Teaching mission statement


As part of its structural and development planning for the years 2021-2025, Viadrina agrees on guiding principles that update its founding mission and serve as a basis for the further development of Viadrina. These guiding principles are concretised below for the area of teaching.

Viadrina thus agrees on a "teaching constitution" in the sense of the position paper of the German Council of Science and Humanities of April 2017 on "Strategies for University Teaching" and on a "Teaching Mission Statement" in the sense of the KMK's model ordinance on system accreditation. The guiding principles for teaching therefore contain a fundamental understanding of Viadrina's self-image as a teaching institution, including cross-curricular qualification objectives and didactic guidelines. In addition to quantitative indicators of capacity utilisation, they formulate qualitative maxims for the profile of degree programmes at the Viadrina and for the evaluation of their success.

The following guiding principles serve as orientation for all members of the Viadrina in teaching, learning, counselling and supporting students. In particular, they are decisive in the development and further development of degree programmes for quality management and development. Within their framework, decentralised activities in the individual study programmes are networked with central offers and measures and systematically integrated into quality management. As part of appointment procedures, they concretise the application of the Brandenburg Study Quality Network (sqb) guidelines for the comparative assessment of teaching quality.

General conditions

The profiles of its three faculties - the Faculty of Law, the Faculty of Business Administration and Cultural Sciences and the Faculty of Economics - as well as the "European New School of Digital Studies", which will be established jointly with the Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznań (Poland) in the winter semester 2020/21, give teaching at Viadrina its specific character. This is characterised in particular by the unity of research and teaching - also and especially to the extent that knowledge and skills for different academic professional practices in the social sciences, Law and Business / Business and Law are taught.

Close contact between students and lecturers plays a major role in joint learning at Viadrina. Viadrina is committed to the ideal of good teaching and promotes innovation. Responsibility for the success of students is central to Viadrina. To this end, it offers a wide range of measures to support learning processes, starting with study preparation.
Students appreciate the excellent support and close professional guidance, which is also ensured by close coordination between all units. At Viadrina, they move directly on the German-Polish border in a cosmopolitan European environment, are supported in the acquisition of foreign languages and can use a large network of partner universities for stays abroad.

Goals and guiding principles for teaching

As a university, Viadrina stands for the unity of research and teaching at the highest academic level. Viadrina promotes the (self-)educational and cognitive processes of its students, awakens their intrinsic interests and enables them to orientate themselves and reflect critically on the complex world and to act in a sustainable manner. It understands learning and teaching as mutually influencing processes in which knowledge is created. Viadrina endeavours to do equal justice to the ideal of education through science and the interest in acquiring professional qualifications.

For students, it realises this guiding principle through a range of study programmes that promote academic thinking and the ability to reflect, allow individual specialisations and prepare students for various professional tasks.

For teachers, Viadrina offers spaces and opportunities for further education as well as incentives to reflect on their teaching practice. The quality of teaching plays an important role in the appointment of lecturers.

The Viadrina actively approaches prospective students and provides them with targeted support in preparing for a degree programme. In doing so, it focuses equally on the region, on the whole of Germany and on international students.
The Viadrina lives internationality and diversity in all its facets through the students and all members and thus promotes the inclusion of different perspectives.

Challenges and development opportunities

Viadrina regards the diversity of its members as a wealth; it therefore promotes an academic and working culture that respects individuality, gives everyone equal opportunities and supports them in developing their talents and potential. Acceptance of all its members and a commitment against discrimination and racism and in favour of equality are inextricably linked.

The Viadrina is based on the potential of its students and creates favourable conditions for personal development. In doing so, it takes different needs into account. To this end, specialist and didactic support and guidance for individualised learning processes at suitable locations and in suitable courses as well as the promotion of students' self-learning skills and collaborative work play an important role. The Viadrina supports students in particular in their academic socialisation at the start of their studies and in the introductory phase, with particular consideration of the heterogeneous starting conditions of students who come from academic or non-academic family contexts and have further education admissions certificates from different school systems.

Digitalisation is changing people's information and communication behaviour - but also professions, activities and the boundaries between different areas of life. This does not remain without effects on learning and teaching.
For university teaching at the Viadrina, this brings challenges in two directions: On the one hand, it is necessary to examine for each degree programme which knowledge and skills can and should be taught in the area of digital literacy. On the other hand, there is a need to reflect on how information and communication in university teaching, i.e. how the social experience of learning can be successfully organised in the digital age. In particular, digitalisation offers the opportunity to make learning processes in heterogeneous student groups more individualised and inclusive (for more details, see „University teaching in the digital age“).

The right combination of disciplinarity, interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity poses a particular challenge for the degree programme. It is also important to realise the balance between disciplinary knowledge and methods, interdisciplinary communication skills and cross-disciplinary knowledge, skills and abilities.

Teaching and research are not only linked in one unit in that teaching reflects the current state of research. The subject and medium of teaching are also the scientific questions, methods, forms of work and practices. University teaching at the Viadrina therefore aims to introduce students to the (different) academic strategies, thinking styles and forms of work in the social sciences, Law, Business / Business and Law, to familiarise them with these and thus to enable a community of researching teachers and learners. In turn, subject-specific teaching draws on social and personal skills in understanding and communicating findings and processes, which can also be developed as key competences independently of the subject (more specifically, disciplines, methods, scientific working techniques and key competences).

The Viadrina's interdisciplinary degree programmes offer particular challenges and opportunities to learn from each other within the disciplines. They promote exchange between the disciplines and make it possible to acquire scientific methods and self-understanding in a special way by reflecting on disciplinary boundaries, but also by recognising common basic debates on social theory.

Knowledge of different specialist, practical and academic cultures enables students in a special way to develop knowledge and judgement for science, business and society. It thus also creates the prerequisites for enabling students to think and act in a future-oriented way in terms of education for sustainable development (more precisely, education for sustainable development).