Contact Point for Protection against Discrimination

Who is the Contact Point aimed at?

At Viadrina, everyone should be treated fairly and respectfully and protected from discrimination. For this reason, the Senate has established a complaints procedure and a contact point for protection against discrimination in the statutes for protection against discrimination and harassment. All students, employees and guests of the Viadrina can reach out to the contact point for protection against discrimination if they are discriminated against or experience conflicts at the Viadrina or in connection with the Viadrina.

In a confidential and, if necessary, anonymous setting, there is the opportunity to talk about the incident and weigh up alternative courses of action. One option is to file a formal complaint and conduct a complaints procedure. In addition, the parties involved can also agree on a professional conflict resolution, for example.

The Viadrina would like to encourage everyone to talk about discriminatory behaviour, seek advice and make a complaint. In particular, we would like to encourage those who are unsure whether their case is relevant or clearly attributable to seek dialogue.

Contact Point for Protection against Discrimination

Consultation hours: by appointment

Mailbox: AM K15

I have experienced or observed discrimination - what now?

Talk to us if you experience or observe discriminatory behaviour yourself. We would like to encourage you to talk to us, especially if you are unsure.

You can contact us by phone or email for an initial consultation (anonymously if you wish) or if you have any questions. You can also fill out our form and send it to us. We will contact you and discuss the next steps with you. We will treat your concern confidentially and observe data protection. If you are considering filing a formal complaint, we will inform you about the next steps and the procedure.

Registration form

If someone decides to initiate a complaints procedure, the first step is to file a complaint.

This is done at the Contact Point for Protection against Discrimination, which acts as the complaints office in the procedure in accordance with the Statute on Protection against Discrimination and Harassment. In the complaints procedure, it is therefore referred to as the complaints office.

The formal complaint can be submitted orally or in writing. In the case of an oral complaint, this will be documented by the complaints office and agreed upon with the person making the complaint. If aids or interpreters are required for this, the complaints office will arrange or commission them.

The complaints office informs the complainant about their rights and how the procedure works. It also points out support options.

1. Information and immediate measures
The complaints office informs the university's presidential board that a procedure is underway and, if necessary, makes a proposal for immediate measures.

2. Recording the facts of the case
All parties involved and, if necessary, witnesses are involved and heard when recording and clarifying the facts of the case. Immediately after receiving the complaint, the complaints office will ask the person accused of misconduct to make a statement. This is followed by a personal interview. Witnesses are also questioned or asked to comment. If the person concerned agrees, the complaints office can also call in other counsellors, the Viadrina Conflict Management or other mediators.

The complaints office documents all hearings and established facts.

3. Handover and decision
After the facts of the case have been collected, the complaints office examines the facts of the case and issues a statement to the university's presidential board. It then hands the case over to the presidential board for a decision.

The presidential board informs the parties involved of the outcome of the procedure. In appropriate cases, it asks the complaints office to support the implementation of the measures decided upon.

In order to protect the person making the complaint, the presidential board can take measures quickly if necessary. These may include, for example, bans from the premises or access, but also exclusion from courses or a ban on using university facilities. In criminal cases, the European University can press criminal charges.

The team

We are aware that, as white academics, we cannot see everything and advise everyone equally well. That's why we work closely with experts from other fields in order to incorporate the missing perspectives and assessments.

You can find more advice centres from our network below.

Portrait Katja

Equal Opportunity Department / Central Gender Equality Officer

Telephone number: +49 335 5534 4795

Room: AM K15

I have been a member of the Contact Point for protection against Discrimination since 2021 and set it up. Before that, I worked as a trainer for intercultural learning and now, in my main job, I am the central Gender Equality Officer at Viadrina. I am also a trained mediator.
In my work, I mainly deal with discrimination against people based on their gender or gender identity. It is important to me to also take other experiences of discrimination and life circumstances into account.

 Peter Liebscher

Viadrina Language Centre / German as a Foreign Language

Telephone number: +49 335 5534 3723

Room: AB 023

I have been working at Viadrina since 2013 and teach German as a foreign language at the Viadrina Language Centre. I have been an active member of the contact point since 2023. I have experience in political education and working to prevent sexual violence in schools.

Norbert Morach

Diversity Management

Telephone number: +49 335 5534 4213

Room: LH 209

With a law degree, I have already worked in several positions at the university. As part of my current role as a diversity manager, I work with great empathy against discrimination and in favour of respectful interaction at the Viadrina. With this motivation, I have become a member of the contact point and am very confident that I can support you with advice and action - also with the expertise of other partners.

Online consultation hour of the Opferperspektive

In the case of right-wing, racist and anti-Semitic violence, threats and discrimination

Right-wing violence, threats and discrimination are unfortunately a sad reality for many at Brandenburg's universities and colleges. In such cases, there is support for students and lecturers: through the free, anonymous and multilingual online consultation hours of the Opferperspektive.


The Contact Point for Protection against Discrimination is the central point of contact if you have been discriminated against. You can also contact various advice centres and representatives, which are listed at the bottom of the page.

Then get in touch with the Contact Point for Protection against Discrimination and we will figure out who can help you.

First of all, there are various counselling options available to you, which we recommend in advance of any possible solutions. You can find the counselling centres as well as representatives and confidants at the bottom of the page.

After this, professional conflict resolution (mediation) between the parties involved may be an option, for example. However, you can also pursue a formal complaints procedure. There are also other options, but these cannot be listed individually depending on the specific problem.

Lodging a formal complaint means that the person concerned wishes to initiate a defined procedure. Accordingly, they describe the incident to the Contact Point for Protection against Discrimination (= complaints office) with the aim of initiating proceedings. On the contrary, an informal complaint can be communicated, but this does not result in the initiation of proceedings.

All members, affiliates as well as guests of the Viadrina. Who counts as a member/affiliate is defined in the Viadrina's basic regulations.

Basic order

A formal complaint can be submitted in writing or verbally. Please contact us or send us the reporting form.

You can also anonymously describe discrimination you have experienced/observed (phone call, form by post). However, anonymous complaints can only point out grievances. Specific processing is difficult.

We would like to encourage you to seek a confidential consultation with us.

Registration form

Discriminatory incidents do not always happen on university premises, but are still related to Viadrina - if you are unsure, please contact us.


Yes. The confidentiality of the proceedings and of all parties involved in the proceedings will be maintained.

You can remain anonymous when contacting and receiving confidential counselling at the point of contact for protection against discrimination (= complaints office). We can then listen to you and show you alternative courses of action. In a formal complaints procedure, however, the person making the complaint has no right to anonymity, as the person accused of misconduct must be granted a hearing and given the opportunity to make a statement.

Yes, you can be accompanied and represented by a trusted person.

No. However, it is easier to find solutions if an incident occurred not too long ago. Note: The statute of limitations may apply to criminal offences. A formal complaint has no influence on the statute of limitations.

The individual procedural steps can be found under "I have experienced or observed discrimination - what now?".

This varies and depends on the individual case constellation. We endeavour to hold prompt discussions and make the process efficient.

No, we generally only take action upon request. However, in cases of criminal or disciplinary behaviour, we hand the case over to the university's presidential board, who may initiate further steps (e.g. criminal charges).

Sanctions and further measures always depend on the individual case and on the respective service, labour or university law provisions for the respondent. The following measures and sanctions may be considered:

  • An oral or written instruction
  • a written warning or reprimand
  • the organisation of a performance review
  • a transfer within the EUV
  • the imposition of a disciplinary measure
  • a dismissal
  • the withdrawal of a teaching assignment
  • exclusion from the use of EUV facilities
  • exclusion from participation in courses
  • exmatriculation
  • the imposition of a house ban
  • mandatory participation in anti-discrimination measures

The university's presidential board or the regulatory committee, if it is responsible.


From the presidential board.