Figures, goals and concepts

Gender equality in figures

The Viadrina is actively committed to gender equality and has already implemented a wide range of measures and expanded structures. Based on annual data collection and analysis, the need for action has been defined for the coming years, particularly in three areas:

  • Increasing the proportion of women in professorships, especially in law and economics
  • Successful completion of PhDs and career development of women in the postdoc phase
  • Development of a consistently gender- and discrimination-sensitive university culture

A detailed analysis, objectives and measures are set out in the Diversity Orientation and Equal Opportunities Concept 2024-2028.

Data basis

Data on the development of the proportion of women in all areas and qualification levels has been collected annually at Viadrina since 2009 and analysed in a national and state-wide comparison. Selected data is presented here for 2023. They are supplemented by the target figures for 2028 formulated in the current concept for diversity orientation and equal opportunities.


Gender equality goals, concepts and plans

The concept for diversity orientation and equal opportunities adopted by the Senate in July 2024 combines fields of action and measures that are linked in terms of content and implemented in a networked manner. It is based on an intersectional approach and, as an integrated concept, includes the topics of gender equality, family friendliness, inclusion, health management and dealing with forms of discrimination on ethnic, social or other grounds for the first time.

It also represents the Gender Equality Plan (GEP) required by the European Commission and is the basis for Viadrina's application to the Female Professors Programme 2030.

You can find the concept as a PDF here.

In the Faculties, the administration and the central institutions, the equality plans set out specific goals and measures to promote equality. The current plans for the period 2022-25 can be found here:

Equal Opportunities Plan of the Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences

Equal Opportunities Plan of the Faculty of Law

Equal Opportunities Plan of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics

Equal Opportunities Plan of the Administration and Central Institutions

The Viadrina successfully participates in benchmarking processes and has thus committed itself to implementing state and nationwide standards for gender equality.

Since the creation of the first gender equality concept (2011-2013), Viadrina has participated in the research-oriented gender equality and diversity standards of the DFG.

Viadrina has been involved in the Action Plan Queer Brandenburg since 2016 and has actively supported the "Brandenburg Quality Standards: Gender-equitable, family-friendly and life-phase-orientated studying and working in higher education" since 2017.

Since 2018, Viadrina has been a member of klischeefrei - Initiative for career and study choices.


Katja Kraft (she/her)

Central Gender Equality Office

Office hours

by arrangement

European University Viadrina
Equal Opportunities Department
Große Scharrnstraße 59
15230 Frankfurt (Oder)