Dates of the Orientation Week

Dates of the Orientation Week

31 March 2025 (Monday)

You will be expected at the entrance or exit of the Frankfurt (Oder) Railway Station.

We look forward to meeting you!

IT-Service Center (IKMZ)

Important information on the viaCampus handout (GER)

Zentrum für Lehre und Lernen (ZLL) / Center for Teaching and Learning

Certificates / Semester Contribution / Course Catalogue / Registration for Examinations or Exams

+ introduction to Viadrina PeerTutoring (ZLL)

+ introduction to Psychological Counselling Centre
+ introduction to Viadrina PeerTutoring (ZLL)

31 March 2025, 4 pm - 6:30 pm, Mensa (canteen)

The Oberbürgermeister Frankfurt (Oder) René Wilke, the Vice President of Viadrina Janine Nuyken and Head of the Central Student Advisory Service Dr. Franziska Boll welcome you to the start of your studies in the Mensa (Gräfin-Dönhoff-Building).

Get to know your future fellow students in a convivial atmosphere! The students of all Student Councils, ESN, ELSA, VCG, StuPA &. AStA provide exciting activities such as table tennis, Twister, Europe quiz and much more ...

For all first-year students of all faculties & international first-year students!

New city, new people, new favourite bars! Join us on an unforgettable tour of Frankfurt's bar scene, enjoy good drinks and the best company. To round things off, we'll end the evening together in the Havana Bar at 23:00.

Don't miss the ultimate kick-off to the 2025 summer semester - this will be an evening you won't soon forget!



1 April 2025 (Tuesday)

Center for Teaching and Learning (ZLL) and FSR Kuwi advise you as a cultural scientist on the timetable.

ONLY for first-year students of the Faculty of Law.



ONLY for German and international first-year Bachelor and Master students of the Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences.



ONLY for German and international first-year Bachelor and Master students of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics.



by Language Centre with Richard Bland

by Language Centre with Doris Lütjen and Jeff Purchla

As always, the traditional opening of the semester takes place at Bellevue Discotheque. There, students can party and dance with their fellow students until the early hours of the morning.

Diskothek Bellevue
Beckmannstraße 25A
15230 Frankfurt (Oder)

For first-year students of all faculties & inernational first-years students!


Attention:  Maximum of 44 seats available!

Registration: Instagram @ fsr jura


VIAPACS Viadrina Applied Peace & Conflict Studies for Viadrina Students of all Faculties and Degree Programs

Do you want to improve your communication, negotiation, and mediation skills in conflict situations? Are you interested in gaining practical additional qualifications in fields such as international relations, diplomacy, politics, public administration, or cultural work? You can also visit us at the Info Market.

Department of International Affairs and Career Center

For first-year students of all faculties & inernational first-years students!


For first-year students of all faculties & inernational first-years students!


Kuwi-Welcome Evening
For first-year students on the European Studies Master's programme and the Cultural Studies Bachelor's and Master's programmes.

On Tuesday, 1 April 2025, from 6 pm, the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Cultural Studies and the MES cordially invite you to the "Kuwi Welcome Evening". In a relaxed atmosphere with snacks and drinks, all newly enrolled students can get to know each other as well as experienced students and some of the faculty's lecturers and staff. The venue is the verbuendungshaus fforst.

verbundungshaus fforst
Forststraße 4
15230 Frankfurt (Oder)


For all first-year students of all faculties!

The Orientation Week culminates in the legendary freshers' party in the Bellevue Discotheque!

Celebrate with your new fellow students, dance to the beats of our DJs and enjoy refreshing drinks in good company. Whether you're a new or experienced student - everyone is welcome, so bring your friends and let's make the night unforgettable together!

Tickets: 7 Euro including 2 Euro free drink in pre-sale, ticket at the club 10 Euro

Diskothek Bellevue
Beckmannstraße 25A
15230 Frankfurt (Oder)

2 April 2025 (Wednesday)

Information by Studierendenwerk
+ introduction to Family Affairs Office

Meeting Point:

Reception of Collegium Polonicum

Meeting Point:

ENS Coworking Space (1st floor of the CP Library Building)

ONLY for German and international first-year students of Bachelor's programmes in economics. 

Have you ever wondered how to succeed in your upcoming IBA/IBWL studies? Then this event is perfect for you! We’ll answer all the important questions you have, including: How hard is the math at university? What’s the workload like for IBA/IBWL? How can you achieve good grades in these subjects? And, of course, where are the best places to party in Frankfurt (Oder)? Whether you’re concerned about academics or student life, this event will provide you with the insights and tips you need to navigate your studies successfully. 

For first-year students of all faculties & international first-year students.

3 April 2025 (Thursday)

Center for Teaching and Learning (ZLL)

Taking a closer look at the Viadrina Co-Writing Space right at the beginning is a pretty good idea - welcome! Because you'll be here more often during your studies anyway! So get to know and love the people, the possibilities and the atmosphere of this collaborative learning and writing space right away.

LANGUAGE PLACEMENT TESTS of the Language Centre in the August-Bebel-Straße 

ALL placement tests take place in presence and without prior registration!


12:30 pm - 3:30 pm
AB 308

12:30 pm - 3:30 pm
AB 308

12:30 pm - 3:30 pm
AB 308

12:30 pm - 4:30 pm
AB 210  ⁄  211  ⁄  215

Free guided tour for first-year students of all faculties & international first-year students as well as university members.

Drop by the Kleist Museum and get to know Frankfurt's most famous son!

In a one-hour guided tour you will learn more about life around 1800, studying at the old Viadrina University and Kleist's most famous works.

Admission free!

Faberstr. 6 - 7
15230 Frankfurt (Oder)

For first-year students of all faculties & international first-year students!

This Thursday we cordially invite you to a relaxed pizza evening in the GD Foyer! Look forward to freshly baked pizza, good company and the perfect mix of techno beats & sociable games. Take the opportunity to network, laugh together and enjoy the evening in a great atmosphere.


4 April 2025 (Friday)

LANGUAGE PLACEMENT TESTS of the Language Centre in the August-Bebel-Straße 

ALL placement tests take place in presence and without prior registration!

10 am - 12 pm
AB 210  ⁄  215

10 am - 12 pm
AB 210  ⁄  215

10 am - 12 pm
AB 210  ⁄  215

10 am - 12 pm
AB 210  ⁄  215

11 am - 1 pm 
AB 211  ⁄  308


For first-year students of all faculties & international first-year students!

Presentation of student portfolios for peer tutoring training with the Center for Teaching and Learning (ZLL)


5 April 2025 (Saturday)

>> Krabat (Premiere)


Die düstere, sorbische Erzählung über Freundschaft und Verrat, Freiheit und Unterdrückung, die Verlockungen der Macht und die Kraft der Liebe in einer bildgewaltigen Fassung der beliebten Sandartisten: Träume locken den Waisenjungen Krabat zu einer geheimnisvollen Mühle, wo er nicht nur das Müllerhandwerk, sondern auch die Kunst der Schwarzen Magie erlernt. Doch der Preis dafür ist hoch: Am Ende eines jeden Jahres muss ein Müllerbursche sterben. Nur die Liebe eines Mädchens kann Krabat retten und den Bann der Teufelsmühle brechen.

Tickets: 22,- / 11 € (ermäßigt) oder 5 € Last-Minute-Ticket für Studierende für Restkarten an der Abendkasse

Kleist Forum
Großer Saal
Platz der Einheit 1
15230 Frankfurt (Oder)

6 April 2025 (Sunday)

7 April 2025 (Monday) = Start of Pre-Leading Time and Start of Classes for all Languages!

LATE DATES FOR LANGUAGE PLACEMENT TESTS of the Language Centre in the August-Bebel-Straße 

ALL placement tests take place in presence and without prior registration!

1 pm - 2 pm
AB 211

2 pm - 4 pm
AB 211

8 April 2025 (Tuesday)

LATE DATES FOR LANGUAGE PLACEMENT TESTS of the Language Centre in the August-Bebel-Straße 

ALL placement tests take place in presence and without prior registration!

1 pm - 2 pm
AB 210

1 pm - 2 pm
AB 211  ⁄  215

9 April 2025 (Wednesday)

Student Representative Unions and Initiatives Market (AStA)

LATE DATE FOR LANGUAGE PLACEMENT TEST of the Language Centre in the August-Bebel-Straße 

ALL placement tests take place in presence and without prior registration!

1 pm - 2 pm
AB 211  ⁄  215

10 April 2025 (Thursday)


This placement test takes place online.

1 pm - 2 pm

Other dates are possible by arrangement. Please send an email to

12 April 2025 (Saturday)

>> Der erste letzte Tag

Kein Thriller von Sebastian Fitzek


Was tut man am letzten Tag des eigenen Lebens? Dieses Gedankenexperiment starten Livius und Lea. Die beiden lernen sich am Münchner Flughafen kennen, als ihr Flug nach Berlin gecancelt wird. Beide müssen dringend nach Berlin: Livius, Lehrer und Hobbyautor, will seine Ehe retten und Lea, Journalistin, muss zu einem geheimnisvollen Termin. Sympathisch sind sie sich nicht, aber ein gemeinsamer Mietwagen scheint die einzige Möglichkeit zu sein, ihre Ziele zu erreichen. Auf Deutschlands Straßen wird der Roadtrip zu einer lebensverändernden Extremerfahrung und beide müssen sich der Frage stellen, wofür es sich zu leben lohnt.

Der erfolgreiche Thrillerautor Sebastian Fitzek hat einen expliziten Nicht-Thriller geschrieben und stellt die Fragen nach dem Sinn des Lebens mit viel Humor und Tiefgang.

Tickets: 25,- / 12,50 € ermäßigt oder 5 € Last-Minute-Ticket für Studierende für Restkarten an der Abendkasse

Kleist Forum
Großer Saal
Platz der Einheit 1
15230 Frankfurt (Oder)

14 April 2025 (Monday)

20 April 2025 (Sunday)


Study Programmes:
Cuso BA - Cultural and Social Studies (Bachelor); IBA BA - International Business Administration (Bachelor); IBA MA - International Business Administration (Master); IHL MA - International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (Master); Erasmus + Exchange - International Exchange & Erasmus Students; Full-Time + Degree-Seeking - International Full-Time Students

AB = August-Bebel-Straße / Audimax = Lecture Hall in AM / AM = Auditorium Maximum / GD = Gräfin-Dönhoff-Gebäude / CP = Collegium Polonicum, PL / HG = Hauptgebäude (Main Building) / LH = Logenhaus / ...