Dates of the Orientation Week
Dates of the Orientation Week
8 October 2024 (Tuesday)
Center for Teaching and Learning (ZLL) and FSR Kuwi advise you as a cultural scientist on the timetable.
ONLY for first-year students of the Faculty of Law.
ONLY for German and international first-year Bachelor and Master students of the Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences.
ONLY for German and international first-year Bachelor and Master students of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics.
by Language Centre with Barbara Rodriguez and Jeff Purchla
As always, the traditional opening of the semester takes place at Disko Bellevue. There, students can party and dance with their fellow students until the early hours of the morning.
Diskothek Bellevue
Beckmannstraße 25A
15230 Frankfurt (Oder)
VIAPACS Viadrina Applied Peace & Conflict Studies for Viadrina Students of all Faculties and Degree Programs
Do you want to improve your communication, negotiation, and mediation skills in conflict situations? Are you interested in gaining practical additional qualifications in fields such as international relations, diplomacy, politics, public administration, or cultural work? You can also visit us at the Info Market.
Department of International Affairs and Career Center
For first-year students of all faculties & inernational first-years students!
For all first-year students of all faculties!
As always, the traditional opening of the semester takes place at Bellevue Discotheque. There, students can party and dance with their fellow students until the early hours of the morning.
Diskothek Bellevue
Beckmannstraße 25A
15230 Frankfurt (Oder)
9 October 2024 (Wednesday)
Information by Studentenwerk
+ introduction to Family Affairs Office
Meeting Point:
Reception of Collegium Polonicum
+ introduction to Gründungszentrum Viadrina
+ introduction to Viadrina PeerTutoring (ZLL)
Meeting Point:
ENS Coworking Space (1st floor of the CP Library Building)
ONLY for German and international first-year students of Bachelor's and Master's programmes in economics.
Have you ever wondered how to succeed in your upcoming IBA/IBWL studies? Then this event is perfect for you! We’ll answer all the important questions you have, including: How hard is the math at university? What’s the workload like for IBA/IBWL? How can you achieve good grades in these subjects? And, of course, where are the best places to party in Frankfurt (Oder)? Whether you’re concerned about academics or student life, this event will provide you with the insights and tips you need to navigate your studies successfully.
10 October 2024 (Thursday)
ONLY for German and international first-year students of Bachelor's and Master's programmes in economics.
Have you ever wondered how to succeed in your upcoming IBA/IBWL studies? Then this event is perfect for you! We’ll answer all the important questions you have, including: How hard is the math at university? What’s the workload like for IBA/IBWL? How can you achieve good grades in these subjects? And, of course, where are the best places to party in Frankfurt (Oder)? Whether you’re concerned about academics or student life, this event will provide you with the insights and tips you need to navigate your studies successfully.
LANGUAGE PLACEMENT TESTS of the Language Centre in the August-Bebel-Straße
ALL placement tests take place in presence and without prior registration!
12:30 pm - 3:30 pm
AB 308
12:30 pm - 3:30 pm
AB 308
12:30 pm - 3:30 pm
AB 308
1 pm - 5 pm
AB 211 & AB 215
Center for Teaching and Learning (ZLL)
Taking a closer look at the Viadrina Co-Writing Space right at the beginning is a pretty good idea - welcome! Because you'll be here more often during your studies anyway! So get to know and love the people, the possibilities and the atmosphere of this collaborative learning and writing space right away.
For first-year students of all faculties & international first-year students!
The Student Council for Economics would like to invite you to a pizza evening on Thursday in August-Bebel-Straße, room 06. We will also entertain you with fun party games and weird music. So come along and bring a good mood!
August-Bebel-Straße 12
Raum 06 + Terrace
15234 Frankfurt (Oder)
11 October 2024 (Friday)
LANGUAGE PLACEMENT TESTS of the Language Centre in the August-Bebel-Straße
ALL placement tests take place in presence and without prior registration!
9:30 am - 12 pm
AB 308
9:30 am - 11:30 am
AB 308
9:30 am - 10:30 am
AB 308
11 am - 1 pm
AB 211 & AB 215
For all first-year students of all faculties & international first-year students!
On Friday, 11 October 2024, German-Polish students from the European University Viadrina are inviting you to a food and bar safari in Słubice, Poland. In addition to restaurants with typical Polish cuisine, you can expect great bars and games to get to know each other. Don't miss the opportunity to get to know the Polish part of our twin city.
The contact person for the food and bar safari is Kevin Kobs via
The number of places is limited to 60 people!
Please register as soon as possible under this REGISTRATION LINK!
12 October 2024 (Saturday)
>> Dead or Alive – Poetry Slam: Kleist gegen Alle
Dichterschlacht Präsentiert von Kampf der Künste und Kleist Forum
Dead: Judith Rosmair, Julia von Sell, Boris Aljinovic, Thomas Thieme
Alive: Stars der aktuellen Poetry-Slam-Szene
Wie würde sich Kleist heute schlagen? Wäre er ein gefeierter Instagram-Poet mit abertausenden Followern – oder doch eher ein heimlicher Hobbydichter? Oder wäre er gar Poetry Slammer geworden? Vier begnadete Poetry Slammer treten für das Team »Alive« an, bewaffnet mit ihren besten, selbstverfassten Texten und geölter Stimme! Auf der anderen Seite, das Team »Dead«: Vier gestandene Schauspieler:innen mimen allesamt Kleist in unterschiedlichen Interpretationen, schlüpfen in seine Haut, rezitieren und spielen, hauchen seinen Werken neues Leben ein, lassen Kleist durch sie wieder lebendig werden! Das Publikum entscheidet, wer diesen Wettkampf der Worte gewinnen soll. Kann sich der Großmeister Heinrich gegen vier junge Erben behaupten?
Eine Veranstaltung im Rahmen der Kleist-Festtage 2024.
Tickets: 22,- / 11 € (ermäßigt) oder 5 € Last-Minute-Ticket für Studierende für Restkarten an der Abendkasse
Kleist Forum
Platz der Einheit 1
15230 Frankfurt (Oder)
13 October 2024 (Sunday)
Konzertante Lesung nach Texten von Heinrich von Kleist
Thomas Thieme (Lesung) Arthur Thieme (Bassgitarre) Axel Schulz (Boxlegende)
Regie und Fassung: Julia von Sell Komposition: Arthur Thieme
Eine Produktion des Kleist Forums
In seiner neuen konzertanten Lesung steigt der Schauspieler Thomas Thieme mit Heinrich von Kleist in den Ring. »Zwei berühmte englische Boxer…«, so beginnt Kleists berühmte Anekdote. Und mit dem Tod der beiden Kontrahenten schließt sie. K.o. – KNOCKOUT – ohnmächtig – bewusstlos – tot. Sehr lapidar beobachtet Kleist diese grausame Geschichte. Auch seine Figuren wandeln ständig zwischen Bewusstsein und Bewusstlosigkeit. Mal romantisch, wie die Marquise von O…., die die Ohnmacht fast schon im Namen trägt, mal bis zur Raserei, wie Penthesilea. Doch während Kleist seine Figuren existentiell K.o. schlägt, ist das K.o. im Boxkampf eine spektakuläre Möglichkeit zum Sieg.
Eine Veranstaltung im Rahmen der Kleist-Festtage 2024.
Tickets: 22,- / 11 € (ermäßigt) oder 5 € Last-Minute-Ticket für Studierende für Restkarten an der Abendkasse
Kleist Forum
Platz der Einheit 1
15230 Frankfurt (Oder)
14 Ocober 2024 (Monday) = Start of Pre-Leading Time and Start of Classes for all Languages!
Regular consultation hours at the Student Advisory Service for Cultural and Social Studies
15 October 2024 (Tuesday)
LATE DATES FOR LANGUAGE PLACEMENT TESTS of the Language Centre in the August-Bebel-Straße
ALL placement tests take place in presence and without prior registration!
1 pm - 2 pm
AB 215
1 pm - 1:45 pm
AB 211
16 October 2024 (Wednesday)
Student Representative Unions and Initiatives Market (AStA)
LATE DATE FOR LANGUAGE PLACEMENT TEST of the Language Centre in the August-Bebel-Straße
ALL placement tests take place in presence and without prior registration!
1 pm - 2 pm
AB 211
17 October 2024 (Thursday)
LATE DATE FOR LANGUAGE PLACEMENT TEST of the Language Centre in the August-Bebel-Straße
ALL placement tests take place in presence and without prior registration!
1 pm - 2 pm
AB 211
18 October 2024 (Friday)
Eine Kooperation des Kleist Forums mit dem Słubicer Kulturhaus SMOK, der Städtischen Galeria Okno und dem Slubfurt e.V.
Kurator:innen: Anna Panek-Kusz und Michael Kurzwelly
Förderung: Stadt Frankfurt (Oder), Stadt Słubice, MWFK (Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kultur des Landes Brandenburg) Seit 2010 findet jährlich das internationale und multimediale Kunstfestival »lAbiRynT« statt. Es basiert auf einem dreitägigen Veranstaltungszyklus, der sich aus Ausstellungen, Vorführungen, Seminaren, Vorträgen und Treffen mit bis zu 80 Künstler:innen zusammensetzt. Gezeigt werden Kunstwerke aus den Bereichen Fotografie, Multimedia, Installation, Performance, Klangkunst, Malerei, Grafik, Konzeptkunst und Aktionskunst werden an vielen verschiedenen Orten in Frankfurt und Słubice. Gespräche, Vorträge und Diskussionen mit den anwesenden Künstler:innen können während eines Rundgangs und eine Woche später im Internet verfolgt werden.
Eintritt frei !
Kleist Forum
Platz der Einheit 1
15230 Frankfurt (Oder)
Once again this year, we, the Viadrina student councils, are travelling with you, the first-year students, on a first-year trip. Our destination is once again Międzyzdroje on the Polish Baltic Sea. From 18 to 20 October 2020, you will have the opportunity to get to know each other and make contacts for your upcoming studies. You can look forward to many different activities and cosy evenings together with us and your new fellow students. You can also look forward to workshops and questions to help you prepare for your time at the Viadrina. Of course, we are also looking forward to getting to know you and spending a great weekend with you!
23 October 2024 (Wednesday)
Information market regarding student financing (AStA)
27 October 2024 (Sunday)
7 October 2024 (Monday)
You will be expected at the entrance or exit of the Frankfurt (Oder) Railway Station.
We look forward to meeting you!
Central Student Advisory Service / Department of International Affairs / Language Centre / ZLL / European Reform University Alliance (ERUA) / Viadrina Founders Center (Gründungszentrum) / Career Center / IT-Service Center / VIAPACS / Studentenwerk / AStA & StuPa / Gender Equalitiy Office of Viadrina, Viadrina Family & Viadrina Mentoring / Student Council Jura / Student Council Kuwi / Student Council Wiwi / Viadrina Consulting Group e.V. / Techniker Krankenkasse / AOK Nordost - Die Gesundheitskasse. / Contact point for protection against discrimination
>> START FOR TICKET SALES for the Freshers' Party on 9 October 2024 (Wednesday) at the Bellevue Disco !!!
Zentrum für Lehre und Lernen (ZLL) / Center for Teaching and Learning
Certificates / Semester Contribution / Course Catalogue / Registration for Examinations or Exams
+ introduction to Viadrina PeerTutoring (ZLL)
+ introduction to Psychological Counselling Centre
+ introduction to Viadrina PeerTutoring (ZLL)
GET-TOGETHER on 7 October 2024, 4 pm - 7 pm, at the Kleist Forum
Your City of Frankfurt (Oder) with the Mayor of the City of Frankfurt (Oder) Claus Junghanns, your university with the Vice President of the Viadrina Janine Nuyken and the Kleist Forum welcome you to the start of your studies at the Kleist Forum.
Get to know your future fellow students in a convivial atmosphere with finger food and free beer!
For all first-year students of all faculties & international first-year students!
We will round off the second evening of the induction week with bar hopping. Together with your new fellow students, we will visit five bars in Frankfurt (Oder). We start at 6 pm on the forecourt in front of the Auditorium Maximum (AM) at Logenstraße 4 and look forward to seeing you there!
Study Programmes:
Cuso - Cultural and Social Studies; IBA BA - International Business Administration (Bachelor); IBA MA - International Business Administration (Master); MoDE - Digital Entrepreneurship (Master); IHL MA - International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (Master); Erasmus + Exchange - International Exchange & Erasmus Students; Full-Time + Degree-Seeking - International Full-Time Students
AB = August-Bebel-Straße / Audimax = Lecture Hall in AM / AM = Auditorium Maximum / GD = Gräfin-Dönhoff-Gebäude / CP = Collegium Polonicum, PL / HG = Hauptgebäude (Main Building) / LH = Logenhaus / ...