Kultur und Geschichte Mittel- und Osteuropas│Culture and History of Central and Eastern Europe (M.A.)

The programme

The unique thing about the Master's degree programme in Culture and History of Central and Eastern Europe at the Viadrina is that it does not only teach knowledge about Central and Eastern Europe, but that the programme itself is anchored in the border region between Germany and Poland.

Teachers and students from Germany, Poland, Ukraine, Belarus and Russia as well as from other countries in Europe and the world come together at Germany's most eastern university to work in an interdisciplinary way on the challenges, perspectives and problems of Central and Eastern European culture and history in their pan-European context.

The small seminar size at the Viadrina enables intensive supervision by the lecturers and stimulates contact between the students. They have access to two research libraries, one at the Viadrina and one at the Collegium Polonicum.

Qualifications and career opportunities

With their specialised knowledge and sound language skills, graduates can work in a wide range of professional fields. The degree qualifies graduates for academia on the one hand, and for later activities as experts on Central and Eastern European in science, politics, culture or business on the other.

Professional fields include press and public relations and communication as well as human resources management in companies or public institutions, research, teaching or further education institutions, media, foundations and publishing houses, urban and regional planning, museums and exhibitions, cultural agencies. The Eastern Europe Colloquium regularly features presentations by recognised practitioners in these professional fields.

Study structure

The central module is compulsory and deals with key issues of the culture and history of Central and Eastern Europe. Students then have the opportunity to create an individual study path by choosing from three compulsory elective modules in order to deepen their knowledge and skills along thematic lines. The thematic focuses of the degree programme are: Political Order – Economy – Society, People – Artefacts – Visions, Spaces – Borders – Metropolises. Students can also abroad for a semester or further specialise in an area of culture and history of Central and Eastern Europe. There is also the opportunity to take part in selected Master's seminars in other Viadrina degree programmes or to learn another Eastern European foreign language. Non-native speakers can also obtain a foreign language certificate in German. The programme concludes with a masters thesis, which is usually based on research that can be undertaken during the course of study. The language courses accompany the Master's degree programme on an ongoing basis. The standard period of study is four semesters. 

The Master's degree programme in Kultur und Geschichte Mittel- und Osteuropas consists of six modules with 12 ECTS credits each (one central module, two compulsory elective modules, two optional modules, one research module), a further module with 18 ECTS credits for foreign language training and practical skills as well as the masters thesis with a final colloquium with 30 ECTS credits. The programme comprises a total of 120 ECTS credits.

  • Obligatory introductory course on the culture and history of Central and Eastern Europe
  • Overview lecture on a KGMOE subject or a further course on a KGMOE subject

2 of the following compulsory elective modules must be taken:

  • Political Order – Economy – Society
  • People – Artefacts – Visions
  • Spaces – Borders – Metropolises

2 of the following options must be selected:

  • Expanding on the central module, compulsory elective module or another module from the compulsory elective area of the Master's degree programme
  • Choosing the module Neighbouring Faculties or a module from the compulsory elective area of another Master's degree programme
  • Choosing the module Transdisciplinary Cultural Studies
  • Expanding on the module Foreign Languages / Practical Skills

  • Research colloquia and research seminars
  • Individually supervised project work (guided research)

  • Acquisition of Russian or Polish language skills at the level of Unicert II (B2)
  • For non-native speakers of German whose first language is an Eastern European language: Specialised language certificate in German as a foreign language
  • Internship with a duration of 1-3 months
  • Seminars and workshops in the field of practical skills

  • Masters thesis
  • Master's examination

Examination board

Please note that internships are generally recognised by the Career Center.

For requests that are not listed here and that require authorisation, please submit an informal application to the chair of the examination board. In addition to your request and a justification, please be sure to include your name, matriculation number and semester of study in the application.

Application and enrolment

Professional requirements

The Master's degree programme requires a first professionally qualifying university degree with a total of 180 ECTS credits, in which study and examination achievements totalling 30 ECTS credits with a reference to Central or Eastern Europe, in particular Slavic philology, medieval and modern history, social sciences with a reference to Eastern Europe, have been proven. Proof of the first professionally qualifying degree must be provided by submitting an officially certified copy of it.

Please note: Please submit a transcript of records (confirmed by your university) to assess the inclusion of the 30 ECTS credits.


Language requirements

Applicants whose native language is not German and who have not obtained their university entrance certificate in Germany must submit proof of sufficient knowledge of German in accordance with the DSH examination regulations of the Viadrina Language Centre of the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) before commencing their studies.

In addition, a basic knowledge of Polish or Russian at the level of Unicert I or B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is required for successful completion of the degree programme.

Please note: Proof of language proficiency must be submitted for enrolment at the latest.

Germans and applicants with a German university entrance certificate ("Bildungsinländer*innen") can enrol online from 1 June to 15 September (for the winter semester) or 1 December to 15 March (for the summer semester) via viaCampus.

Please send the following documents to the European University Viadrina by 20 September (winter semester) or 20 March (summer semester):

  • the completed and signed application for enrolment (available after completing your online enrolment on viaCampus)
  • an officially certified copy of your further education admissions certificate,
  • a health insurance certificate*,
  • a self-addressed and sufficiently stamped envelope, size DIN A4, for sending your student ID (chip card) and the documents you have submitted,
  • if applicable,
  • certificates of study from German universities showing the semesters you have completed to date,
  • if applicable, a certificate of exmatriculation from your last German university,
  • proof of payment of the semester fee (e.g. printout of the online transaction),
  • a copy of an identification document showing your full surname, first name, date of birth, address and date of validity. You have the option of blacking out all other details. This copy of the ID card is used exclusively for identification purposes and also protects against identity theft.

As a professionally qualified person without A-levels, please submit the following documents as a further education admissions certificate:

  • an officially certified copy of the secondary school leaving certificate and
  • an officially certified copy of the certificate of completed vocational training suitable for the intended degree programme and
  • work certificates as proof of the required professional experience (at least two years)

* Notes on student health insurance

Proof of insurance status is required for enrolment - either statutory insurance or exemption from the statutory insurance obligation. To do this, contact a statutory health insurance company and either have yourself insured (e.g. student) or exempted so that your insurance status can be reported electronically to the European University. The chip card or a paper certificate are not sufficient.

In order to report the insurance status, the health insurance companies may require the sender number of the European University: H0001747.


  • from the age of 30
  • in continuing education programmes
  • who are enrolled for a PhD
  • are enrolled in college

do not receive a student rate. They can voluntarily insure themselves at the regular rate.

These students do not require electronic proof of health insurance.

Please apply online in the period from 1 June to 15 July (for the winter semester) or from 1 December to 15 January (for the summer semester) at: https://viacampus.europa-uni.de/ and send your documents to the European University Viadrina by 15 July (for the winter semester) or 15 January (for the summer semester). Further information can be found at: https://www.europa-uni.de/de/internationales/Students/Incomings/Applying/Master/index.html

All documents that are not issued in German or English must also be submitted as a sworn translation in German or English.

Contact us

Prof Dr Werner Benecke

Academic manager of the programme and chair of the examination board

Office hours

The current office hours can be found on the website of the professorship.


Jasmina Kilian

Office of the academic manager and chair of the examination board

Office hours

by arrangement