Women + Queer

Gender equality at the Viadrina

The Viadrina is actively committed to gender equality: a central concern is that students and employees can develop their potential to the best of their ability at the university, regardless of gender, gender identity and sexual orientation. Women and queer people are supported through targeted programmes, initiatives and advice, as they are still underrepresented and disadvantaged in many areas.

The Gender Equality Officers fulfil a central function here: they work to ensure that all decisions and processes at the university take into account the impact on gender, recognise disadvantages and implement compensatory measures. This means, for example, that they ensure that

  • female applicants are treated fairly in selection interviews,
  • actively recruit female academics for a Professorship,
  • trans* and inter* people can simply change their name,
  • sexist comments in conversations are named and disapproved of,
  • women, trans*, inter* and non-binary people are visible in everyday life at Viadrina - e.g. in statistics, on literature lists, on podiums, in leadership positions, with research achievements or founding successes.

You can find information on our database, individual fields of action and projects on our topic pages.

The Gender Equality Officers are happy to provide further information, advice and support. Please feel free to contact us!

Katja Kraft (she/her)

Central Gender Equality Office

Office hours

by arrangement

Postal address:

European University Viadrina
Equal Opportunities Department
Große Scharrnstraße 59
15230 Frankfurt (Oder)



Figures, goals and concepts

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viadrina-3 stud treppen-wiwi03

Making Viadrina gender-equitable

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Women + Careers

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Queer at the Viadrina

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Mentoring Grafik


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Our network