Contact persons

Contact persons for elections

  • ensures the technical preparation and realisation of the election
  • publicises the election, the election dates and the election results to the university
  • receives the election proposals and objections to the electoral lists
  • keeps the election documents until the election result cannot be contested and then destroys them

According to the electoral regulations, the Chancellor is the election officer. The tasks of the election management are carried out on behalf of:

Beatrix Eckert
Head of the department of Student Affairs

  • = Representatives of all university status groups
  • is elected by the Senate for a two-year term of office
  • determines election dates and deadlines
  • decides on the authorisation of election proposals
  • decides on ballot papers
  • confirms the election result

Chairman: Prof Dr Christian Becker


  • = one representative of each member group
  • the members are determined by the Central Election Committee
  • count the votes
  • determine the election result and inform the election management

Contact via the Central Election Committee

Chairman: Prof Dr Christian Becker

  • = one representative of all member groups
  • presents in the event of a challenge (decision by the Senate)

Chairman: Prof Dr Werner Benecke


Elections to student boards (student parliament, student councils)


