Open Day




On 25 June 2025, the doors of the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) will open to all prospective students for interesting lectures from the faculties, library tours, campus walks and a dormitory tour. There is a great possibility to find more about studying at one of our many information stands.

From 10 am to 2 pm you will find us in front of the Auditorium Maximum on the Uni-Campus in Logenstraße 2-4, 15230 Frankfurt (Oder).

Study programmes
Schueler-innen besuchen den Tag der offenen Tuer der Viadrina

That was the 2024 Open Day

Overnight Accommodation

Staying Overnight in a Dormitory

You are welcome to stay overnight in a student residence run by the Studentenwerk in order to explore Frankfurt (Oder) and the Polish twin city of Słubice.

Costs per night:

15 € for a single room in a shared apartment
20 € for a 1-room apartment

Staying Overnight in Frankfurt (Oder)

You can find a range of accommodation from hotels and guesthouses to campsites in and around Frankfurt (Oder) via the link.

For questions and information please contact us now!

Student Advisory Service

Office hours

Telephone office hours:
Tuesday 2 - 4 p.m., Tel +49 (0) 335 5534 44 66

Open office hours:
Thursday 10 a.m. - 12 p.m., Room AM 113

Need help with planning?

The Central Student Advisory Service will be happy to help you.

We are happy to provide prospective students with a health impairment with an advisor who will accompany them during their stay at our university and answer their questions about studying.