Impressive range of statistical research - anthology in honour of Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schmid
Prof. Dr Wolfgang Schmid, holder of the Professorship of Quantitative Methods, in particular Statistics, received a special honour on 19 December 2024 when companions presented him with a publication on statistical research dedicated to him. Entitled "Advanced Statistical Methods in Process Monitoring, Finance, and Environmental Science", the anthology brings together 24 contributions.
They had spent over two years working on the anthology in honour of Prof. Dr Wolfgang Schmid. On 19 December, three former doctoral students and employees of Viadrina economists and statistic experts presented their mentor with the publication dedicated to him.
The idea for the anthology was born during a conference of the Statistical Society in Hamburg in 2022 in discussion with the Springer publishing house, reports Prof Dr Philipp Otto, one of the three editors. Otto began studying economics at the Viadrina in the mid-2000s. Like his two co-editors, he completed his doctorate under Schmid. His focus on environmental data and environmental protection data forms the third chapter of the anthology and thus, as he emphasises, a "highly topical area".

Michaela Grün
Prof. Dr Wolfgang Schmid with the editors of the volume: Prof. Dr Sven Knoth, Prof. Dr Philipp Otto and Prof. Dr Yarema Okhrin (from left to right)
Co-editor Prof. Dr Yarema Okhrin came from Ukraine to Schmid at the Viadrina in the 2000s thanks to a scholarship programme for his PhD. His research area of statistics and finance is the subject of the second chapter. Prof Dr Sven Knoth has been with us the longest as a former doctoral student and research assistant. He represents Schmid's first research focus, the application of statistics in process monitoring, to which the first chapter of the anthology is dedicated.
"The added value of the volume is its application and practical orientation," says Okhrin. "It impressively demonstrates the thematic range of Wolfgang Schmid's research, who has repeatedly devoted himself to new topics over the years."
Of the 24 contributions, nine are by former doctoral students of Schmid: "I am delighted that so many former colleagues have contributed to this volume. The thematic division into the three chapters Process Monitoring, Finance and Environmental Studies not only shows the historical development of my main research areas, but also the high practical relevance and the diverse application possibilities of statistical methods."
"Advanced Statistical Methods in Process Monitoring, Finance, and Environmental Science" is published by Springer Verlag, edited by Prof Dr Sven Knoth, Prof Dr Yarema Okhrin and Prof Dr Philipp Otto.
Michaela Green
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