ERLab Days on entrepreneurial ecosystems bridge the gap between research and hands on expertise
The ERLab Days were organised at the Viadrina from 27 to 29 May 2024: the first major event of the "Entrepreneurship Research Lab" project became a mixture of academic conference and regional exploration in Berlin and Brandenburg. In this article, the ERLab team looks back on the event with the help of Chat GPT and looks ahead to the next steps.
The ERLab Days 2024 provided valuable food for thought and enriched our agenda for future research and practical projects. The highlights of the event were the interactive get to know you kickoff, the in-depth keynotes and discussions, and the field trips to IceGuerilla in Beeskow and MotionLab in Berlin.
The keynotes, the paper development workshops and the inspiring panel discussion on the role of creativity, community and communication in entrepreneurial ecosystems offered deep insights from different research and hands on perspectives through the diverse expertise of our guests. The final day exploring regional ecosystems allowed participants to combine theory and its application and understand how academic knowledge can be effectively translated into entrepreneurial action.
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The strengthened links with the Campus Founders in Heilbronn and the expanded focus on Eastern Europe are particularly important for the future direction of the project. These aspects promote in-depth networking and the exchange of innovative formats that successfully combine research and practice.
The next steps for the ERLab include the organisation of a five-day writing retreat, which will provide a platform for founders and researchers to work on their projects in a concentrated and collaborative manner. The retreat will be organised at the end of August between Frankfurt (Oder) and Heilbronn and aims to promote both conceptual work and the practical realisation of project ideas. In addition, Prof Dr Jochen Koch is currently developing the Digital Entrepreneurship Starter Class, which aims to impart knowledge from entrepreneurship research to students and founders in an understandable way.
The goals of the ERLab also include making important contributions to current research on entrepreneurial ecosystems, building networks and synergies with our project partners and bridging the gap between research and hands on perspectives with innovative formats. This strengthens both Frankfurt (Oder) and Heilbronn as a centre of science as well as the entire academic and entrepreneurial ecosystem.
The Entrepreneurship Research Lab is a research project in cooperation between the Professorships of Management and Organisation (Prof. Dr Jochen Koch), International Management (Prof. Dr Albrecht Söllner) and Marketing (Prof. Dr Martin Eisend) as well as Campus Founders gGmbH in Heilbronn, funded by the Dieter Schwarz Foundation.
ChatGPT, Miriam Büxenstein
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