Social Media

Social Media

Our communication via social media

The European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) connects with its various target groups via official social media channels. There you will find current information from research and insights into campus life.

Would you like to set up an official social media account as a department or project of the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)? If so, please refer to the internal information and the President's guidelines on the requirements for setting up and operating decentralized social media channels.

Where to find us

Our channels connect people worldwide and promote dialogue between researchers, students and employees.

The central channels are managed by the Department of Communication.

Viadrina social media channels


Logo Bluesky

The Viadrina uses Bluesky to provide reserach information for the scientific community, journalists and decision-makers from politics, business and culture.


Logo Facebook

On Facebook, we communicate a mix from public events and campus life, mainly to the regional public as well as to numerous multipliers, for example from the German-Polish context.


Logo Instagram

With topics from teaching, learning and life on our campus in the city of Frankfurt (Oder), the Viadrina addresses the target groups of students and prospective students on Instagram.


Logo Linkedin

On LinkedIn, we primarily inform graduates, but also members of the scientific community and Viadrina employees about topics from science, research and university life.


Logo Telegam

On the Telegram info channel, students receive current event tips, news from the Viadrina and information about student initiatives and support services at the Viadrina. The channel was developed by students and staff and is run jointly.


Logo WhatsApp

On the WhatsApp info channel, students receive current event tips, news from the Viadrina and information about student initiatives and support services at the Viadrina. The channel was developed by students and staff and is run jointly.

Netiquette - rules of behaviour for Viadrina's social media channels

The Viadrina welcomes a lively use of its social media offerings and invites you to exchange ideas via its channels. To ensure respectful, objective and constructive interaction, we ask you to observe our netiquette:

We observe the general standards and terms of use of the respective social network.

Our tone is matter-of-fact, polite and respectful.

The administrators of a social media channel are authorised to remove content or users who do not comply with the rules of conduct.

Contributions and comments should always relate to the topic and purpose of the respective channel and group. Off-topic contributions are inappropriate and undesirable.

When publishing images and texts on social media channels, all users must respect copyright and the right to their own image.

Contributions that are (even indirectly) discriminatory, anti-constitutional, demagogic, illegal, pornographic, extremist, racist, vulgar, denigrating, insulting, threatening or inappropriate in any other way will be deleted without comment.

Advertising, spam and commercial content from third parties may be deleted without comment. Election and party advertising is also not permitted.

For data protection reasons, confidential content such as addresses, telephone numbers, student numbers and other data should not be published on social media channels and can be deleted by administrators.

Department for University Communication