Viadrini Welcome

Having a new baby? Viadrina parents can look forward to a welcome pack from the Family Office. A Viadrina children's shirt labelled "Viadrini", a Viadrina fabric bag and information material welcome the new arrival to Viadrina.

Family Affairs Officer Nadine Arnold is looking forward to getting to know the new Viadrina parents. Are you planning a new addition to your department? We are happy to receive tips from employees or department heads who would like to surprise their team members with a Viadrini welcome.

Foto Viadrini

Nadine Arnold (she/her)

Family Affairs Officer

Office hours

Mondays 10am-12pm and by appointment

Postal address:

European University Viadrina
Equal Opportunities Department
Große Scharrnstraße 59
15230 Frankfurt (Oder)