Wirtschaftsjunioren honour Viadrina graduate Arite Stemmermann Junior with award

Frankfurt (Oder), 

On 14 March 2025, Arite Stemmermann has been awarded the prize of the East Brandenburg Wirtschaftsjunioren for her final thesis on the role of different generations in start-up companies. A total of four Viadrina alumni presented their works as part of the "Night of Young Businesses".

„Weisheit des Alters, Elan der Jugend: Eine Erfolgsstrategie für Startups? Das Potenzial einer Zusammenarbeit zwischen Junior- und Senior-Entrepreneurs“ is the topic of Arite Stemmermann's final thesis. She impressed the jury and the audience with her presentation and was awarded first place in the Junior Business Award, along with a trophy and the prize money of 1,000 euros. For the first time, the audience was able to play an active part as a jury in the annual award ceremony.

Prize ceremony of the Wirtschaftsjunioren

Just behind Arite Stemmermann, Daniel Sadecki came in second place. For his final thesis, he investigated whether the twin city of Frankfurt (Oder) - Słubice is the economic centre of the border region in Brandenburg and the Lubuskie Voivodeship. The graduate received a cheque over 600 euros.

Third place was shared by Dana Zabel, who examined the cross-border financing of domestic limited partnerships in the construction industry in her thesis, and Lucas Huber, who critically analysed the Growth Opportunities Act and the Bureaucracy Relief Act IV in his masters thesis. Both were delighted to receive 400 euros in prize money each.

"The University Prize has once again shown how important it is to offer young talent a platform and promote dialogue between academia and business. The graduates have all worked on highly topical and interesting subjects. They provide important answers to current questions and challenges," said André Hansen, former President of the East Brandenburg Wirtschaftsjunioren and member of the Berlin-Brandenburg State Executive Board.

The East Brandenburg Wirtschaftsjunioren and the Heilbronn-Franken Wirtschaftsjunioren Ostbrandenburg have been awarding the prize for particularly innovative and successful final theses at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics at the Viadrina for 21 years. Their aim is to promote young academics with a business background.

Translated by Deepl and edited

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