14th Global Governance & Compliance Forum

Welcome to the 14th GGC-Forum!


Viadrina Compliance Center


Registration for the 14th Global Governance & Compliance Forum is now open!

Sign up now by sending an email to compliance@europa-uni.de

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Registration for the 14th Global Governance & Compliance Forum
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08:30-09:00 Registrierung


Grand Opening

  • Eng. Carlos Moedas
    Mayor of Lisbon (TBC)
  • Prof. Dr. Pedro Trovão do Rosário
    Director, Depertament of Law, Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, Portugal
  • Prof. Dr. Bartosz Makowicz
    Viadrina Compliance Center, European-University Viadrina Frankfurt(Oder), Germany



Keynote: Dr. Klaus Moosmayer, Member of the Executive Committee and Chief Ethics, Risk and Compliance Officer and Board Member at Novartis, Switzerland

Panel 1: Post-Pandemic, Wars and Conflicts > Why Compliance & Integrity Matters Now More Than Ever?

  • Prof. Dr. Peter Fissenewert
    Legal Expert Risk Management and Compliance, Partner at BUSE, Germany
  • Dr. Klaus Moosmayer
    Member of the Executive Committee and Chief Ethics, Risk and Compliance Officer and Board Member at Novartis, Switzerland
  • Dr. Kyrill Farbmann
    Compliance Director, McDonalds, Belgium
  • Prof. Dra. Margarida Mano
    President of TI Portuguese Chapter, Vice-Dean of Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Portugal


  • Prof. Dr. Alexandre Miguel Mestre
    Lawyer, Professor, Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, Portugal
11:00-11:30 Break

Panel 2: AML and Other Challenging Compliance Risks

  • Dra. Isabel Nascimento
    Prosecutor at DCIAP, AML Section, Portugal
  • Magdalena Sobon-Stasiak
    Compliance Officer, ArcelorMittal, Poland
  • Pedro Costa
    Partner, Risk Consulting, Forensic, KPMG Portugal
  • Dr. Uta Zentes
    Head of Compliance, Federal Republic of Germany - Finance Agency, Germany
12:40-13:30 Lunch



Keynote: Pierre-Antoine Badoz, Chief Compliance Officer at Orange, France

Panel 3: Modern Concepts in Organizations > Compliance, Sustainability Reporting, ESG in One Integrated Approach

  • João Queirós Lino
    Engineer, CEO of Oceantia, Portugal
  • João Madeira
    Partner, Risk Consulting, Forensic, KPMG Portugal
  • Ulrich Hagel
    Chief Compliance & Security Officer, Bombardier Transportation, Germany
  • Pierre-Antoine Badoz
    Chief Compliance Officer at Orange, France


  • Prof. Dr. Sonja Wüstemann
    European-University Viadrina, Germany
15:00-15:30 Break


Panel 4: Whistleblowing And Internal Investigations – Key Elements of Compliance Management Around The Globe

  • Anna Różalska
    Head of Compliance Poland, Siemens Healthineers, Poland
  • Prof. Dr. Wim Vandekerckh
    Professor of Business EthicsProfessor of Business Ethics EDHEC Business School, France
  • Carlos Lelo Filipe
    Director Compliance & MLRO | Leonteq Securities (Europe) GmbH - Sucursal em Portugal


  • Dr. Manuel Soares
    Judge, former President of the Portuguese Judges Union, Portugal
17:00-17:15 Closing Remarks
17:30-OPEN Finger Food and Reception



Viadrina Compliance Center