions and writing consultations are held in Ukrainian and English!

We meet once a week, on Fridays, from 14:30 to 17:30. The kick-off meeting will take place on Friday 22 March at 14:30.

Please note that the following schedule is in Central European Time (CET). Please take the time difference into account.

What are the requirements?

  • You are enrolled at a university (preferably in Ukraine)
  • .
  • You are in the final phase of your studies (BA, MA or PhD) and are writing your final thesis.
  • You have sufficient knowledge of English and Ukrainian.
  • You are willing to actively participate in at least 75% of the sessions.

What is it about? The weekend writing retreat is aimed at BA, MA and PhD students from all disciplines who are about to write a final thesis or have already started. Over 3 days, participants are offered a learning environment in which they can write their final thesis. Together, we regularly exchange information about the difficulties and successes of the writing process.

What is a writing retreat? The purpose of a writing retreat is to provide students with uninterrupted time to write in a supportive environment so that they can make progress on their final thesis. Much of the day is spent writing, with scheduled discussions to develop solutions to writing problems, develop drafts, engage in research-focused conversations, and provide feedback on work in progress.

What does this look like? Each meeting consists of didactic input on various academic writing topics (e.g., scheduling, plagiarism, writer's block) and individual writing time for everyone to write on their papers and seek advice as needed.

Please note that the sessions will be held in Ukrainian and English! The exact date of the launch event will be announced soon.

Please note that the following schedule is in Central European Time (CET). Please take the time difference into account.

When and where?

What are the requirements?

  • You are enrolled at a university in Ukraine
  • .
  • You are in the final phase of your studies (BA, MA or PhD) and are writing your final thesis.
  • You have sufficient knowledge of English and Ukrainian.
  • You are willing to actively participate in at least 75% of the sessions.
  • If you are interested, please register here.

We would like to inform you that similar retreats will also be organised in September and October. Further details will follow shortly.


Centre for Teaching and Learning


Klaudia Kazana
Stefan Henkel
Marina Pakhotnytska

Student assistant:

Yuliia Trymorush