Sprache – Medien – Gesellschaft│Language – Media – Society (M.A.)

The programme

Logo_SMG_01_600The programme covers a broad spectrum of communication contexts, from facets of everyday conversations to the elaborate structures of political discourse. We analyse the dynamics of language use on digital platforms such as X or Instagram in comparison to traditional media such as newspapers and television, and examine the implications of these developments for the formation of public opinion, for political processes or for the emergence of social affiliation. We attach great importance to our students pursuing their own research interests. They immerse themselves in the rich diversity of European languages and learn to research them independently in different media contexts. In doing so, they also learn about the important connections between language and cultural identity.

In addition, we offer specialised tracks that allow our students to focus intensively on specific areas. The double degree „Multimodality – Discourse – Media“ (MuDiM) with the Université Paris 3), for example, offers an in-depth analysis of various communication modalities (sounds – gestures – images – film). The double degree „Intercultural Communication“ (MICS) with the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań focuses on processes of intercultural interaction.

Overall, our programme promises an intellectually challenging and academically enriching experience for all those who are interested in the complex interdependencies of language and media in society and want to explore them in depth.

Qualifications and career opportunities

With their specialised knowledge, methodological skills and sound language skills in at least two foreign languages, graduates of the Master's programme have access to a wide range of professions. The Master's degree programme „Language - Media - Society" prepares students for communication-intensive professional fields with a European or international orientation, including:

  • (European and international) media
  • International journalism and public relations in international institutions
  • NGOs, cultural institutions, university and academic management
  • Intercultural didactics
  • Academic professions, research or PhD

Voices of students and graduates

nina-pfuderer-293x243 ©Nina Pfuderer

I work in the editorial department of the Zukunftsinstitut, an international trend and futurology agency based in Frankfurt am Main. In the SMG, I learnt to understand academic texts and to write them myself. This helps me to research and write trend studies on complex social and economic topics.

Nina Pfuderer, graduated in 2020

Didem Leblebici_HP ©Leblebici

What I appreciate most about this programme is its interdisciplinary nature and the opportunity engage in discussions about complex approaches with a small group of fellow students. The lecturers also support us in experimenting with different research methods and developing new perspectives.

Didem Leblebici, graduated in 2021

Tracks and international double masters

In the general track of the Master's in "Language – Media – Society", you can choose from a particularly wide range of options in the individual modules.

In the optional module, you can choose from all four linguistic specialisations (multilingualism and interaction; multimodality, discourse and media; language and society in transformation; intercultural communication). In the optional module, you can choose courses from other consecutive Master's degree programmes at the Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences. In the foreign language/practical skills module, you can choose between expanding your language skills and/or practice-oriented courses or internships to prepare you for your career.

The general track "Language – Media – Society" is for all those who want to study in a particularly diverse way and get to know a range of linguistic and transdisciplinary cultural studies topics.

The specific profile of the "Linguistic Research" track is characterised by a specialisation in two key linguistic areas. You can choose from the three compulsory elective linguistics modules "multilingualism and interaction", "multimodality, discourse and media", and "language and media in transformation". 

The specialisation results from the in-depth study of the two linguistics modules that you select as compulsory elective modules. 

By specialising in the two selected compulsory elective modules, students develop an individual subject profile. The "Linguistic Research" track prepares students in particular for an academic career and possibly for a doctoral programme in the field of linguistics or media and communication studies with a linguistic orientation.

The binational double degree in Intercultural Communication (MICS) has a special focus on intercultural communication, particularly with regard to Central and Eastern Europe. This focus results from the specialisation of the compulsory elective module "intercultural communication", which can also be studied directly at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań.

In addition to "Intercultural Communication", a further module is selected from the compulsory elective area. This track offers a double degree with the Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznan and learning Polish at Unicert Basic level. The "intercultural communication" module is organised in cooperation with the Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznań (mostly in English).

The masters thesis in the "Intercultural Communication" track is co-supervised by a lecturer from the AMU. It is written in English and comprises approx. 80 pages. The processing time is 4 months. The Master's examination (final colloquium) is also held in English.

After successfully passing the Master's examination, you will receive a degree from the European University Viadrina for the Master's in "Language - Media - Society" with the track "Intercultural Communication" and a degree from the Adam Mickiewicz University in "Cultural Studies" with the specialisation "Intercultural Communication".

Please note that this double is currently suspended and is being revised.

The binational double "Multimodality – Discourse – Media" (MuDiM) offers a study programme with an international focus at two European universities: the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder), Germany and the University Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3, France. It is a track of the Master "Language - Media - Society" at the Viadrina and a parcours type de "Master Recherche Mention Langues, Littératures et Civilisations Étrangères et Régionales" (LLCER) at the University Paris 3.

The programme focuses on media-mediated discourses from the perspective of linguistic multimodality research. It teaches theories, methods, analytical and practical skills in the field of multimodal and multimedia communication face-to-face and in a multicultural perspective. This includes audiovisual media as well as linguistic-gestural communication (Viadrina), multimedia aspects of written and oral language use in various discourse environments (advertising, illustration, picture titles) as well as the analysis of multimodal interaction in everyday language use (Paris 3).

The two-year programme enables students to immerse themselves in both cultures, to acquire intensive (specialist) language skills and to get to know two different academic environments. The cooperation partners share a fundamental academic and pedagogical orientation and at the same time have complementary subject specialisations. With the double master's programme, they are continuing a cooperation in research and teaching that has existed since 2014 and adding a new component to it.

Graduates of the MuDiM programme will receive a master's degree from each of the two participating universities. The degree programme is designed for four semesters (30 ECTS per semester). It includes an internship and is completed with a masters thesis (80 pages) and an oral defence.

The Master's programme is trilingual, meaning that students study in German, French and English. Students must demonstrate active language skills in at least two languages and passive language skills in the third. During the first semester, students have the opportunity to take an intensive language course in at least one of the three languages if required. Optional language courses are also possible every semester.

Students are admitted for the winter semester. Applicants for this Master's programme must have a Bachelor's degree in one of the following subjects: communication studies, linguistics, media or film studies, German studies, Romance studies, English studies or in thematically similar degree programmes with corresponding qualifications.

The binational programme "Multimodality – Discourse – Media" (MuDiM) has been funded by the Deutsch-Französische Hochschule/Université franco-allemande (DFH) since 2019.

examination board

In order to have external academic achievements in the Master's programme "Language - Media - Society" recognised, please complete the application form and send it together with a copy of the transcript of records by e-mail to the chair of the examination board.

After your application has been reviewed, the recognised achievements will be forwarded directly to the Examination Office for entry in viaCampus by the examination board.


Application for registration for the final examination (to be submitted to the Examination Office)


For requests that are not listed here and that require the approval of the examination board (e.g. change of title of the masters thesis, change of assignment to a module), please submit an informal application to the chair of the examination board. In addition to your request and a justification, please be sure to include your name, matriculation number and semester of study in the request.

Please note that internships are generally recognised by the Career Center.


Here you will find answers to the most common questions that arise during your studies. If you cannot find the answer to one of your questions here, please contact the programme coordinator.

1.1 What do the Examinations Office, the Admission's Office, the Admissions Office and the Student Advisory Service do?

The Examinations Office ("Prüfungsamt") will answer all questions regarding examinations, examination regulations and registration.

The Maticulation Office ("Immatrikulationsamt") and the Admissions Office ("Zulassungsamt") are responsible for all administrative procedures, such as changing degree programmes, enrolment, applying for a semester of leave or exmatriculation.

The Student Advisory Service (by programme coordinator and in the Dean's Office) helps with decisions regarding the choice of degree programme and career, the choice of degree programme, changing degree programme and place of study, dropping out and taking a leave of absence from studies, as well as personal and study-related difficulties. It also provides information on study options and degrees, admission requirements, application procedures, study programme requirements, study programme-specific career fields, etc.

You can send programme-specific questions to the address smgATeuropa-uni.de.

1.2 Can I also fulfil admission criteria at a later date?

No, the admission criteria (foreign language certificates and BA degree) must be fulfilled by the time of enrolment.

1.3 What are the contents of the degree programme?

The research-oriented degree programme "Language - Media - Society" combines a cultural studies and comparative cultural perspective on language, media and communication with a focus on Europe.

The degree programme focuses on various communication contexts (everyday life, institutions, audio-visual media), communicative and aesthetic practices (oral and written, monomodal and multimodal, analogue and digital), forms of discourse (everyday conversation, text, audio-visual media, language and media studies, text, audio-visuality, political and public discourse) and social structures (power relations, affiliations and diversity).

In addition to the universal track in the"Language - Media - Society" programme, three specialised tracks or binational double degrees can be studied.

  • The "Linguistic Research" track focuses on aspects of language use linguistics and in-depth research work by students.
  • The binational track "Intercultural Communication" (MICS) focuses on processes of intercultural interaction in the German-Polish border region, which are embedded in an overarching context of interaction between eastern and western regions of Europe. A double degree is obtained with the Adam Mickiewicz University (AMU) in Poznań.
  • The binational double degree "Multimodality – Discourse – Media" (MuDiM) is offered in cooperation with the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3. The double degree focuses on multimodal and media discourses. Students will obtain a Master's degree in Germany and France.

Detailed information can be found in the study and examination regulations and the other study documents.

What options are there for organising the Foreign Languages/Practical Skills module?

In the module „Foreign Languages/Practical Skills“ 18 ECTS points can be earned from the following options:

  • Proficiency in a modern foreign language to be selected (depending on the track); for questions regarding the recognition of non-UNIcert certificates, please contact the programme coordinator;
  • Achievements from practical skills courses in areas of intercultural communication;
  • Internship in a professional field that is clearly related to the programme, usually full-time employment (40 hours per week). The internship must not lasted longer than 12 months and must not have been credited as part of another degree programme.

In the "Linguistic Research track", a foreign language must be learned at UNIcert III level.

In the "Intercultural Communication" (MICS) track, 9 ECTS from Polish language acquisition and 9 ECTS usually from an internship or courses in the module are included in this module.

In the "Language - Media - Society" programme, you have the option of completing your studies in cooperation with one of our partner universities. You can find more information on the two possible double degrees here:

4.1 How do I obtain a certificate of achievement?

ECTS Credits in Master's seminars are awarded as follows:

3 ECTS credits:

  • Presentation
  • Essay (usually 4 pages)

 6 ECTS credits:

  • a term paper (usually 12 pages)
  • several essays with a total length of usually 12 pages
  • Exam (written exam with a duration of 90-120 minutes)
  • Oral examination (usual duration 20 minutes)

9 ECTS credits:

  • A term paper (usually 25 pages)
  • A maximum of 9 ECTS credits can be earned in a single course. Certificates of achievement are not cumulative.

4.2 Are other achievements also recognised?

Courses completed at other universities in Germany or abroad that have not yet been included in a previous degree can be recognised if they fit thematically into one of the modules. Please contact the programme coordinator (preferably at the planning stage). For recognition, please submit the form for the recognition of external achievements.

5.1 Is a semester abroad/internship possible?

Yes. The university has numerous partner universities in other European and non-European countries. Internships are usually organised by the students themselves. Two semesters of leave can be applied for as part of the Master's degree programme for internships and stays abroad. Credits earned abroad can be recognised for the degree programme upon presentation of the transcript of records to the examination board. The module allocation and the desired ECTS credits are agreed in the Learning Agreement before the stay abroad.

5.2 Who should I contact if I have questions about my stay abroad?

For specific questions about partner universities, scholarships and application procedures, please contact the Department of International Affairs. The Career Center is responsible for internships, vacancies and tips on applying abroad.

5.3 What is recognised as an internship?

An internship of at least 6 weeks (full-time employment/40 hours per week) is recognised for 9 ECTS points if you work in an area connected to programme's content.

5.4 How long ago can I have done the internship in order for it to be recognised?

The internship must not have been completed more than 12 months ago and must not have been recognised as part of another degree programme before.

5.5 Is an internship compulsory?

No, in the Practical Skills module it is also possible to obtain ECTS points via practical skills seminars, projects or foreign language certificates.


Please note: The internship can only be credited by the Career Center. There you can also apply for a confirmation of the necessity of the internship for submission to the internship centre.

Two modern foreign languages at UNIcert II level (B2 CEFR) as requirements for admission: Are there alternatives?

Foreign language certificates as admission criteria must be provided by the time of enrolment. Proof of one foreign language at B2 level can be replaced by a Latinum and B1 or UNIcert I level in a foreign language. An equivalent for two languages at level B2 is a certificate at level C1/UNIcert III in a modern foreign language plus a certificate at level B1/UNIcert I in another. The admissions board decides on recognition.

7.1 How do I find the right topic and the right supervisor? Who is authorised to supervise?

The choice of topic should be based on your personal academic interest and, as far as possible, be orientated towards the seminars you have attended during your studies. The supervisor should be selected primarily on the basis of their expertise. You should ask yourself these questions first: Which chair/professorship deals with my topic? With whom have I already attended a seminar on this topic? Can they take the Master's examination?

One of the two reviewers must hold a professorship at the Viadrina, the second should have at least a doctorate, whereby both can take on the function of first or second reviewer. The same applies to the examiners of the oral examination.

The final colloquium (= oral examination) lasts approx. 60 minutes and covers two topics, which may relate to the central module, an elective module or the masters thesis. Coordination takes place with the examiners. At least one examiner is also a reviewer of the thesis.

7.2 When can I register the masters thesis?

There are no special registration deadlines for the masters thesis, it can be registered at any time. The prerequisite for registration is the completion of 72 ECTS credits. Registration takes place at the Examinations Office by submitting the supplementary sheet for Master's thesis registration, where you will also receive the routing slip ("Laufzettel") on which the title of the Master's thesis is determined and which must be signed by both the thesis supervisors and the examination board. After submitting the routing slip, the working time for the Master's thesis is 4 months.

7.3 What counts for my overall grade?

The grade is calculated from the masters thesis (40%) and the oral final examination (10%). The remaining 50% are made up of the course achievements completed during the degree programme. The masters thesis usually comprises 80 pages.

Please also note the additional advice and support services offered by the Faculty of Social Cultural Sciences and other central university facilities.

Application and enrolment

Professional requirements

The Master's degree programme requires a first professionally qualifying university degree including academic and examination achievements totalling 30 ECTS credits in subjects with a relevant linguistic focus (e.g. language comparison, linguistics, language acquisition) or communication or media studies subjects (which have a humanities or cultural studies focus). Proof of the first professionally qualifying degree must be provided by submitting an officially certified copy of it.

Please note: Please submit a transcript of records (confirmed by your university) to assess the inclusion of the 30 ECTS credits.

You can also apply for the Master's degree programme without a formal first degree. At the time of application, at least the following number of credit points should be proven with a current transcript of records or a confirmation of the current total number of credit points issued by the university:

At least 140 ECTS credits for Bachelor's degree programmes with a total of 180 ECTS credits
At least 170 ECTS credits for Bachelor's degree programmes with a total of 210 ECTS credits
At least 200 ECTS credits for Bachelor's degree programmes with a total of 240 ECTS credits.

If you have any questions about the documents, please contact the programme coordinator.

Language requirements

1. Knowledge of German

Applicants whose native language is not German and who have not obtained a further education admissions certificate in Germany must provide proof of sufficient knowledge of German in accordance with DSH-Prüfungsordnung of the Viadrina Language Centre of the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder).

Students whose native language is not German can claim German as one of the required foreign languages for admission to the SMG (Linguistic Research or MICS). This is done by providing proof of the DSH or a comparable qualification (in accordance with section 1 (3) and (4) of the DSH examination regulations of the Viadrina Language Centre.

2. Foreign language skills

Students of the SMG (including the Linguistic Research track and the Double Degree MICS) are required to have knowledge of two European foreign languages at the level of UNIcert II or B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, one of which is usually English.

Official language certificates (e.g. TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge, TOEIC, DALF, DELF, DELE) or certificates from university language centres as well as the explicit designation of B2 on the Bachelor's certificate are recognised as equivalents to UNIcert II.

The admission committee decides on the recognition of other types of language certificates.

The following are not recognised:

  • "Abitur" certificates
  • DAAD language certificates
  • Courses and certificates from a "Volkshochschule"

Please note that all language certificates must be submitted at the latest at the time of enrolment.


Admission requirements

In addition to the general application documents, a letter of motivation and a CV must be submitted with the application documents for the international double degree „Multimodality – Discourse – Media“ (MuDiM) in cooperation with the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3.

Apart from the general foreign language requirements, students of the MuDiM are required to have knowledge of English and French at the level of UNIcert I or B1 in one of the two languages and at the level of UNIcert II or B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) in the other language. Please also submit a letter of motivation and a curriculum vitae (CV) with your application documents for the MuDiM.

Application procedure

An application for the international double degree „Multimodality – Discourse – Media“ (MuDiM) is only possible for the winter semester. Around 20 places are available each year, 10-15 of which are at the Viadrina.

Applicants are selected on the basis of their final grade in their first degree (usually a Bachelor's degree), their language skills (German, French and English) and their letter of motivation.

The degree programme is admission-free.

ermans and applicants with a German university entrance certificate ("Bildungsinländer*innen") can enrol online from 1 June to 15 September. September (for the winter semester) or 1 December to 15 March (for the summer semester) via viaCampus.

Then submit the following documents to the Admissions Office of the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) by 20 September (for the winter semester) or 20 March (for the summer semester):

  • the fully completed and signed application for enrolment (available after completing your online enrolment on viaCampus),
  • proof of knowledge of two European foreign languages at B2 level (UNIcert II or equivalent), one of which is usually English,
  • a transcript of records to certify the relevance of the (forthcoming) university degree,
  • an officially certified copy of the university degree or a certificate from your previous examination office that all academic achievements have been submitted (an assessment of all achievements is not necessary for enrolment. In this case, please submit the following form: Bestätigung der erbrachten Bachelorleistungen zur Einschreibung. The Bachelor's certificate must be submitted to the admission's office by the end of the first semester).
  • .
  • a health insurance certificate*,
  • a self-addressed and sufficiently stamped envelope, size DIN A4, for sending your student ID (chip card) and the documents you have submitted,
  • Certificates of study from German universities showing the semesters you have completed to date,
  • a certificate of exmatriculation from your last German university,
  • proof of payment of the semester fee (e.g. printout of the online transaction),
  • A copy of an identification document showing your full surname, first name, date of birth, address and date of validity. You have the option of blacking out all other details. This copy of the ID card is used exclusively for identification purposes and also protects against identity theft.


* Information on student health insurance

Proof of insurance status - either statutory insurance or exemption from statutory insurance - is required for enrolment. To do this, contact a statutory health insurance company and either have yourself insured (e.g. student) or exempted so that your insurance status can be reported electronically to the European University. The chip card or a paper certificate are not sufficient.

In order to report your insurance status, the health insurance companies may require the sender number of the European University: H0001747.


  • from the age of 30
  • in continuing education programmes
  • who are enrolled for a PhD
  • are enrolled in college

do not receive a student rate. They can take out voluntary insurance at the regular rate.

The electronic health insurance certificate is not required for these students.

Please apply online in the period from 1 June to 15 July (for the winter semester) or from 1 December to 15 January (for the summer semester) at viaCampus and send your documents to the European University Viadrina by 15 July (for the winter semester) or 15 January (for the summer semester). Further information can be found at: https://www.europa-uni.de/de/internationales/Students/Incomings/Applying/Master/index.html.

All documents which are not issued in German or English must also be submitted as a sworn translation in German or English.

Contact us

Dr Rita Vallentin

Programme coordinator and student advisory service

Office hours

Thursday, 1-4pm online at https://whereby.com/ritavallentin or on site in HG 078.

Please register in advance by email.

Anna Barkhausen

Administration MuDiM (International Affairs)

Prof Dr Nicole Richter

Chair of the examination board

Office hours

by arrangement

Prof Dr Britta Schneider

Academic manager of the programme

Office hours

by arrangement

Prof Dr Cornelia Müller

Academic manager of the double degree MuDiM